Love is in the air

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Third person's POV

Over the next few weeks, Arwen and Aragorn spent a lot of time together. Most days he came for her in the morning and escorted her to breakfast. Then, they went a walk together in the garden and talked. After that, Aragorn would leave for a little while to tend to business with lord Elrond during lunch. Finally, he escorted Arwen to dinner and then one more walk in the garden, followed by Aragorn bringing her back to her room. Some days they had picnics together. Other days, Aragorn would take Arwen to the large library and read all day with her. Over all, Arwen realized that she was falling for the handsome ranger. Aragorn knew too, that Arwen was the one. Just being around her made him feel happy and joyous inside. Nothing could keep them apart. Or so they thought.

Arwen's POV

One particularly beautiful evening, as I was walking with Aragorn in the garden, I started thinking.

I really do love him, I thought to herself. but I'm afraid. What if he doesn't really love me. What if he just wants to know! I knew that someone could use my necklace against me. If Aragorn stole it, he would control me. Oh...I don't know what to do. I'm so confused. I...I better not let him know that I care...I can't trust anyone...I guess I will never be free of this curse.

"Arwen, did you hear me? I hear faintly.

" I was thinking." I answered sheepishly realizing that it was Aragorn.

"It's okay. I was just asking you...if...well...maybe you would allow me to court you?" He looked at me expectantly. Oh man, I knew this was coming. I...I can't say yes. Not until I'm free of this burden.

"Aragorn, I think you are a wonderful man, but my answer must be no. I'm sorry. I just don't think you are the one for me." I bit my tongue as I lied.

He looked stunned. "B-but I thought you ca-were...I mean...I thought you wanted this! You seemed to really care...I...I'm sorry. I guess I thought wrong."

"Yes, Aragorn. You were wrong. We can't be together. It just won't work." I answered trying not to cry. Aragorn walked away slowly.

"Goodnight." He said stiffly." I stared at his back as he walked away.

So...what do you think? Will she ever change her mind? Please like, comment and vote. Or whatever! I appreciate it all!


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