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500 years later

Arwen's POV

These five hundred years have been stressful for me. I always have to be aware of where my necklace is. The necklace that protects my spirit from fading. I try to never take it off, but sometimes things happen.

I woke up and looked around. What a beautiful day! I thought to myself. As I climb out of bed, an elf maid entered.

"Good morning, Lady Arwen." The maid greeted me as she pulled out a beautiful turquoise dress trimmed in golden lace. I gracefully stepped into it and Maira (the maid) started lacing up the bodice. "When would you like to eat breakfast?"

"Soon." I replied. "I would like to take a walk in the gardens first."

"Yes, ma'm." she answered, as I started walking out of the bedroom and towards the gardens. I checked to see if my necklace was still around my neck after I had walked around for a moment, and suddenly noticed that it was not there! My necklace, it was gone! Quickly, I began searching the ground around me not bothering to be lady-like, when I bumped into something. As I looked up, I saw a man. A very tall and handsome man. He had brown hair and a very rugged complexion about him.

"I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed quickly as I regained my composure.

"It's quite alright." He assured me with a grin. "I'm Aragorn."

"It's nice to meet you! My name is Arwen, daughter of Lord Elrond. May I ask what your business is in Rivendell?" I saw that he was no elf and wondered what he could possibly be doing here.

"Oh, it is nothing much really. I like to come here to relax from the world; for I have seen many horrors recently." Just then, I remembered why I ran into him in the first place. "May I ask why you were crawling on the ground when I saw you?" Aragorn inquired with a slight smirk on his face. I explained to him and his face fell. "Is it really important to you?" He questioned, for he did not know that it kept me alive.

"Yes. Very." I answered as I started looking around for it once again.

"I will help you look for it then." He replied simply. We searched around for a while and I had almost given up hope, when he stood up and said, "Is this it?" There, in his hands was my necklace. He handed it to me and I quickly placed it around my neck.

"Thank you so much!" I exclaimed.

"Your welcome. I am pleased that I could help you." Aragorn answered with a genuine smile. "May I walk you to your room, malady?" I started walking with him in the garden, care free once again. When we reached the doors to my room he kissed my hand and silently walked away.

Okay, so the second chapter is finished. Please let me know what you think! I would love to hear it.

So...comment and vote and all that good stuff please!!!!!


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