Guy In The Top Row

18 1 0
  • Dedicated to A beautiful stranger

Guy in the top row,

I don't know your name. I can't create a code name for you because I don't know you're actual name. I don't know anything about you, actually. 

I know that

1) You sit in the top row of the gym in the mornings before school

2) You wear as many bracelets as I usually do

3) You can WORK a beanie

4) You are totally and utterly adorable. 

I've never met you. I've never talked to you. I've never exchanged glances with you. I just like to admire you from three rows below when I'm turned at a certain angle where I can see you but look like I'm just looking at Jaggle (oh come on Jaggle, I know you noticed that). 

I want to know you so bad. I want to push those dirty blond bangs out of your eyes and kiss you passionately. I want to know if you are hiding something under all those bracelets and jacket sleeves when you aren't wearing bracelets. And if so, I want to kiss them. I want to kiss every single one so you will know that I care for you a lot. 

I know that I like a new guy in every letter I write, but those ones are different. They are guys who I think are cute or I just have a mild crush on (except for KC, he was the real deal). But you? You're different. You're mysterious and adorable and you have the voice of an angel. Yes, I listen to you talk to your friend up there, well, not really. I don't listen enough to hear what you're saying. I just barely listen so I can hear your sweet voice.

I'm so in like with you it's not even funny, It has gotten to the point that I look for you when I walk in the gym and if you're not there, I'll stare at the gym doors until I see you walk in. 

Do you notice me? I mean, I'm loud enough for you to notice me. And I'm always staring up at you and watching you walk up the steps. I watch you pull off your beanie and it makes me melt every single time. You make me so.. I don't even know. You make me fangirl over you. 

I like you SO much. I don't even think you know, but it wouldn't be that hard to figure out.

Are you single? Does your heart belong to another? Please don't be in love with someone else. No girl sits up there with you in the mornings and I don't see you meeting up with anyone besides your friend.

Are you gay? God, I hope not. I hope you are with me some day. 

What grade are you in? Not that it matters, but I just need to know. I never see you in the halls or after school. You aren't in 2nd lunch with us (believe me, I've looked). Are you a freshman? I kind of hope so, because then my chances with you would go up. Why settle for a lousy freshman girl when you can have a sophomore? Woah that sounds like stuck up or something. 

I just really like you. And I've never talked to you.

One day I will though. One day, I will get the courage to walk right up to your spot and ask you if you have a girlfriend. One day, I will go up to you and declare my undying like for you. 

I will. 

Because I like you so much.

Even though I don't know you. Even though I don't know your name. Even though the only thing I know about you is

You Sit In The Top Row.


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