You're coming home with me

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<2 hours later>
[In Neil's room]
(Ant's P. O. V)
I ended up falling asleep along with Neil. Just then we both were woken up by Neil's doctor who came into the room.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake the both of you up." The doctor kindly apologised.
"Oh it's ok Doctor." I reassuringly replied.
The doctor smiled at me then turned to look a Neil.
"Hello Neil, now that you're fully aware where you are. Do you mind telling me how you got your injuries sonny?" The doctor kindly asked.
Neil began to hide his face in my chest and I could tell that he was scared to tell the doctor about happened to him so I kindly asked.
"Excuse me Doctor but is it ok if I stayed with him?"
"Yes, of course Mr McPartlin. Would that be ok for you Neil if Mr McPartlin stayed with you?" The doctor then asked Neil.
Neil nodded his head. He then very quietly told to the Doctor exactly what he told me. After he was finished, Neil hide his face in my chest again and I started to comfort him again.
"It's ok Neil, you let it out." I whispered to him whilst kissing the top of his head.
"It's going to be alright son, you're safe here. I've just got one more question for you, is that alright?"
"Yeah." Neil mumbled.
"When was the last time you ate or drank something?", asked the doctor.
"Not since my dad moved me here which was about 3 weeks ago. But I ate and drank something last night." Neil sadly admitted.
That shocked me when Neil said that. Neil hide his face right into my chest and cried again. The doctor placed his hand on Neil's shoulder and gently said.
"Alright Neil, I don't have anymore questions for you. Mr McPartlin, would you mind if we have a talk outside?"
"Of course Doctor." I gently replied.
Neil hesitated but I reassured him by saying.
"Don't worry kidda, I'll be right back after I'm done talking to the doctor. Ok?"
"You promise?" Neil whispered.
"I promise." I gently replied.
After making that promise to Neil, I got off the bed and went with the doctor to talk with him.
[outside the room]
When the doctor and I were outside Neil's room. I kindly asked.
"Doctor, what's going to happen now?"
"It's clear to me Mr McPartlin that Neil has been a victim of child abuse and neglect. The police and social services will need to be informed and we have to try and find a safe place where Neil can stay and recover from his injuries." The doctor sadly informed me.
I understood what he was saying. The doctor then left to get Neil's medication and to inform social services. After he left, I turned my head to look at Neil through the window.
Just looking at him, made me want to cry. Suddenly my phone rang and when I looked to see who it was, it was Anne Marie. So I decided to take it.
"Hey darling." I sadly greeted.
"Hey Babe, how's Neil? Is he ok?" Amzie worriedly asked.
"No he's not love." I sadly replied.
I then told Annie Marie all about Neil's injuries, how he got them and everything that's been happening with his father.
"Oh my gosh.", Anne Marie gasped, "The poor boy. What's going to happen to him now?"
"The doctor told me that the police and social services are going to be involved and is trying to find a safe place for him to stay." I gently explained to her.
"What kind of place is the Doctor thinking about sending him to?" Amzie then asked.
"Don't know but I think it's probably going to a foster home." I sadly replied again.
Anne Marie was quiet for a few seconds. She then surprisingly said.
"Tell the Doctor that you're going to take him home with you because by the sound of your voice, you really don't to let Neil go and I think it's best that he's staying in a place with someone who knows him."
I was shocked when I heard that.
"Are you sure love? You don't mind me bringing Neil home?" I then asked.
"Of course not. Now you go and tell him the news and let me know when the both of you are on your way way home." She then said.
"Don't worry darling, I will." I replied back.
After we said bye to each other, I headed back inside to see Neil.
[back in the room]
Once I came back in, Neil looked up and started to saying.
"You kept your promise."
"Of course I did kidda, I always keep my promises." I gently reassured him.
For the first time, Neil smiled at me which made me happy. It was then he asked.
"Where am I going to stay since I can't go back to my Dad?"
"I've got some news for you about that Neil. I've just been speaking to my fiancée and we both decided that you're coming home with me. How do you feel about it then kidda?" I gently asked him.
Neil looked at me surprised but then started to cry. Before I could say anything, he whispered.
"Yes Neil really." I truthfully replied.
As I sat next to him on the bed, Neil threw his arms around me to give me a hug which I happily returned.
"Thanks so much Mr McPartlin." Neil whispered in my ear.
"Don't mention it son." I whispered back.
When Neil and I were down hugging, the doctor came back and I explained everything to him about taking Neil home with me. The doctor didn't seem to mind.
"I don't see no problem with you taking Neil home with you Mr McPartlin but I must ask: is your partner ok with the idea?"
"She is actually, she was the one who suggested it. So no need to worry about it that doctor." I kindly reassured.
"Alright then, if you are sure about taking Neil home with you. I will need you to give me your address and phone number so I can give it to social services and police. If you don't mind, that is?" The Doctor kindly asked.
I didn't mind that at all. After giving the doctor my number and address on a bit of paper, the doctor then said.
"Now that's all sorted, I'll get a nurse to find some clothes for Neil whilst I get the discharge papers and the medication for Neil's ribs and dressing for his wrists and lashes. Just remember to always put on fresh dressings after Neil has a shower and only give medication for his ribs when he needs them."
"Ok then Doctor but what about his chesty cough?" I quickly asked.
"Not to worry, I'll get you some medicine for that. Remember he needs to take some before meals and before he goes to sleep." The doctor then added.
"Of course." I quickly replied.
The doctor then left. Neil then asked.
"Mr McPartlin, is Hurley ok whilst you've been in here with me?"
"Oh don't worry about Hurley Neil. He's fine, sure he'll be sulking with me but I'll win him round with his favourite treats." I happily replied.
Neil giggled at that which made me smile that I managed to get him to laugh. Just then, a nurse came in with some clothes and shoes for Neil. After giving Neil the clothes, the nurse left and I turned my back whilst he was getting dressed. Just then, I heard Neil asking.
"Mr McPartlin, can you help me get the top on please? I don't think I can do it by myself."
"Yeah of course Neil." I then replied.
After I said that, I went up to Neil to help him to get the top on. Once I helped Neil get the top on, the doctor came back with Neil's medication and discharge papers.
After I signed the discharge papers, I handed them back to the doctor.
"Thanks Mr McPartlin, I'll get a nurse to fetch you a wheelchair." The doctor gratefully said then left.
"Do I have to go in a wheelchair?" Neil moaned.
"Don't worry Neil, it will only till we reach the entrance." I gently reassured him.
"Ok." Neil quietly replied.
Once a nurse came in with a wheelchair, I helped Neil to get in it. After helping Neil get into the chair, I grabbed onto the handles and push out of the room and headed to the entrance.
When we are by the entrance, I helped Neil out if the chair but noticed he was still a bit weak to stand up so I then asked.
"Neil, would you like me to carry you to my car again?"
Neil nodded his head in response. So I gently lifted him up whilst minding his ribs and headed out the entrance.
[outside the hospital]
When we got by my car, I gently put Neil down on his feet and reached into my pocket to get my keys whilst Neil held onto his medication. Once I got my keys and unlocked the car, I helped Neil get in into the passenger seat and do up his seat belt. After making sure Neil was in tidy, I then got in myself.
[in the car]
Once I was in the car, Hurley woke up from his nap and began to wag his tail.
"Hi Hurley, sorry I took so long." I sweetly apologised to him whilst giving his head a gentle scratch.
Hurley then turned his head to Neil who was smiling at him.
"Hi Hurley." Neil happily said.
Hurley was about to jump at Neil but I stopped him and sternly said.
"No Hurley, you can have a fuss from Neil from we get home."
Hurley listened and laid back down on the back seat. I then turned around and started a car and headed for home whilst Neil started to fall asleep again

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