Orc Attack

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third person's POV

the next day

During breakfast as Lord Elrond, Aragorn, and Arwen were eating, an awkward silence hung in the air. Arwen would not speak to Aragorn or look at him. She was unhappy with how their conversation had ended last night. Aragorn, too was sad. He thought it was true love. He had been foolish to think that she would ever love him. Lord Elrond desperately tried to start a conversation but it was in vain. Every time he asked one of them something, the conversation would end there.

"So...what are you two planning to do today?" Lord Elrond asked.

"I think I will read in the library by myself today, Father" Arwen answered stressing the word "myself". Lord Elrond raised his eyebrows at his daughter. He had figured out that something was going on between Arwen and Aragorn but he didn't know what. Aragorn just picked at his food, unsure of what to do.

Suddenly, a guard rushed in. "My, Lord." He addressed Lord Elrond. "There is an Orc pack trying to penetrate our borders. We are in need of reinforcements." Lord Elrond rose from his chair quickly.

"I will go. Gather more elves quickly."

"As will I" Aragorn stood also.

"Aragorn, there is no need. You are our guest." Lord Elrond answered.

"Nevertheless, I will go. I wish to help if you may permit me, my lord." Aragorn requested, bowing.

"Alright. I see that your mind is made up anyway. If it pleases you, you may join me in fighting."

"Thank you, my Lord" Aragorn answered. They rushed out of the dining room leaving Arwen alone with her untouched plate of food. Aragorn and Elrond arrived at the armory quickly placing on their battle armor and weapons. Then they jumped upon horses and rode off to the elven borders.

When they arrived at the borders it was a mess. Bodies where everywhere. Many orcs and elves alike, though there appeared to be more dead orcs than elves, much to the relief of Lord Elrond. Swiftly, Aragorn and Elrond joined the fight matching the pace of the orcs. They stabbed orc after orc helping each other out whenever help was needed. As Aragorn was fighting, he noticed a wounded elf lying on the blood stained grass. The elf was about to be stabbed by an orc! Quickly, Aragorn rushed to the orc and stabbed him from behind. A sickening sound escaped the orc's lips as he fell to the ground, Aragorn's blade still protruding from his back. Before Aragorn could pull his sword from the orc's back, one of the dead orc's disgusting comrades rushed over and swung his rusty blade at Aragorn. He saw it just in time and managed to dodge the blade. The orc swung again and this time he hit Aragorn in the leg! Aragorn cried out in pain as the orc thrust the blade deeper into his leg all the while with a wicked grin on his face! He pulled the blade out of Aragorn's leg leaving a terrible wound. Aragorn gasped looked up to see the orc bringing the blade down on his head. Right as he was about to be stabbed in the heart, the orc heard one of his commanders telling him something in a strange language. Aragorn realized too late that the orc was speaking elvish and that his wound must have been affecting him as he slowly faded from reality and into darkness. Everything went black. The orc grinned evilly and hit Aragorn on the head with the hilt of his sword to make sure he was unconscious before continuing in the battle.

some time later, maybe about 20 minutes

Lord Elrond watched the whole scene play out before him. Finally, the orcs that were left began to retreat. He started looking for survivors. After a short and depressing walk through the battle field, he noticed that Aragorn was missing. Elrond asked the elves if they had seen him and one of them stepped up and gravely stated.

"My Lord, Aragorn is over by the other wounded elves. He has been badly injured and is unconscious." Lord Elrond's heart sank.

"Could you tell if he was alive?" Elrond asked quietly.

"I could not tell, my Lord, but he did have a terrible wound in his leg." The guard answered. As they all rode back to Rivendell, lord Elrond hoped and hoped that Aragorn would not die. He knew that his daughter would never recover if he died. She loved him greatly. He could tell.

When they returned, Lady Arwen rushed out to meet them. When she noticed that Aragorn was unconscious, she asked.

"What has happened to Lord Aragorn?"

"He has been severely wounded." Lord Elrond answered sadly. Arwen opened her mouth to speak but instead just turned and rushed away. She realized she should have tried to get to know him better. Maybe he wasn't evil like I thought he was. Maybe he truly loved me. And now he may die. She thought to herself as she sat by Aragorn on his bed as the healers tended to his wounds. A hopeless feeling settled over the house of Lord Elrond that night.

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