Are Neil and Ant ok?

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<2 hours later>
[In the hospital]
(Third person P. O. V)
Soon as they arrived at the hospital, Ant and Neil were both rushed into A and E. Dec, Ali and Isla were taken into the relatives waiting room by a nurse and had to wait on news on both Ant and Neil.
<current time>
[In the waiting room]
(Third person P. O. V)
Dec and Ali were waiting anxiously whilst Isla was playing with the toys within the waiting room. Just then, both Christine and Anne came in and gave both Dec and Ali a hug each.
"Sorry we're late, the taxi took too long." Anne apologised.
"It's ok Mam." Dec quietly understood whilst hugging Anne.
"What happened? How's Anthony and Neil?" Christine worriedly asked.
"We don't know," Ali honestly answered, "We haven't heard anything since we got here."
"So what happened to them? I was told Neil got hit by a car and Anthony got beaten up." Christine then asked.
Both Dec and Ali sighed. They were dreading to tell Christine and Annie about what happened to Ant and Neil but they knew they had to. So once they all sat down, Dec began telling Christine and Anne about what happened to Ant and Neil at the park. After he was finished, both Annie and Christine were speechless.
"Oh my gosh, poor Neil. He must have been terrified." Annie gasped.
"Where's that man now? Please tell me he's been arrested after what he did." Christine demanded in a worried way.
"Don't worry Christine, he has. Two members of public held him down in the park before the police and ambulances arrived." Ali gently reassured.
"Thanks heavens for that." Christine said in relief.
Just then, a female doctor came in and politely started asking.
"Excuse me, are you all here for Ant McPartlin and Neil Overend?"
"Yes we are." Ali confirmed.
"How are they? Can we see them?" Christine worriedly asked.
"I'm afraid Mr McPartlin is in surgery a the minute. He's sustained a ruptured spleen and hemothorax along with a couple of rib fractures and minor lacerations to his face." The doctor kindly started explaining.
"What about Neil? Is he ok?" Dec worriedly asked.
"He is a very lucky boy Mr Donnelly. He's only sustained a broken left arm, concussion, minor head lactation which did require stitches and a few broken ribs which caused him to have a pneumothorax but we've inserted a chest drain in him." The doctor finished explaining.
Dec, Ali, Anne and Christine all gave out a sigh out of relief. It was then Christine asked.
"Can we see him?"
"You all can but I should tell you, we've sedated Neil. When he went hysterical when he came round and wouldn't let us help him. So he's going to be sleeping for a while." The Doctor then informed.
The five of them understood. The doctor then kindly lead them to see Neil.
<few seconds later>
[Inside Neil's room]
(Third person P. O. V)
When they were inside the room, they were speechless and heartbroken after seeing the state of Neil.
Neil was flat out sleeping on the bed. He had a dressing where his head laceration was, a white cast on his arm and a tube in his chest which was connected to the drain.
"The poor lad." Anne whispered
"How long are you keeping him in for?" Dec quietly asked.
"At least a few days, since his body was still healing from the previous injuries, he needs complete rest and time to heal." The doctor quietly replied.
"Oh poor Neil." Ali sadly whispered whilst holding Isla.
"If you all excuse me, I'll go and find out how Mr McPartlin is." The doctor then said.
"Of course doctor." They all replied.
Once the doctor left. Christine went over to the bed and started running her fingers through Neil's hair.
"Poor boy, he must've been so frightened to see that excuse of a father beat up Anthony." Christine gently said.
Anne went over to join Christine and sighed whilst stroking Neil's good hand. Dec and Ali, however, went to the other side of the bed and looked at Neil's sleeping face.
"Poor Neil." Ali whispered.
Just then, the doctor came back in and kindly said.
"I've just got some news. Mr McPartlin's surgery went well and is now in I. C. U but I'm afraid he's on a ventilator."
"How long will he be on it?" Christine concernedly asked.
"Till we know he's well enough to breathe on his own Mrs McPartlin." The doctor answered.
"Can we see him?" Dec eagerly asked.
"You can but only two of you if you don't mind." The doctor insisted.
"Dec, why don't you and Christine go? Your mother and I can stay here and watch over Neil." Ali suggested.
"Alright then." Dec agreed.
Dec and Christine then went with the doctor and she kindly took them to Ant's room.
[In Ant's room]
(Third person P. O. V)
When Dec and Christine came into the room, they were unhappy on the state Ant was in. Ant had cuts all over his face, had IV lines in his one arm, a blood going in his other arm, pale as the bed sheets and had chest drain in him as well.
"Oh Anthony." Christine whispered as she went over to the bed.
Soon as Dec joined her, he was speechless. Christine then ran her fingers through Ant's hair whilst Dec gave his hand a gentle squeeze.
"It's no wonder why Neil was so afraid of that man. He's a manic." Dec quietly pointed out.
"What I want to know is, how on earth did he get up here in the first place?" Christine rhetorically asked herself.
"Maybe the police will drag it out of him. I'm just glad that he's back where he belongs and I really do hope that he's going to get what's coming to him when he goes to court." Dec then said.
"I hope so too Dec." Christine agreed.
Christine then placed a kiss on Ant's forehead and gently whispered.
"Anthony, it's me and Dec sweetheart. We both just want you to know that Neil is safe and his father been arrested."
Christine then moved aside so Dec can get close to Ant.
"Hey mate, I'm sorry I couldn't get to you and Neil quick enough. You just take your time, Ok? We'll be here when you come around." Dec quietly but lovingly whispered whilst giving Ant a squeeze on his hand.
Christine then placed her hand on Dec's shoulders and gently said.
"Come on Dec, let's head home."
"Ok but I'm coming back here. Neil's going to need to see a familiar face when he comes around." Dec then said.
"I'll pack a bag with his things for you." Christine kindly offered.
"Thanks Christine, I think Neil will be happy with that." Dec gratefully said.
After Dec said that, he and Christine quietly left the room.
[outside the room]
(Third person P. O. V)
After they left the room, Dec and Christine then met up with Anne, Ali and Isla and all headed home. But were all glad that Neil's father was finally caught.

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