You have our support

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<few seconds later>
(Third person P. O. V)
While the boys were upstairs playing, Haydn's parents, Ant and Anne Marie were in the kitchen and sat around the table.
<current time>
[In the kitchen]
(Third person P. O. V)
As the four adults sat around the kitchen table, it was then Mrs Reid kindly said.
"Thank Mr McPartlin and Miss Corbett for inviting Haydn and us over to your house. We really do hope we can help you both on arresting Neil's father."
"Thanks Mrs Reid and there's no need to thank us." Anne Marie politely said.
"So what is it you both want to know?" Mr Reid kindly asked.
It was then Ant said.
"Basically, we both just want to hear your side of Neil's abuse. Neil mentioned that you both were the ones who rang social services when you got very worried about him."
"That's right, we did ring social services. We've been concerned about Neil's welfare ever since his mother died." Mr Reid kindly admitted.
"So when did you both start getting worried about Neil?" Anne Marie concernedly asked.
"Long before his mother died. You see, before Neil's mother died, she and Neil's father used to row a lot. Neil's father never used to be at home since he'd always work a lot so it was just Neil and his mother. The two of them were very close with each other and I was very good friends with her." Mrs Reid started explaining.
"Neil's parents been having trouble before Neil's mother died." Ant pointed out.
"Yes they did Mr McPartlin. With the ways things were in the house, it was affecting Neil badly. When Neil's mother died, Neil's father took it badly but that was when us and Haydn started to see the changes in Neil. We saw that he was starting to lose weight, becoming very quiet, turning up late for school and not going to the youth club where both he and Haydn went together. So being concerning parents as we were, we went to see Neil's father to if things were ok at home but as soon as we got there, we wished hadn't gone." Mrs Reid finished explaining.
Ant and Anne Marie started to become more concerned when Mrs Reid said that. Ant then asked.
"What happened Mrs Reid?"
It was then Mr Reid started explaining.
"The man was very rude to us after we mentioned about how concerned we were for Neil. He shouted at us, told us that we were interfering and we should mind our own business. I didn't like the way he was talking to us so I talked back at him, saying if he wasn't to careful, we'll report him to social services and that was when he had enough and slammed the door on us. We both decided that he wasn't suitable to be looking after Neil and reported to social services but when they went to the house, that was when they told us that they were gone. We've been worried about Neil ever since."
After Mr Reid was finished explaining, he and Mrs Reid bowed their heads in shame. Ant and Anne Marie felt bad but before they could say anything, Mrs Reid sadly asked.
"Mr McPartlin, did Neil's father do that to him? Did he give him that black eye?"
"Yes, Mrs Reid. He did give him the black eye and a few more injuries as well." Ant sorrowfully replied.
"Oh my gosh, that poor boy." Mrs Reid sadly whispered.
Anne Marie then got up and started to make a cup of tea for all 4 of them. After making the tea, Anne Marie then handed out the cups. Once she handed out the cups, she sat back down next to Ant and it was then Mr Reid kindly asked.
"Mr McPartlin, you said on the phone that you and Miss Corbett are planning on adopting Neil. Do you need any extra support with that?"
"Yes we do." Ant quickly replied.
Mr Reid and Mrs Reid looked at each then looked at Ant and Anne Marie with smile on each of their faces. Mrs Reid happily said.
"You've both got our support."
"If you both need representatives for this adoption, we'll be happy to represent you both." Mr Reid supportively said.
Ant and Anne Marie were both very happy when they heard that. Ant gratefully said.
"Thanks to the both of you, we appreciate that very much."
"No problem at all, we better get going now. Let you both have some fun with the boys." Mrs Reid then said whilst getting up.
"Yeah of course, don't let us keep you both." Anne Marie politely said.
Soon as they were all on their feet, they all headed to the hallway.
[In the hallway]
When they were by the front door, Ant called the boys.
"Boys, can you both come down please?"
After calling the boys, both Neil and Haydn came downstairs. Haydn hugged his parents and said goodbye to them.
"What time shall we pick him up tomorrow?" Mr Reid then asked.
"How does 6:00pm sound to you both?" Ant suggested.
"Sounds good Mr McPartlin. Haydn, you be a good boy for Mr McPartlin and Miss Corbett. Ok?" Mr Reid seriously but kindly said to Haydn.
"Yes Dad." Haydn moaned.
Me Reid then ruffled Haydn's hair which annoyed him but made Neil, Anne Marie and Ant laugh.
"See you both tomorrow. Bye." Both Mr and Mrs Reid said.
"Goodbye, see you tomorrow." Ant and Anne Marie replied.
Once Haydn's parents left, Ant turned to the boys and happily asked.
"Well boys, how about the three of us take the dogs out for a walk whilst Amzie tidy up the house?"
"Ok." Both Neil and Haydn eagerly replied.
So once Ant got the leads on the dogs and Neil got his shoes and new coat on, the three of them then left the house and went for walk with the dogs.

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