Jacquie (rated PG-13 for language)

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  • Dedicated to A girl who likes everone


You are a little skank. First you date the boy I told you I liked and now you are going after Tyler. He doesn't even live here! How do you expect that to happen? Well at least he is smart enough to not date little street trash like you.

We used to be best friends. You even came to my party over the summer! What happened?

Oh ya. I remember. Your cousin came to our school and then it was bye bye Emmy! But that's not it, you got a boyfriend (well many. You've had around 50 this year) and you started ignoring me.

Why does everyone ignore me? Why does everyone replace me? Guess I'm just one of those people.

Anyways, not only are you going after my ex, you're going after my friend's crush too. I told you to stop flirting with him because it was hurting our friend (well my friend. You don't know her that well. She sits with us in the morning though). But guess what? You're slutty self still going after him.

You justify all your actions by "he's my friend too" and "I can do what I want."

You know the funny part is I'm not even surprised. One time, last year, I told you I liked Edward. The very next day y'all were dating. Surprise surprise. Don't worry though, karma got you. Turns out he liked me the whole time anyways and even planned to kiss me on New Years!!! But, because I'm a nice friend, I told him no since y'all had just broken up (he dumped you for me btw. Karmas a bitch).

And guess what? Edward and I have kissed thrice since then so HAH!

Now let's get back to the reason I started writing this letter.


I dated him for nine months, remember? I loved him for around eleven. The whole time we were dating, all you had to say was "I've had the biggest crush on Tyler since the first day of school." "When are y'all breaking up?" "Can I date him when you dump him?"

And as if that wasn't bad enough, you would even go to the lengths of pointing out reasons why he liked you and why y'all should be together.

For some stupid reason I laughed all this off and continued being your friend. Why was I friends with a total slutbag?

Now you're messaging him all the time. I asked you politely to stop because I wasn't comfortable with it and you said that "he's [your] friend too and [you] can message him if [you] want."

I then pointed out that I don't go around flirting with your exes (and trust me, there are a lot of them) and you told me to flirt all I want because you didn't care. Yet, when I even LOOKED at him one time, you yelled at me. Hmm.

Then, you had the nerve to blame everything on me because we "aren't close like we were last year." HONEY THAT ISNT MY FAULT. I tried talking to you ALL. FREAKING. YEAR. But what did I ever get in response? A quick glance and then a rolling of the eyes.

Do you know how bad you've made me feel for the past couple of months? I bet you don't think I care that we don't talk.

Let me let you in on a little secret,

It kills me inside. I feel like it's my fault. Like I'm too ugly or loserish for you. I feel like maybe the reason you stopped talking to me is because I'm too annoying (and I really am. Just ask anyone. I was making bird noise at lunch the other day xP). So don't pin us not being close all on me because I already feel bad enough already.

I don't care what you do with your life now. I'm done with you. Just done. Go sit with this week's boyfriend tomorrow because I might just smack the shit out of you if you sit near me in the mornings.

Or you could go sit with one of your exes. You know, Tyson, Cody, that Australian dude, Markus, that one guy who doesn't go here anymore, Edward, or any of the other guys who's names I don't remember because there is just too many. (You're only 14. How the hell have you had so many relationships?)

Goodbye skank. TTYN!


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