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Third Person's POV

Over the next few days, all matters of Arwen's necklace were forgotten. Everyone's thoughts were turned to Aragorn as he strived to heal. Several of his wounds had become infected, so healing had become much harder. Elves worked extremely hard to rid the wounds of infection and poison. Aragorn drifted in and out of consciousness every day as Arwen stayed by his side. Legolas had traveled back to Mirkwood soon after and now the only ones that visited Aragorn were the healers, Arwen, and her father, Lord Elrond.

Aragorn slowly opened his eyes. "Arwen?" he weakly said.

Arwen leaned over his bed, "I'm here, Aragorn. What do you need?"

"Could you please call the healer? My leg needs more herbs."

"Okay. I will be right back." Arwen stood up and left to find a healer.

When she got back, her and the healer quickly entered. "Let me check your wounds." the healer walked over to the bed. She pulled back the blankets and unwrapped the bandages on his leg. "Hmm...I think it needs to be cleaned again, but it is looking much better. Is it causing you pain?"

"Not...much..." Aragorn groaned. "But it is a little sore."

"I see." the healer began cleaning his wounds again.

When she was done, she replaced his bandages and left.

*The Next Week*

"Are you feeling any better today, Aragorn?" Arwen asked him when he woke up.

He smiled, "Much better. Thank you. Would...um...you maybe want to go into the garden with me and have a picnic?"

"Of course! I would love to! Are you sure you are feeling up to it?"

"Yes, Arwen. If you help me I think I can manage." Aragorn smiled a goofy grin. Slowly, Arwen helped Aragorn sit up and then stand. They walked to the garden with Aragorn leaning on Arwen. She grinned inwardly at his closeness.

After they made it to the garden, Arwen went back inside to pack a lunch. They ate together in the sun, as a cool breeze blew around. The sun shone brightly as they laughed and talked.

"So...Arwen, what is your favorite color?"

"Hmm...let me think. My favorite color is green. The color of grass when it first sprouts in the spring, and the color of tiny buds on flowers."

"That is beautiful..." Aragorn said dreamily.

"What is yours?" Arwen asked.

"My favorite color is blue. Sky blue." They smiled at each other.

"I am glad that you are healing, Aragorn." Arwen reached for his hand and gently held it. "I just want to let you know..." Just then, a strange feeling overcame Arwen. She gasped.

"Arwen? What...what's wrong?" Aragorn asked.

"It...its happened." Suddenly, Arwen's world went black. She closed her eyes and fell unconscious.

That's it for this chapter! HAHAHAHA! BWAAAHAHAHA! I hope you enjoyed that little cliffhanger! *evil grin* Anyhew...please vote, comment, and FOLLOW if you liked it! Oh, and don't worry, I will post another chapter soon!:)


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