Boys celebration night

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<early afternoon>
(Third person P. O. V)
After picking up Haydn from his house, the four of them went to a nearby park to walk the dogs and had a nice catch up with each other.
[In the park]
(Third person P. O. V)
After having a walk with the dogs, Ant and Dec sat on a nearby bench whilst Neil and Haydn were playing with Rocky and Hurley. Just watching at the boys made both Ant and Dec smile.
"Can't believe how Haydn has grown up." Dec happily said.
"I know. I was like you are now when I first saw him." Ant agreed.
As they carried on watching the boys, Dec noticed that something was up with Ant just by looking at his eyes and the way he was looking at Neil.
"You alright mate?" Dec worriedly asked.
"Not really," Ant began saying, "Neil's starting to have bad dreams."
"Oh no, when did they start?" Dec concernedly asked.
"Last night, he told me this morning when I woke him up." Ant sadly replied.
"Did he tell you what it was about?" Dec then asked.
Ant frowned when Dec asked that. He really didn't want to tell Dec about what Neil's dream was about but he decided to do it anyway. After telling Dec about Neil's dream, Dec was speechless.
"Oh my god, poor Neil. What did Anne Marie say when you told her?" Dec then asked.
"Same thing as you. She felt sorry for him and when I told her about getting him some counselling, she said wait and see if Neil wants it or not." Ant sadly explained.
Dec nodded in a understanding way to what Ant just said. Just then, Neil and Haydn approached them and it was Haydn started saying.
"Mr McPartlin, Mr Donnelly, can we asked you both something."
"Of course Haydn, what is it you and Neil want to ask us?" Ant kindly asked.
It was then Neil asked.
"Is it true that you both did a kids show called 'The Ant and Dec show' when you both were still PJ and Duncan?"
"And was David Walliams in it too?" Haydn also asked.
Ant and Dec were both surprised and a bit shocked to hear what the boys just asked them.
"How did you two know about that show?" Dec surprisingly asked.
"Haydn found an episode of it on YouTube." Neil kindly replied.
"I was trying to find the Rhumble so we could practice for the show." Haydn honestly replied.
Dec was now a little confused when Haydn mentioned a show and practicing the Rhumble. So he asked.
"Hold on there Haydn, what do you mean by 'practicing for that show'?"
Neil and Haydn began giggling whereas Ant was trying not giggle himself.
"Hasn't Mr McPartlin told you yet Mr Donnelly?", asked Haydn who was still giggling.
"Tell me what?" Dec confusedly but suspiciously asked whilst looking at Ant.
Ant couldn't contain his laugh anymore and went into a full laughing fit. After he calmed down, he then said.
"These two did the Rhumble for their youth club's talent show."
"What? You two did the Rhumble?" Dec surprisingly asked whilst looking at the boys.
"Yes we did. But like we told Mr McPartlin, we did it for a good reason." Haydn honestly replied.
Neil then got his phone out, brought the video up and handed it to Dec so he could watch it. After he watched it, Dec was speechless.
"Do you like it Mr Donnelly?" Neil nervously asked.
"Like we told Mr McPartlin, we did to support you both when Mr McPartlin took his break." Haydn honestly explained.
Dec started to feel his eyes fill up with tears after listening to the boys. He then got up and individually hugged both of the boys. Ant smiled and then suggestively said.
"I've got an idea. Seen as it's getting a bit late, why don't we all head back to Dec's house, have an early wash each, get into our pyjamas and have a boys night with Dec this time. How does that sound?"
"Sounds great." Dec happily agreed.
"Can we get a takeaway as well?" Neil cheekily asked.
"Yes we can and it will be my treat." Dec kindly offered.
"Just don't tell Anne Marie that you've had two takeaways in two nights. Ok?" Ant kindly said.
"Ok." Neil understandingly replied.
"Come on, let's head back." Dec then said.
So once Ant and Dec got onto their feet and the boys out the leads back on the dogs. The four of them headed out of the park, got into Ant's car and headed for Dec's house.
<that evening>
(Third person P. O. V)
It was early in the evening. Neil and Haydn were upstairs getting into their pyjamas whilst Ant and Dec, who had already washed and in their pyjamas, were in the kitchen.
[In the kitchen]
(Third person P. O. V)
Ant was making tea for him and Dec whilst Dec was on the phone making a order for the takeaway. After Dec was done placing the order, he came off his phone and Ant handed him his cup of tea.
"Thanks." Dec gratefully said.
"You're welcome, how long is the takeaway going to be?" Ant then asked whilst sipping his tea.
"Not too long." Dec quickly replied.
The two of them then sat down at the table. It was then Ant kindly asked.
"So do you like the boys doing the Rhumble at their youth club talent show?"
"Honestly, yes I did. That was most sweetest thing that I've ever seen. Can't believe they did that for us." Dec happily replied.
"I know. I was in tears when they first told me and showed me the video on Haydn's phone." Ant happily agreed.
Dec giggled at that. Just then the boys came in and Ant kindly greeted.
"Alright boys."
"Yeah, we're good." The both of them replied.
It was then Dec offered.
"Do you two want a drink?"
"Yes please." They both replied.
Once Dec gave the boys a can of pop each, the four of them then went into Dec's living room.
[In the living room]
(Third person P. O. V)
Once the four of them were settled in the living room. Dec politely asked.
"So boys, I've got something to ask you both. How long have you two been going to your youth club?"
"Since we left Saturday night takeaway. The both of us didn't like being apart from each other so that's why we went to that club." Haydn kindly explained.
It was Ant asked.
"I've got a question for you two. Did you pair find it hard to do the Rhumble?"
Neil and Haydn looked at each other and then both said.
"Yeah we did."
"When we first did it, we kept falling over and made each other laugh. But after a few practices and less laughs, we managed to do it right in the end. Didn't we Neil?" Haydn then asked.
"Yeah we did", Neil replied, "But like we said to Mr McPartlin, we struggled trying to replicate the look you two had in back then."
Ant and Dec laughed after Neil was finished. Just then, the four of them heard a knock on the door.
"Looks like food arrived." Dec said as he got up along with Ant.
"About time, come on you pair." Ant cheerfully said.
<few seconds later>
(Third person P. O. V)
After getting the food from the delivery person,  the four of them then sorted out the food and all sat around the dining table in the kitchen.
[In the kitchen]
(Third person P. O. V)
Once everyone's food and drinks were sorted, Dec suggestively said.
"How about a toast? Since this is a celebration night with just four of us."
Ant was surprised by Dec just said. But Neil and Haydn, however, were both happy with the idea.
"Yeah let's make a toast." Haydn eagerly said.
"Can we please Mr McPartlin?" Neil pleadingly asked.
"Alright then," Ant finally said, "You win, we'll do a toast."
Dec smiled at that. He then raised his drink and happily said.
"I would like to say. Congratulations Mate on your adoption of Neil."
"Congratulations Mr McPartlin and you too Neil." Haydn happily said whilst raising his drink.
Ant and Neil smiled gratefully and raised their drink. After clicking their drinks together, the four of them all began to eat their food. 
<few hours later>
(Third person P. O. V)
For the remainder of that evening, Ant, Dec and the boys all settled together on the sofa and watched a film together. Once the film had finished, the four of then all headed to bed. After saying goodnight to Neil and Haydn, and giving them a hug each, Ant and Dec both went bed themselves. Both of them feeling really happy about the day they've had with the boys and are really looking for tomorrow for Neil's big surprise.

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