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The Next Day

Third Person's POV

Lord Elrond told Arwen that he invited Aragorn to dinner. After Arwen had a bath, she carefully put on a silky, lavender gown for dinner. A knock sounded on her door. When Arwen opened the door, Aragorn was standing there.

"May I escort you to dinner?"

"Of course!" Replied Arwen. She placed her hand in his arm and they began walking silently through the grand halls to dinner. At dinner, as fancy dishes were being served, they grew to know one another. Polite chit chat at first, and then as they become more interested in the conversation, the deep stuff came out. (I know, that is a really corny sentence. Sorry. I didn't really know what to do. :p)

Arwen's POV

Once the meal was over, Aragorn requested to bring me back to my room for the night. As we arrived, he stopped and asked me a question.

"So, Arwen, if I may ask, why is your necklace so important to you?" I suddenly was on guard. I should have known! He just wants to get close to me so he can know my secrets and use them against me! I thought to myself. I can't tell him, he would just use it against me. I decided to tell him part of the reason, but not all.

"Oh, well, it was my Mother's necklace before she...um...died and it is just r-really special to me." I stuttered starting to get emotional.

"I'm so sorry!" He exclaimed. "I didn't mean to pry, I was just curious. I am sorry for your loss and thank you for the pleasure of your company. Goodnight." I wasn't fooled by his answer. I thought I knew what he really wanted.

"Goodnight." I told him stiffly before walking into my room and closing the door. I listened to him walk away and then went to get ready for bed. After a couple of minutes, I climbed into bed and as soon as my head hit the feather pillow, I fell asleep. A peaceful sleep with no dreams. No dreams of my mother dying again and again as usual.

Hey y'all! I hope you liked this chapter! So sorry that it is so short! I promise they will be longer in the future!


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