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The Next Day
Arwen's POV

I slowly opened the door to Aragorn's chambers and crept in. He was asleep on the large bed and it appeared as if he had been thrashing about. I wondered what could have happened after I left yesterday. The blankets were thrown about across the bed only covering half of his pale body. The linen shirt and pants that he wore were drenched in sweat, as were the sheets. His leg lay half hanging off the bed with the bandages falling off. I quickly rushed over to him and lifted his leg back onto the bed.I then rushed out of the room to summon a healer to fix the bandages on his leg. As I returned with the healer, he began to thrash about once more, groaning in pain.
I hastened over to him, "What is wrong, Aragorn? Are you all right?" He did not answer me and just continued moaning. "Please! Aragorn! Tell me what's wrong! I can only help you if you tell me where it hurts!"
I could barely make out a faint sound that came from his mouth, "Mm..my...l..leg..." he said in between moans. I looked down at his leg. The healer had removed the bandages and she stood there staring at the wound. It was festering, black and blue, with yellow puss seeping from it. I gasped. His wound hadn't healed at all! Why wasn't it healing? I looked closer. Besides the seeping puss, there was also purple goo coming from the wound! it was poison! Orc poison to be exact. When the Orc had stabbed him, there must have been poison on his blade!
"Can you heal him?" I asked the elf healer noticing that she knew it was poison too.
"I'm...not sure. I have never seen that kind of poison before. do you know it, my lady?"
"All I know is that it is from an Orc blade, or at least that is what I think." I answered her.
"I will ask my Lord Elrond if he knows what it is." She hurried out.
"Thank you, and please be quick!" I called after her. I sat down beside Aragorn as tried to calm him down.
"Shh...it's okay, Aragorn! The healer will find the cure for you! it's okay! It will be over soon!" I tried calming him down but he only grew more restless. He kept thrashing about moaning, still not opening his eyes. I took hold of his head in my hands and tried to settled him down. I gently rubbed his dark brown hair.
After what seemed like forever, he quieted down and fell back asleep. Soon after, my father opened the door and walked in. I lifted my head from watching Aragorn to him, and waited in anticipation.
"Arwen, the poison that Aragorn is infected with is a common Orc poison. we have the cure here and will be able to heal him." he spoke softly.
"But...the...the other young healer said that it was a poison that she had never seen before! she seemed truly scared and shocked!" I exclaimed.
"She was a new healer that we had just finished training. She was not truly ready for any of this. I should not have appointed her so quickly. But anyways, Aragorn will be fine once we get the antidote into his system." rushed over and hugged him. He embraced me in his warm arms, the arms that had raised me, loved me, and protected me, the arms that I never wanted to leave at that very moment.
Soon several elves entered in the room and our moment was gone, lost in the swirl of activity in the room. I backed away into the corner to watch the elves do their work. They expertly cleaned the wound and then gave Aragorn a small pink plant to eat. he had finally become conscious so they had no need to inject its contents. After he finished eating the plant, he fell into a peaceful sleep. The elves, having done their work, quietly exited the room one by one with their tools and herbs. My father followed them after giving me a fatherly kiss on the forehead.
I softly padded over to the bed once more and rested on the edge of it.
"Sleep well, my love." I whispered.

***Three Hours Later***

Aragorn slowly opened his eyes and stared at me.
"How are you feeling?" I asked him. "Do you feel any better?"
He smiled, "I feel much better thanks to you!"
"Me? I didn't save you! the healers did!" I answered slightly shocked.
"But if it weren't for you calming me down, the poison might have spread too quickly and killed me before the healers could arrive. So because of that, I am in your debt, Arwen." He grinned at me and held my hand.
I gripped his hand back and smiled too. "I thought you were going to die, I was so worried!" Tears started to fall down my cheeks.
"It's okay, Arwen. I'm fine now! He wiped the tears away with his calloused hands.
"Would you like to stand?" I asked him.
"Yes please! I feel like I have been laying in this bed forever!" He laughed. I helped him get up and slowly we began a walk down the hall.
"Is there any place in particular that you want to go, Aragorn?"
"How about the garden? Then we can sit on the bench and watched the birds."
"Okay, let's just go slow. I don't want you to get too tired. you are still recovering and it would do no good to your body if you became exhausted. We lumped along to the garden and when we finally arrived, he was panting. "Are you all right? Maybe I should take you back to your room."
"No! please. let's just sit here on this bench and rest." he pointed to a stone bench in the middle of the garden. when we reached it, I helped him sit down and rest.
After a moment of silence, I spoke, "Aragorn, I have something I want to give you." I said softly. I slowly reached up, unclasped my necklace, and handed it to him.
"Arwen...wha...what are you doing?" he looked shocked.
"I am giving you my necklace. I mean...that is...if you will accept it." I mumbled.
"But, why would you trust me with this? It controls your life!" he asked.
"Because I love you, Aragorn, and I want you to have it to protect. Please, will you protect it for me?"
He looked at me, "Of course I will! It would be an honor! I will protect this with my life!" he stated seriously. Before I knew what I was doing, I reached out and hugged him. Letting all my anger and worry and despair flow right out of me. Everything that I had been holding in for the past days came tumbling out of me in that very moment. I began sobbing. Not crying tears of pain, but of joy!
"Shh...it's okay, Arwen." he spoke gently as he rubbed my back. "I will always protect you and your necklace. never, in a million years, will I forsake you."

Hey guys!! Thank you for those who have stuck with me through all the long waits for updates! I will try to update every few days! Please press that like button and the vote button! chai!

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