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Arwen's POV

*Several hours later*

Finally, the elf that was tending to Aragorn exited the room and allowed me to go in. I crept in slowly so as not to wake him, and sat down in a chair by the bed. his wounds looked much better now, and he seemed to not be in as much pain. I sighed in relief and gently smoothed the sheets covering him. Then, I leaned back and closed my eyes.

Suddenly, something touched my hand. I opened my eyes and saw Aragorn stirring. I had fallen asleep with my hand on the bed, and now it was gently clasp in Aragorn's! I sat up, completely awake now.

"Aragorn! You're awake!" I smoothed my hair back trying to look more presentable.

He weakly grinned at me, "Yes, I am. Thank you for letting me know."

I blushed, "I...oh. I didn't mean that, I was just startled..."

"Arwen, It's okay. I was just teasing you." He lifted his hand up and brushed my cheek.

"I missed you." I looked down.

"As did I." he said, "I have missed you dearly."

"How are you feeling? Are you in any pain? Is there anything I can do for you?"

He dropped his hand, and tried to sit up. "I will be all right. I just need to rest. Thank you, Arwen, but I think I am good. Just having you here is enough."

I gently pushed him back down before he could sit up. "Aragorn, you can not sit up! You have only just woken up, and your wounds are too fresh. If you sit up, you might tear the bandages! Please, just stay lying down."

He huffed, "Okay, fine."

"Thank you."

Suddenly, he froze and his eyes became alarmed. "Arwen...I need to tell you something." he spoke slowly.

"Okay, what is it?" I focused all my attention on him.

"When I was taken prisoner, one of the orcs found your necklace and took it. Arwen, it's gone. I...I lost it. I am so sorry and now you may die. Please...please..." he trailed off.

"Aragorn, shh! It does not matter! It is just a necklace! You are more important to me! I would rather live one lifetime with you than live through all the ages alone. It is no matter." I consoled him.

"But I can not live without you!" his eyes pleaded with me to tell him that the necklace truly didn't hold my spirit in it, but that could not be said in truth. Right then, I knew what would happen. It was only a matter of time.

"Aragorn, you must promise me one thing."

"Anything." he promised.

"You must not tell anyone about my necklace. Okay?"

"Wha...why not?" he asked.

"Just...please don't."

"Okay, I won't unless you say I can." he reluctantly agreed.

A knock on the door paused our conversation. "Come in!" I answered as I sat back down in the chair. The door opened and an elf entered. I did not reckognize him and I knew by his blond hair and regal features that he must be from the Mirkwood realm.

He walked over to the other side of Aragorn's bed and spoke, "Aragorn, it is good to see that you are awake. How are you feeling, mellon nin?"

"Much better. I must thank you for saving me. You truly are a great friend."

The elf smiled and then turned to me. "You must be Arwen! I am so glad to meet you!" He bowed towards me. Just then, I remembered. He was that boy!

I stood up abruptly. "I remember you! You were that boy that played with my brothers a long time go! You, Elladon, and Elrohir decided to spy on me and my friend as we were playing in the garden! Do you remember? I caught you guys and my brothers had you as their excuse for coming!" I laughed. "Wow! That was so long ago! You are Legolas! Are you not?"

He smiled, "Yes! I remember now! Your friend's name was Evara! Oh ya...I remember having to cover for them!"

Aragorn looked from me to Legolas and then back to me, "You two know each other?" He wore a confused expression on his face.

"Yes, we met a long time ago when his father came to speak with my father." I explained to him.

"Ah. I see."

Just then, I remembered what Aragorn had told me about my necklace. Instantly, my face fell. " necklace."

Legolas stopped smiling, "What? What is it?"

Aragorn looked down. He explained everything to Legolas after looking at me to make sure it was all right. He told Legolas about what it did, and why I needed it desperately. As Aragorn spoke, Legolas looked downcast.

Finally, after Aragorn was done explaining, Legolas turned to me, "Arwen, I am incredibly sorry for you. I would like to do something for you if that is all right." He didn't wait for me to answer, but continued on, "I would like to go back to the camp where we found Aragorn, and look for your necklace."

I stood there, awestruck. "You would do that for me?"

He smiled a kind smile, "Yes, my lady. I will go right away."

"Thank you so much! I...I don't know what to say? You have indeed earned my gratitude!"

"You need not say anything." Legolas started walking towards the door. "I will leave immediately." He walked out the door after saying farewell to Aragorn and I.

Later, the healer came back in, and cleaned Aragorn's wounds. When she left, Aragorn closed his eyes and fell asleep. As he slept, I began to ponder the matter of my necklace. I hoped above all things that the necklace would still be there, but something seemed strange. I could not decipher the feeling that grew in me, only hope for things to work out.

Legolas returned after a couple of hours and entered Aragorn's room quickly. He stood there for a moment catching his breathe. Aragorn had woken up, and now we both waited for Legolas' news.

Finally, he spoke, "I could not find it."

My hopeful spirit instantly fell, "What?"

"I searched all over the camp but it was not there. The description that you gave me of the orc who took it showed me that even the orc was missing! I could find neither the necklace or the orc. I am truly sorry. I have failed." He looked down.

I walked over to Legolas and placed my hand in his shoulder, "Legolas. Thank you for trying."

"You did your best, mellon nin." Aragorn encouraged.

Instantly, I realized what the events meant. My necklace was gone. Which meant that soon, I would be gone too. It was just a matter of time.

So...what did you guys think? Did you like it? I love hearing feedback from you guys! It truly makes my day!:) Also, for those of you guys that have read my Little Legolas Stories, I had a little crossover or reference from it...(;


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