Please don't let me back go back to my Dad

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<few hours later>
[In hospital waiting room]
(Third person P. O. V)
Ant was waiting nervously in the hospital waiting room for news on Neil. During that time, he'd already called Annie Marie about what's happened and she was fine with it and wanted to keep informed which Ant reassured her that he will.
Just then, a male doctor came in and kindly asked.
"Hello, are you Mr McPartlin?"
"Yes, yes, I am. Is Neil ok? How bad is he?" Ant worriedly replied.
"Well I have some good news and some bad news I'm afraid. Shall we sit down?" The Doctor offered.
Ant began to worry as he and the doctor both sat down on the chairs.
"The good news is that you found him in time. He doesn't have severe hyperthermia just a minor touch of it and a chest cough which will clear within a few days. But the bad news is, he has bruised ribs, swollen black eye and cuts and bruises on his legs and arms. The more worrying injuries we found was on his back and his wrists." The Doctor kindly explained.
"What do you mean by 'worrying injuries' on his wrists and back? What kind of injuries?" Ant worriedly asked.
"On his back, we found deep lashes which we think could've been made by a belt given the shape of the lashes. As for his wrists, he had rope marks which were infected and we believe that they were probably caused from being restraint by ropes. Another thing that concerned us, for a 14 year old boy, Neil is very malnourished and dehydrated." The doctor informed.
Ant started to get more worried after hearing what the doctor was saying about Neil's other injuries and being malnourished and dehydrated.
"Do you know what caused all this?" Ant dreadfully asked.
"I was hoping that since you know the boy quite well. Can you get him to tell you how he got these injuries and how he ended in the state he's currently in?" The Doctor kindly asked.
Ant agreed. The doctor then took Ant to Neil's room.
[in Neil's room]
(Ant's P. O. V)
Once I came into Neil's room, I saw that he was sleeping so I decided I let him sleep for a bit longer. But what upset me was seen the state he was in. He was very skinny and pale as the bed sheets, had bandages around his wrists, his eye looked so swollen and black and had small cuts and bruises all over his arms.
As I sat down on the visitors chair, I remained silent so Neil could sleep. Just then, Neil woke up and started to cough violently then went into a full fit. I got up, patted his back and gently said.
"Take it easy Neil. Just take it easy."
After the fit was over, I poured some water in a cup and gave to it Neil for his throat. Once he took a few sips, he handed the cup back to me and I putted it back on the side.
"Thank you Mr McPartlin." Neil thanked raspy voice.
"It's ok kidda." I gently replied.
I sat on the side of the bed, as Neil leaned back on the pillows. I then very gently and slowly asked.
"Neil, I don't to upset you but the doctor wants to know how you got your injuries?"
Soon as I asked that, Neil brought his legs up to his chest and started to have tears forming in his eyes.
"Hey, it's ok Neil. You can tell me, no one going to hurt you here. If you want, I can get the nurses to call your parents." I began saying.
"No Mr McPartlin, please don't do that. I don't want my Dad here." Neil pleadingly begged me.
I was shocked when I hear that. Neil began crying after he finished. I then gently brought his hands away from his face, looked at him in the eyes and gently asked.
"Neil, did your Dad do this to you?"
Neil only nodded his head and didn't say a word as he began crying. Seen him in this state broke me so I very gently lifted Neil, placed him on my lap and began rocking him whilst he was crying into my chest. Once he calmed down, he, in a quiet voice, said.
"Sorry about getting your shirt wet Mr McPartlin."
"It's ok Kidda, I don't mind being your tissue." I humourlessly whispered.
Neil chuckled a bit when I said that and snuggled up more into my chest.
"Neil, I don't want to upset you more than you already are and you don't have to tell me if you don't want to.", I slowly started saying, "why did your father do this to you?"
Neil took a deep breathe and slowly said.
"I don't know, he just does it to me. He's been doing this to me ever since my mum died."
"Since your Mam died. How long ago did she die?" I gently asked.
"A month ago, she got ran over by a speedy driver and that was when my Dad changed. He became depressed, started to become very angry and took it out on me. It started off with bruises on my arms which was easy to hide from my teachers and friends at school since I wore long sleeve shirts but it got worse after that." Neil quietly began explaining.
"How much worse did it get Neil?" I quietly asked.
"Very worse. Haydn and his parents started to worry about me and told social services. Dad thought I told them and that was when he started to use his belt on me as punishment and broke my phone so I couldn't tell Haydn or anyone else. He then packed all our stuff and took us to a house that was left to him by an family member before social services could do anything and that was when the beatings got more worse." Neil sobbed.
Before I could say anything, Neil carried on saying.
"The first time I ran away, he found me and took me back to the house. That how I got these marks on my wrists. He tied me to a bed and left me there for 6 days. I tried to break free but ended up hurting my wrists and when my Dad found out, he punished me again by beating me in the ribs and punched me in my eye. Yesterday, I couldn't take it anymore so after I broke free from the ropes, I packed all of the things I took from our old house including my broken phone and pocket money and ran out of the house."
After he was finished. Neil began crying again and hid his face in my chest again. As for me, I was nearly in tears myself. My heart was literally breaking for Neil. I then started to rock Neil again and rubbed his back.
"It's alright Neil. You let it out son." I gently whispered.
After comforting him, Neil fell asleep as all his crying tired him out. So not wanting to wake him up, I laid on the side of the bed and let Neil cuddle up to me whilst I kept rubbing his back while he was sleeping.

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