No Escape

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The Next Day
Aragorn's POV

As I woke up, a bright light blinded me. I squinted and looked around. The sun was high in the sky. I was still bound to a tree, and so were my companions. All the orcs were sleeping, accept for a few. The fire barely smoldered as leftover meat attracted flies on the ground.

I began to get a better view of where I was. If I could figure it out, maybe I would have a chance of escaping. Then, I would be able to help the other elves. Several had festering wounds that looked worse than I cared to describe. All were asleep accept for a couple that stared blankly ahead. Quiet groans filled the air.

We appeared to be near the mountains. Tall, silent, stone giants cast their shade on the small camp. The small camp rested in a clearing with trees surrounding it where the prisoners and I were held. Beyond that, I could not figure out where I was. Every time I searched my mind, it became foggy and hurt.

Giving up on figuring out my surroundings, I inspected my wounds as best as I could while being tie to a tree. This would be a good time to escape, while the orcs slept, but unfortunately, I couldn't.

My leg screamed at me every time I readjusted, and the rest of my body followed its example. My back ached. I knew that most of my wounds were going to get infected. They had been dragged through dirt, mud, and rocks. If I survived the orcs, I would not likely survive my wounds. The orcs were smart. Even if I became loose from the tree, I would not be able to run or even walk. My leg hurt too much. Even without putting my weight on it, I could tell that I would not be able to stand.

I thought back to last night. That filthy Orc had taken Arwen's necklace! If he decided to damage it, or even destroy it, Arwen would be doomed! Oh man...what was I gonna do? I couldn't escape, I couldn't even break my bonds, and I defiantly couldn't fight! Arwen, I am so sorry! If you suffer, it will be all my fault! I thought miserably.

Snapping out of my thoughts, I noticed movement over by the fire. The large Orc that had taken the necklace last night, slowly stood up. He seemed to be looking around to see who was awake. I quickly closed my eyes and relaxed. Hopefully, he wouldn't notice me. I didn't think I could handle any more of his "fun." I slowly opened my eyes slightly, to observe. He seemed to notice some movement to my right, and slowly walked over there. Oh no! Just leave him alone! I thought desperately.

I looked over to see that he was headed to one of the elves. Elrohin I think was his name. Elrohin looked up spitefully at the Orc. The orc, not intimidated by Elrohin, stared back fiercely.

Then, he spoke, "What is your name, scum?"

The elf scowled, "You cannot scare me. You are a pitiful creature."

"Oh you think I am pitiful? Well we shall see. Look over there." he pointed at me, "See your companion there? Well, he tried to defy me also, and it didn't end well for him. Does he look comfortable? Well, let me tell you, he is not." Thinking to have proved his point, the Orc stood up and began walking away.

"You are nothing but a coward!" The elf shouted, "You hurt us but only once we were tied up. We cannot defend ourselves and so what you do is cowardly! I do not fear you or death, and I never will!"

The Orc froze. Then, he turned around slowly. "Well..." he spoke dangerously, "if you have no fear of death, then how about I give it to you?"

I looked around the camp. All of the orcs had woken up and were now observing the scene, as were all the other elves. Oh Elrohin! You should have kept quiet! I silently pleaded. The Orc walked back over to Elrohin. He viciously snarled at Elrohin. Then, pulled out his sword. The wicked blade glinted in the sun as the Orc swung it around. Elrohin started struggling. Quickly, the Orc brought the blade down on Elrohin and stabbed him in the stomach! Instantly, the light began fading from his eyes as he gasped. Struggling and struggling, I tried to come to Elrohin's aid, but it was no use. Elrohin coughed once, and then relaxed. He was gone. Elrohin was dead. If I escape, I will hunt you down and destroy you. I threatened inwardly to the Orc.

"Does anyone else want to challenge me?" He asked standing up, "Cause if you do, I must warn you, this..." he said pointing at Elrohin, "will be your end." At that last sentence, all the orcs in the camp burst out laughing. I looked at the elves. The emotions on their faces were a mix of horror, disgust, and sorrow. I looked down. No! This can't be happening! Why can't this be a dream? Why can't I just wake up and be with Arwen again? I don't think I can take much more of this...this...torture. I relaxed and slowly closed my eyes.

The Orc turned around. Then, Elrohin's murderer walked away.

Please read~~~>

Another chapter done! Finally! I apologize in advance if chapters start taking forever. I am having some problems with my watt pad and with saving things. But I hope that I will get it figured out soon so that I can continue writing like normal! Thank you all for your patience! I am so thankful for all my readers! But I do just want to mention one person, I want to thank @Mister-Anonymisity for being such a support and keeping me going! Thank you for all the votes, comments and reads!


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