Fatal Mission

525 11 3

Aragorn's POV

When the sun had set, we stopped our horses along the path and began to set up camp. The men tied their horses to the nearby trees, as I started to light a fire. It was quite a task, for it had just rained. Everything was soaked. Finally, I was able to make a spark and I began blowing steadily on it.

Before no time, the elves and I were resting around the fire in a circle. I looked around in the darkness. Before it had become completely dark, I had seen a stream over through a clearing a little ways away. I stood up slowly and began walking towards it. Hopefully, I would be able to find the stream and use it to clean my dirty face and hands.

I kept searching and at last, I heard a splash and looked down. I was standing in it! Chuckling to myself I backed out of it and squatted down. I splashed the cool, refreshing water on my face and arms. Then, I headed back to camp.

When I had found my way back, I was astonished to see all of the elves were gone! Looking around, I searched frantically for any sign or trace of where they went. The camp was a mess, everything broken and turned over, and all of the horses were gone! I bent down close to the ground to study some of the footprints imbedded in the muddy dirt. I observed the footprints to discover that not only were there elf footprints, but also Orc footprints! Quickly, I bolted upright and looked around. I drew my sword cautiously and observed my surroundings. I knew one thing for sure, the elves were still alive. If they were dead, their bodies would be sprawled all over the camp. I sighed in relief and reached down to pick up some remains of our provisions.

Tracking them would not be difficult because it had just rained. Their footprints would be very obvious. Bending down to look at the footprints closer, my ears picked up a slight noise. I stealthily rose and looked around once again. Suddenly, several orcs burst out of the trees at full speed, heading straight for me! I braced myself for the attack and began fighting. Slashing at one orc, dodging a blade, jumping over bodies, and killing more orc scum. I held them off steadily, but they just kept coming! I knew that my strength would run out soon. There wasn't anything that I could do.

Then, looking around quickly while still killing orcs, I noticed the fire. It was still lit! I broke into a run and went for it. Pulling a smoking, red hot log out of the fire, I swung it at my enemies. Now brandishing a sword and a log on fire, I was able to gain some leverage on the oncoming orcs and for a moment, I thought I would be able to get away.

That is, until that stupid orc blade managed to get me. An Orc snuck up on me and while I was busy with other foes, and he stuck me in the leg with his blade. White brilliant pain flared from my leg instantly, and I fell to the ground.

The orcs surrounded me with their blades pointed at my head. I slowly let go of my sword and log. They smirked evilly and pulled me to my feet. I grunted in pain from my wound and fell back down. They laughed and roughly grabbed me again, hauling me up. Two disgusting orcs tied my hands in front of me, and half dragged, half carried me to a warg. It was massive with huge, sharp teeth that it was barring into fangs just for me. An Orc grunted something at the warg and it stopped growling.

The same Orc then secured a rope around the warg and tied it to my hands. I just realized what was happening as the Orcs jumped upon their wards and began to ride away, dragging me with them.

I was dragged along the ground with my hands tied to a warg as they rode back to their camp, or wherever they where taking me. Rocks cut into my back and snagged on my clothes, ripping them and my skin in the process. My leg wound kept bleeding and I knew that I would soon pass out from loss of blood. Slowly, I faded into darkness as the pain melted away.

Okay...I just have to say that this chapter was a hard one to write. I mean...man!! All this pain! I was practically in tears as I was writing it! Well, anyways, I hope you enjoyed it! Please comment, like, and follow!!!! Thank you!


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