The Decision

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Two Days Since the Attack

Arwen's POV

I was sitting on the edge of Aragorn's bed watching him sleep peacefully when an elf healer entered. I quickly stood up and backed away from the bed, allowing the elf to do its job.

"I will only be a moment, my lady. I just need to change the bandages on his wound." spoke the elf.

"That's quite all right, take all the time you need." I answered. The healer walked over to the bed and pulled away the sheets and blankets away from Aragorn's still body. She expertly removed the bandage from his leg and began wiping it with a cloth.

"Would you please hand me that bottle of herbs over there?" she pointed. I grabbed the bottle and handed it to her before settling in the corner of the room to watch her work.

She added herbs from the bottle that I handed her and placed them on the wound. The wound did not seem to be getting better, after several days of cleaning it and adding herbs to it, I had hoped it would quickly heal. It was still bleeding quite frequently and every once and a while I noticed a black spot on it. Aragorn had still not woken up. He remained in a coma except for yesterday when he had stirred. I had spoken to him, hoping to coax him to wake up but after a moment he had gone back into the coma.

The elf healer stood up revealing a clean cloth that she had placed across the wound. She walked up to me and bowed before heading out the door. I slowly stood up and walked over to the bed. Gently I laid the sheets and blankets once again on his still body, and sat on the bed. I picked up his hand and began stroking it. Softly I started singing a song.

Gently when the wind blows,

I will watch for you.

As the dark moon calls,

Thou shall never be lost.

Winter air and summer sun,

The trees will guide your way.

When the day has come at last,

We will be together.

Never gone when said and done,

Hopes and dreams will guide you.

Hopes and dreams will guide you.

As the song ended, I realized something. If Aragorn died, I would never get the chance to tell him how I feel. I would never be able to say "I love you." to him. I thought to myself. Oh, why does life have to be so complicated? I want to trust him, but what if he is not who I think he is? He seems like he is the one, but what if he isn't? Finally, I came to a decision. First, when I had met him he helped me find me necklace which I had lost. Then, he fought alongside my father fighting orcs, and he became wounded helping my kin. How could a man who does so much to help others be evil? He must have good intentions.

I finally decided to let him have a chance. I realized that for me to fall in love, I need to open up my heart. Even if it gets broken, it is better than never knowing love. Just then, I noticed Aragorn start to stir. he slowly opened his eyes and looked up at me.

"Aragorn! You're awake! I thought you were going to die! Oh...I'm so happy you are okay! Here, let me help you sit up." I said as I realized I had started rambling. I gently helped him sit up and placed an extra pillow behind his back.

" you, Arwen." he groaned.

"How are you feeling?" I asked him quietly.

" I was stabbed in the leg with a blade." he chuckled softly before groaning again. I gently handed him a glass of water and he slowly sipped from it.

I looked him in the eyes, "Aragorn, I need to tell you something."

"Alright...go ahead." he answered.

"I need you to know how I feel about you. I'm sorry that I rejected you, Aragorn. I didn't mean it. I that you didn't care for me. I thought you just wanted to hurt me. I'm sorry. I really am! I...I...just...wasn't ready to let anyone in yet, but now I am."

"Arwen, I would never try to hurt you! You mean so much to me! I am so sorry if I had hurt you in any way! Please forgive me if I did." He gently grabbed my hand in his and stroked it. " you." he whispered.

"I...I love you too, Aragorn!" I softly placed his head in my hands and kissed his forehead. "Thank you, Aragorn, for helping me open up to love. And thank you for never giving up on me!" He just smiled at me. "I have a secret that I want you to know."

"Okay...what is it?" he asked somewhat cautiously.

" kind of lied to you when I told you that this necklace that I have is just important to me because it was my mother's. That is not the only reason. The main reason is that this necklace is the only reason why I am still alive.

"what...I don't understand." He interrupted.

"Please. Just let me finish." I replied. "My mother died giving birth to me. I was a very weak child and had hardly lived for a moment before my life force began fading from me. My father had quickly called Lady Galadriel to come and she had crafted a necklace with magic that would hold my life force in it so I could live. If this necklace," I hold up my necklace that I had lost and he had helped me find, for him to see, "is destroyed, I will die. My life force will drain out of it. So that is why I was afraid when I had lost it; and that is why I was also afraid to let you in. I didn't want you to find out my secret so you could use it against me. I'm sorry for lying to you, Aragorn, and for shutting you out."

"Arwen...I...don't know what to say. That is terrible! I am so sorry for you and for your loss! It must have been horrible for you to grow up never knowing your mother! And your necklace; that is such a burden to carry! I can't believe that you have lived with that your whole life! You are such a strong woman!" I blushed. No one had ever called me strong before. I have had many names but strong has never been one of them.

"Thank you, Aragorn, but now you must rest! You need to rest so you can heal quickly! Now, sleep!" I commanded him.

"Yes ma'm!" he answered with a smile. I let go of his hand, stood up, and walked to the door. "Please don't leave for long, Arwen." he said.

"I won't, Aragorn. I will be back soon!" And with that, I left him to rest, gently closing the door behind me.

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