Saying Goodbye

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Aragorn's POV

Quickly, I jumped up and rushed over to Arwen's side. As soon as she had fainted, I realized what had happened. Her necklace! It must have been destroyed! Oh! How could I have forgotten? I should have been searching for a cure! I angrily criticized myself as I picked Arwen up. Swiftly, I rushed back inside and to her room.

When I arrived, there was an elf in there making the bed. "Hurry!" I called to her, "Go quickly and fetch a healer and Lord Elrond. Tell him that his daughter needs him. He will know what I mean." The elf nodded and quickly rushed out the door after glancing at Arwen.

I gently layed Arwen down on her bed and sat down beside her. The door burst open right after, and Lord Elrond rushed in. He froze when he saw Arwen lying on the bed, motionless.

"What happened?" He slowly walked over. " she still alive?"

I nodded my head, "Yes. She is just unconscious, but I can tell that she is getting weaker." I hesitated.

He walked over to the other side of the bed and sat down in a chair beside the bed. "Aragorn, what has happened to her...?"

"Her necklace, the one that keeps her alive, it is gone." I looked down shamefully.


"Before I was captured, Arwen gave me her necklace. I had it on me when I was taken and they found it. When Legolas rescued me, he went back and looked for it, but the orc that had taken it, and the necklace itself, was gone. Arwen and I knew it would eventually happen, but she didn't want anyone to worry. She felt that it was hopeless to try so she asked me to not tell anyone."

"And you listened? That was incredibly foolish! I could have been searching for an antidote! Or something to save her! How could you keep this from me?" He yelled angrily.

"I'm sorry, my lord. I thought it was the right thing to do. I should have told you."

"Yes, you should have." He sighed, "I'm sorry, Aragorn. It is not your fault. It is no matter now. I will go begin searching for a cure. Please let me know if anything changes with her."

"Of course." I answered. Lord Elrond stood up and walked out the door, after kissing Arwen on the cheek.

During our conversation, a healer had entered. Now, Arwen was under the blankets, and I was given instructions to keep her warm. Every now and then she would shiver, so I would quickly get up and find another blanket, or pull the blanket farther up around her neck.

"Oh, Arwen. I am so sorry. this is all my fault! If only I had told your father sooner! He might've been able to find a cure, but now it might be too late." As I was speaking, I noticed something. Arwen was becoming paler! All her skin was losing its color! Gently, I grasped Arwen's hand in my own. "Arwen, I want you to know, that whatever happens, I will always be there for you. I understand that you probably can't hear me, but that doesn't matter. I should have told you this a long time ago. I love you, Arwen." Slowly, I leaned down and kissed her.

I waited for what seemed like hours, until finally, Elrond came back in. "I have found it! I have found a cure!"

I jumped out of my seat, "What is it? What do we need to do?"

He walked over to Arwen and felt her forehead. After frowning, he turned to me, "In an old book, there is a plant that has the ability to trap the life force of a person inside it! If she eats this plant, it will possibly be able to keep her alive!"

"Okay, where is the plant? Where does it grow?"

Elrond smiled, "Thankfully, it grows here! I knew of the plant, but I never knew of its abilities! I have already sent someone to find it and bring some here. They should arrive at any moment!"

Just then, the door opened again and in walked an elf holding the plant! Swiftly, Elrond took the plant from the elf's hands and brought it over to Arwen. "Okay..." He said absentmindedly as he began to tear off small pieces of the plant. Carefully, Elrond, the elf, and I managed to get several pieces down Arwen's throat. Then, we sat down beside her, and prepared to wait.

Hey mellons! I hope you liked this chapter! :) PlEaSe VoTe, CoMmEnT, oR fOlLoW if you enjoyed it!!!!!! Also, I only have a couple more chapters left in this book, but don't worry, I will be starting a new fanfic soon!:) Thank you guys so much! Oh, and I just wanted to thank you all for ONE THOUSAND FIVE HUNDRED VIEWS! You guys are awesome!


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