The Ball

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one week later
third person's POV
After Arwen had given Aragorn her necklace, the bond between them grew even stronger. As Aragorn recuperated, Arwen stayed with him. they were pretty much always together.
Soon after Aragorn was completely healed, Lord Elrond announced that there would be a feast for the safe return of all the elves who fought to protect Rivendell's borders. Finally, it was the night of the ball, and of coarse, Aragorn was escorting Arwen.
Arwen was in her room reading when a maid entered, "My lady, may I help you get ready for the ball?"
Arwen looked up from her book, "Oh...yes, please. I must have lost track of time." the maid walked past Arwen and into the bathroom with the intentions of starting a bath. Arwen placed her book down on her desk and walked into the bathroom.
"Thank you, Helayna." Arwen dismissed the maid once she was done preparing the bath.
"Your welcome, my lady. Have a nice time at the ball!" The maid walked out. Arwen undressed quickly and climbed into the warm bath. It felt very soft against her skin. She swiftly rubbed oil on her skin and in her hair to clean them. Then, she emerged herself in the water to wash it off.
Once she was done, she climbed out and wrapped a towel around her slender figure. Arwen walked out into her bedroom and to her closet. She looked through the many gowns that hung gracefully, trying to decide which one to wear.
At last, Arwen decided on a slender green gown to wear. It had tiny emeralds sewn into the bodice of the dress, and the sleeves hung loosely on her arms. She then placed her silver tiara in her head and opened the door.
There, standing in front of the door, stood Aragorn. Wearing a very handsome tunic, with gold embroidered hems, he looked like a king. He bowed respectfully at Arwen and the smiled at her. Arwen also curtsied and grinned back at Aragorn. For the first minute, no words were spoken. They just gazed into each other's eyes until finally, Aragorn broke the silence.
"You look beautiful tonight, Arwen." he said.
Arwen blushed, "Thank you. So do you! I don't look beautiful, but you do look handsome...I mean you look very nice..." she gulped.
Aragorn laughed, "Why thank you! I am very glad you approve!" he joked. "Are you ready to go?" Arwen nodded. Aragorn placed her hand on top of his and they began walking towards the ball room.
As they arrived, they looked around to see many elves there. Besides the numerous guests, the decorations were exquisite! Elegant elvish carvings covered the walls and delicate candles were place all over the room, giving it a soft moonlight feel. Besides the decorations, there was also food. A whole table filled with Elvish delicacies and fruit, wine, breads, and salad. In another corner of the room, there were elves, some standing some sitting, playing instruments, filling the grand hall with beautiful music.
Over the coarse of the night Arwen and Aragorn danced together many times. Every time another elf would come up and ask Arwen for a dance, Aragorn would say that he had already reserved that dance. So it ended up that they danced just about every dance.
After the music changed to chatting music (music that is quieter for talking) Arwen headed over to the food table to get something to eat. Aragorn had walked off for a little while to talk with Lord Elrond.
Arwen had just filled a plate with food when a handsome male elf appeared beside her.
"Good evening, my lady. How are you enjoying yourself?" He asked.
"Very well, thank you. And you?" She answered politely.
"Very well! My name is Mithelle. And your's is?" he inquired.
Arwen smiled politely, "Arwen." She turned away to her plate of food.
"Um...I was wondering if you would dance with me?" Mithelle asked.
Arwen turned and looked at Mithelle. Then, she looked around for Aragorn. He was no where to be seen. "Oh...well...sure. I would be honored." Mithelle started walking out into the newly formed dance stage (the music had started up again) with Arwen trailing behind him.
They danced for a little while before Aragorn cut in. He then proceeded to dance with Arwen the rest of the night so no one else could.
When the ball was done, Aragorn walked Arwen to her chambers. He kissed her hand goodnight, and left her standing in the entry way to her room. She silently entered, closed the door, and undressed. then she pulled on her silky night gown and climbed into bed.
She read for a little while before blowing out the candle, and laying down to go to sleep.
It had been a wonderful day. If only she knew of the storm about to change her life forever.
Bam bam BAM! woah! That was a cliffhanger! I can't wait for you guys to read the next chapter! (When I write it that is) it's gonna be a huge twist in the story!!!!! Btw, the picture at the beginning is what Arwen wore to the ball!

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