Math Teachers Everywhere

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Dear Math Teachers Everywhere:

You are pathetic, stupid low-lifes and you should seriously consider changing your profession. Some of you are really nice outside of class (although it's rare that I have respect for you as a person), but you treat the sometimes less than intellectual individuals like they're stupid and won't amount to anything. Maybe it's not the class that I hate- maybe it's all of you out there that I simply loathe.

Despite whether or not you think so, I'm smart at other things- look at my grade in literature! Do you hear that? I. Am. Intelligent. You can't bring me down because you think that I'm not. Your lack of belief in me is sad because it doesn't really matter if I'm good in your class or not. What matters is that I believe in myself. 

Don't tear my self belief down.

Emily #2


Some people are talented artists and some are good at science. Some are amazing singers and others excell in math.

It's okay to suck at drawing and to sound like a dying cat when you sing, so why is it not okay to fail at math? 

It is. And you are not stupid for not being the best at the quadratic formula. You have so many other beautiful talents and it's okay. Maybe you just barely pass all your math classes, but I can bet a million dollars you are the best in another class. Maybe it's literature, maybe it's drama. Maybe you just kill it in rap battles. The point is, not being the best at one thing is not going to kill you. 

And it's okay to fail.


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