No Hope

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Arwen's POV

It had been two weeks since I saw Aragorn. Five days since the search party left. Too many days filled with worry. Too many days filled with pain. I couldn't lose him. In my heart, I knew that without him I would never be complete. He was my other half. He was my love.

As I waited for the search party to return, I wandered the halls of my father, of Rivendell. Great carven marble glistened in the slowly fading sun. It was almost dark and the last rays of sunlight slowly faded away. I walked through the halls quietly, wishing for nothing other than Aragorn to return.

Before I realized it, I stood before the doors to my father's study. I knocked gently waiting for an answer.

"Come in." came a tired reply. I softly crept in. My father was sitting at his desk leaning over a stack of papers. He looked exhausted. The bags under his eyes told me that he had not had sleep for quite some time.

Ada looked up, "Hello, Arwen."

I smiled a weary smile and sat down next to him. "Ada...I...I don't think that I can wait much longer. My heart is filled with grief. Oh...I wish I could do something."

"My dear...right now all you can do is wait. Don't lose hope. You are very precious to him, I can tell, and I'm sure he won't stop fighting to get back to you. He will come back yet." I considered his words. Aragorn knew that I cared for him, I gave him my Evenstar. I must believe that he will return. My thoughts drifted away from my necklace and I was consumed with only one thought. Aragorn.

Suddenly, one of the guards rushed into the room. "I'm sorry, my lord...but I have news!" The guard was alight with joy. He seemed ecstatic.

"What news?" I urgently questioned.

"The search party has returned, my lady! They have brought all of our lost elves and Lord Aragorn with them! They are all safe. " he said breathlessly.

My heart leapt for joy. They had found him! Aragorn was safe! my father stood up, "Thank you for this encouraging news! Please...tell you know where Aragorn is? My daughter would much like to see him." I nodded eagerly in agreement.

"He has been taken to the healing wing, my lord. They are caring for him there." the guard bowed again and left. As soon as he was gone, I hopped up and started running to the room. I had to see him.

Upon arriving, I entered the room. As the door shut, my eyes landed on Aragorn. He was lying on the bed. I cared not to describe what he looked like, for I nearly vomited. But without a second thought, I hastened over to his side. He appeared to be unconscious.

"He is unconcious, my lady." a voice said.

I looked up. One of the healers, Falenie was her name, stood there on the other side of the bed. "Oh, yes. Um...what...what is wrong with him?" I looked back at Aragorn who was still in the clothes that I last saw him in, although I could barely recognize them. They were extremely ripped and bloody and dirty and...and...I started to sob. Aragorn, my love, hold on. "Please come back to me." I whispered.

Falenie looked nervous, "Well...I'm not really sure, my lady..."

"Falenie, please...I can handle it. Tell me all you know. I must know!" I gently brushed some hair out of his face.

"All right...well...he has infected cuts and scratches covering his back, he has a very deep stab wound in his leg, his stomach is covered in bruises, and he has lost a lot of blood."

"Is that it?" My stomach threatened to erupt.

"That is all that I have discovered so far, lady Arwen. I still need to do a lot."

"May I stay here while you tend to him?"

"Yes, of course." Falenie brought some healing medicines and herbs over to a table beside the bed. Carefully, she flipped him over till he was lying on his stomach. Expertly, she peeled of his shirt until it became stuck to his back. The dried blood had glued the shirt to his back! Falenie quickly grabbed a damp rag and moistened his back until the shirt came loose. Then, she stopped for a moment to observe the wound. It was disgusting. I can't say much more than that, because it was too horrid. Although it was putrid, Falenie didn't hesitate as he began washing it.

After a while, the wound was semi clean. She began grinding herbs and mixing up a concoction to help Aragorn. Spreading it all over his back, she made sure to cover every bit of skin. As she did this, Aragorn's unconscious face contorted into one of pain. I quickly tried to calm him down with my words and soft touch. He grimaced and grunted incoherently. After a couple a minutes, he relaxed once again. I breathed a sigh of relief.

Next, Falenie began working in his leg. She flipped him back over, after wrapping a bandage around his back and chest. She started to roll up his pant leg, then she spoke, "My lady, I must ask you to leave. This is much worse than I had guessed. I do not wish for you to see it. Please, lady Arwen, go wait out in the hallway. I will call for you when I'm done."

"But...but I need to stay here to comfort him! He needs me! I can't leave!" Tears started streaming down my cheeks.

"Please, my lady!" Falenie pleaded with me, "Please leave! I will call you as soon as I am done! I promise!"

"I...I...okay, Falenie. I will leave. But please, tell me the moment that you are finished."

"I will, my lady. I promise." she exhaled as I stood up and walked to the door. Tearfully, I snuck one last glance at Aragorn and slipped out the door.

In the hallway, I slumped down against the wall, determined to wait as long as was needed. I know that the chapter is kind of deceiving, but I hope you enjoyed it! I actually wrote this chapter while listening to The Hobbit and The Lord of the Rings music! It really psyched me up! Haha! I love the Hobbit BotFA album! It's the BEST! Anyways, have a wonderful day! Please vote, comment, and follow!:) Thank you!


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