Rescue Team

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Third Person' POV

"Legolas Greenleaf? Well, by all means, let him in!" Elrond instructed.

"Yes, my lord. Right away." Ashterah nodded and then backed out of the room.

A few minutes later, a knock sounded on Elrond's chambers again.
"Come in!" Elrond said without looking up. he heard the door open slightly, and someone walk in. Finally, Elrond lifted his head. Standing in front of him, stood a very handsome elf. He was tall, with long blond hair, and striking blue eyes. "Legolas! Welcome, mellon nin!" Elrond greeted when his eyes were lifted. "What may I do for you?"

Legolas bowed respectfully, "Thank you, Lord Elrond! It is a pleasure to see you again. I have not come for my own gain, but to help you in any way I can."

Elrond smiled, "That is very kind of you, Legolas. We are in need of much help at the moment, so your services are gladly welcomed. Will you accompany my elves to find Aragorn? Your skills would be greatly needed."

"Of course! I will go right away." Legolas bowed again and walked out of the room. This conversation filled Elrond with hope for he knew that Legolas, son of Thranduil, king of Mirkwood, was very talented in many ways including, combat, wisdom, and tracking. If anyone could find Aragorn, it would be Legolas.

Legolas walked through the halls of Rivendell until he reached the stables. There, a company of elves prepared themselves for their journey. Legolas greeted them as they entered, and in turn they bowed respectfully back. The company swiftly prepared their horses, packs, and weapons. Then, they mounted and rode towards the entrance of Rivendell. Several elves, including Elrond went out to bid them farewell.

They rode quickly to the camp, not stopping for anything. All of the company new full well that Aragorn could already be dead, or die at any moment. Their thoughts filled with worry and they hastened their horses toward the abandoned camp.

Slowing their horses, Legolas and the elves rode into the camp where Aragorn and the other elves were taken captive. One by one, the elves dismounted and began to search for tracks that would lead them to their missing friends.

"Quickly now! We must find a sign before dusk! Otherwise it may be too late!" Legolas encouraged.

Finally, an elf yelled, "Here! I found something!" All of the elves, including Legolas, rushed over. "Look!" the elf said while pointing the ground, "A set of tracks that leads into the forest! There is a small clearing surrounded by thick trees and boulders that way! Perhaps that is where they are!"

"Excellent! Mount your horses, everyone. Head that way!" Legolas said.

When they neared the clearing, everyone climbed off their horses and tied them to trees. They looked through the thick trees into the clearing. A small fire appeared to be burning in the middle of the clearing with orcs sitting around it. They searched furiously around the camp looking for the prisoners, until Legolas spotted them.

"There! Tied to those trees! See?" Legolas guided the elves eyes until they also found them. "Okay, here's the plan. You five," he said pointing to a group of elves, "will advance from the north end of the clearing. You four," he turned and gestured to another group of elves, "will advance from the south end. The rest of you will advance from the east end with me." The west end was not approachable or an exit, because a mountain lay there. The plan was to confuse and corner the orcs.

The elves got into position, and awaited Legolas' signal. With a wave of his hand, the elves unsheathed their swords, stood up, and charged. The orcs didn't see them until they were upon them, few managed to grab their weapons, but all were quickly and easily defeated. With the last slash of his sword, Legolas stopped. Panting, he looked around. He counted the number of elves tied up. "One, two, three, four, five, six, seven," he whispered, "eight, nine..nine! That's it? So few had survived! Right away, everyone rushed to help there friends.

Legolas spotted Aragorn and ran over to him. "Aragorn! You're all right! I am so glad! Lady Arwen will be so pl..." he stopped when he saw Aragorn up close. His clothes were bloody, his hair was bloody and matted, and his skin was covered with blood and dirt. He hardly looked like himself. "Aragorn..." he spoke slowly, "mellon nin, what...what did they do to you?"

Aragorn coughed once, and then spoke, "Legolas. I am very happy to see you." he coughed again, "I truthfully didn't think that I was going to make it."

Legolas began untying his friend, "Don't worry, mellon nin. You are safe now." Aragorn nodded his head, coughed once, and then slumped over, unconscious. Legolas sighed, trying to contain his grief and pain for his friend. He called over an elf, and together they lifted Aragorn. They carried him over to a horse and set him on it. Legolas climbed on behind the unconscious man and looked around. All the other elves had followed his example and placed the wounded men with them on their horses. Slowly, as not to hurt their companions, Legolas and his search party headed back to Rivendell.

Yes! I finally wrote this chapter! I am so sorry for the late update, I could NOT figure out what to do for this chapter! But it's finally published! Yay! I hope you liked it! If it was pleasurable, them please vote, comment, and follow!!!


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