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Dear Jasmine,

We weren't friends at first. In fact I'm pretty sure you hated my guts! I know you thought I was annoying at first, but you learned to enjoy my annoyingness!

We first became friends when I started talking to you in gym. Even though we had some people try to make you hate me again, we were still friends.

You were always a big help to me through everything. There were dark times where all it seems like I should do was give up, but you wouldn't let me. You were always there to encourage me and tell me that no matter what you loved me. You were my only friend when I had somehow managed to piss everybody off. Even though most of the seventh grade hated me, you didn't.

We had homeroom together eighth grade and boy was that fun!!! You always made me laugh even when all I wanted to do was cry! You always made me start off the day with a smile!! You truly are the funniest person I know!

Remember all those boy problems I had? You were not much experienced on the subject of males, but somehow you always said the perfect thing. Whenever Tyler and I had our problems you were always there to calm me down and help me through it.

When Tyler and I broke up, you were there to tell me how big of a but hole e was and that he didnt deserve someone awesome like me.

You are the best friend I've had since I moved here. You have never turned your back on me and I know you never will.

Jasmine, you are one of the greatest people I know! Even though you may not see it, you are so freaking beautiful! I'm soooo jelly of your awesome hair!!!! Not only are you attractive though, you are super kind and you have a great sense of humor! No convo is a boring convo with you!

Damian is such a fool for not taking you out of the friend zone yet. He must be blind if he can't see how truly wonderful you are!!!

You literally have been here with me through everything and I hope you never leave!

I love you Jasmine!!! :)


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