You've changed my life

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<2 days later>
[Outside Ant's house]
(Third person P. O. V)
It was a lovely day. Dec and Neil had just arrived outside Ant house since they were going to have a boys night with Ant whilst Anne Marie was going to stay with Ali and Isla at Dec's and Ali's house. Once they were out along with Rocky, they made their way to the house.
[In the hallway]
After entering the hallway, Dec and Neil were both greeted by Milo and Bumble which they happily gave a fuss to.
"Hello you two." Dec cooed.
Once the two dogs calmed down, Neil noticed that Ant was sleeping on the sofa and the telly was still on. So he turned to Dec and quietly whispered.
"Uncle Dec, Dad asleep on the sofa. How are we going to give him the present?"
Soon as Dec saw his sleeping friend, he then turned to Neil and quietly said.
"Ok here's what we're going to do Neil. We're going to head upstairs to put our stuff in our rooms then we're going to come back down, head into kitchen and make some tea for the three of us. Ok?"
"Ok," Neil understandingly replied, "should I leave the present on the coffee table uncle Dec?"
"Yeah go on then. Be nice for Ant to see when he wakes up." Dec agreed.
So after gently placing the gift bag on the table, Neil and Dec then headed upstairs to put their stuff in their rooms.
<few seconds later>
[In the living room]
Whilst Dec and Neil were in the kitchen making the tea, Ant started to wake up from his nap. Once he was fully awake, Ant sat up and saw the gift bag on the table.
"Where did that come from?" Ant asked himself.
Ant then reached over, picked up the bag and began to look inside it. In the bag, Ant saw the chocolates and the photo album which he was surprised to see. He then took the photo album out of the bag, opened it to the first page where he saw a little paragraph saying.
"This is a little something from me saying thank you for all you've done for me. You changed my life the day you found me and helped me find the love that I thought I lost after what my father did to me. Becoming your son was the best thing that's ever happened to me and I wanted you to have this show how thankful I am to you for all you did.
Love Neil."
After reading that, Ant began to feel his eyes well up with tears. He then began to look through the album which was full of all the pictures of him, Dec, Neil and Haydn from when the boys were little Ant and Dec to the ones that had Anne Marie, the girls, Ali and Isla. Seeing the photos made Ant even more emotional and started to have tears falling down his face.
Just then Ant heard someone saying.
"Do you like it Dad?"
Ant looked up and saw Neil standing in the doorway with a smile on his face. Ant then put the photo album on the table, got up onto his feet, turned to face Neil and opened his arms out to Neil. Neil happily ran up to Ant and threw his arms around Ant for hug which Ant happily returned.
"Thank you ever so much for your gift Neil. I love it so, so much." Ant gratefully whispered into Neil's ear.
"You're welcome Dad." Neil lovingly whispered.
Just then the two of them heard Dec cheekily asking.
"Room for one more."
Ant happily opened his one arm out, whilst keeping other arm around Neil, so Dec can join in which he happily did.
<3 hours later>
It was late in the evening, Dec was in kitchen making him and Ant a cup of tea each whilst Ant was in the living room. Neil was upstairs in his room talking to Haydn.
[In the living room]
Dec had just came back in with the tea's when he saw Ant with tears coming down his face whilst looking through the album again.
"You ok mate?" Dec concernedly asked as he sat next to Ant and handed him his tea.
"Yeah I'm fine, just a bit emotional that's all." Ant reassuringly replied as he took his tea.
Dec smiled at Ant's response. He then happily said.
"I know what you mean. I was like that last night when I had my gift."
"What did Neil give you?" Ant curiously asked.
"The picture of the us, him and Haydn from the show." Dec happily answered.
Ant chuckled after Dec was finished. As the two of them sipped their teas, it was then Dec turned to Ant and proudly said.
"You know what Ant, I'm really proud of you."
"Shut up Dec." Ant gently said.
"No let me finish," Dec lightly commanded, "I'm proud of what you've done for Neil. You helped him to overcome his PTSD, reunited him with his best friend and gave him the love that he thought he lost after losing his mum. You've become a proper father to him and I'm really proud of you of that Ant."
Soon as Dec was finished, Ant properly started crying but was pulled into a hug by Dec.
"Thanks Dec." Ant gratefully whispered.
"It's alright mate." Dec happily replied.
Just then the two of them heard Neil shouting.
Ant quickly pulled away from Dec and surprisingly asked.
"Dec, what's Neil talking about?"
"Oh you're definitely going to like this Anthony. I promise you." Dec reassuringly replied whilst starting to have a cheeky smile on his face.
Dec then got up and then shouted.
Just then the two of them heard Neil coming down the stairs and once he came into the living room, it was then Ant saw his badge pinned in his night top which really surprised him.
"Neil, is that what I think it is on your top?" Ant surprisingly asked.
"Yes Dad, it is," Neil happily replied, "It's my 'little Ant' badge. Haydn gave it back to me at youth Groove the other day."
"And I thought it would be a nice surprise for you to see him wearing it again seeing it was the same way Neil surprised me last night." Dec sweetly added whilst put his arm over Neil.
Ant was lost for words. He was so emotional that he stood up, held his arms out to Neil, who happily ran into them, and lovingly hugged him. Whilst they were hugging, Neil then cheekily asked.
"Hey Dad, can we have a Chinese for tea?"
Ant looked over to Dec who had a smirk on his face.
"Yes Neil, we can." Ant defeatedly said.
"Yes." Both Dec and Neil happily said.
For remainder of that evening, the three of them all enjoyed eating their Chinese whilst watching the new series of "Saturday night takeaway."
<that night>
[In Neil's room]
Neil laid on his bed and was looking through the album Ant and Anne Marie made for him with the pictures of him and his late mum with help from his bedside lamp. Whilst looking at the photos, Neil began to feel his eyes well up with tears. He then took a big deep breath, looked at the last photo of him and his mum and strongly said.
"I still miss you mum. I've never stop thinking about you and I still miss your smile, your hugs and especially your laugh. I know that you would've never approved on what Dad did to me but I do know that you would've wanted me to be loved and safe which I am with my new family. I will never forget you, I promise."
After he was finished, Neil placed a kiss of the photo then closed the album. Just then he heard someone saying.
Neil looked up and saw Ant standing in the doorway with a concerned look on his face. Neil quickly wiped his eyes with the back of his hand and quickly said.
"Sorry Dad, I didn't realise that you were still up."
Before Neil could say anything else. Ant then quietly went other to the bed, sat on the side of the bed, gently pulled Neil into a hug and gently said.
"It's alright kidda, I heard what you said. I can understand why you said it and I'm proud of you for saying it."
"Thanks Dad." Neil quietly replied.
Ant carried on hugging Neil and gave him small kisses on the side of his head. It was then Ant asked.
"Do you want me to spend the night with you kidda?"
"Yes please." Neil said whilst sniffling.
After they were done hugging, Ant got up to close the door whilst Neil put the album on his bedside table. After Neil carefully put away the album, he then moved to the side of the bed so Ant can get in with him which he happily did. Once Ant joined Neil in his bed, he placed his arm over Neil who already snuggled up to his side.
"Hey Dad," Neil began saying.
"Yeah Neil?" Ant gently asked.
"I know I said this to uncle Dec but I'm saying this to you. Thanks for everything that you've done for me." Neil gratefully replied whilst slowly falling asleep.
Ant smiled once he heard that. He then placed a kiss on top of Neil's head and happily said.
"You're welcome kidda."
The two of them then happily and peacefully went asleep in each other arms.
The end

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