It's not your fault Neil

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<few hours later>
(Third person P. O. V)
After returning home, Dec packed an overnight bag with some of his things. When he was done with that, Dec then headed over to Christine's house to get some of Neil's things. Once he got some of Neil's things, Dec drove back to the hospital.
<current time>
It was late afternoon, Dec had just got of his car and went into the hospital. Once he was in the hospital, he headed back to Neil's hospital room.
[In Neil's hospital room]
(Dec's P. O. V)
As I quietly entered the room, I noticed a nurse checking Neil's vitals whilst he was still asleep.
"Is he ok nurse?" I gently asked.
"He's fine." The nurse kindly replied.
I went over to the side of the bed and looked at Neil's sleeping face. Just looking at him, made me feel sorry for him.
"How long is he going to be sleeping for?" I gently asked the nurse.
"Not too long Mr Donnelly, he should be coming round any time soon. But I have to warn you, he might be a little confused when he wakes up." The nurse kindly informed.
"Ok thanks nurse." I understandingly replied.
The nurse then left. I then bought a chair over to the bed and sat down whilst leaning closely to side of the bed. I then looked over to the bedside and saw Neil's phone on the side which I was relieved to see it wasn't smashed from when he got hit by the car.
I then picked it up and when the screen came on, I saw picture of Neil and his mum looking so happy. Looking at that made me smile sadly and reminded me of my Dad a bit when I lost him a few years back. Just then I heard a whimper and realised it came from Neil who was starting to come round. So after putting his phone down, I leaned closer to Neil and gently started saying.
"Neil, Neil, it's ok. You're safe now."
Neil began opening his eyes very slowly. Once he fully opened his eyes and saw me, he weakly said.
"Mr Donnelly."
"Hey son, how are you feeling?" I softly asked him.
"Horrible," He weakly replied, "Where am I?"
"You're in hospital, you got hit by a car the park." I slowly began explaining to him.
It was in that moment, Neil began to panic.
"My Dad. He hurt Mr McPartlin. Is he alright? Where is he?" He panicked.
"Hey, hey, hey now. Calm down Neil, it's alright." I soothingly said him whilst trying to calm him down.
Neil began crying and went into a full fit. Seeing him that state broke my heart so I then got up, sat on the side of the bed then gently pulled Neil into a hug and began comforting him.
"It's ok Neil. I've got you, I've got you." I soothingly whispered.
"I'm sorry, I'm so sorry. It's all my fault." I heard him muffling through his cries.
I didn't like hearing him say that. I gently pulled away, placed my hand on his wet cheek and sternly but softly said.
"Neil, you listen to me now. It wasn't your fault that Ant got beaten up by your father. Your father decided to do that at his own free will, just like how he decided to hurt you. Ok?"
"Ok." Neil tearfully whispered.
Once he said that, I pulled him back in for another hug and carried on soothing him. After a few moments, Neil started to calm down and his cries started to turn into hiccups.
"Better?" I softly asked.
"Yeah." Neil replied in a quiet voice.
Neil then pulled away and laid back on the pillows but ended up wincing in pain.
"Take it easy Neil, you did receive some injuries when you got hit by that car." I carefully said.
"Is that why I've got a cast on my arm and pain in my ribs again?" Neil asked whilst in pain.
"Yeah, you've got broken arm, broken ribs, stitches where your head wound was, concussion and a pneumothorax caused by your ribs." I kindly explained to him.
Neil then gave out sad deep sigh and looked away from me. It was I gently asked.
"Neil, do you remember anything from the accident?"
"A little, I remember putting my football in the back of the car then heard the scuffle. After seeing my Dad hurting Mr McPartlin, that's when I immediately saw my nightmare coming true. Which was why I didn't see the car coming when I was getting chased by my father." Neil sadly explained.
After hearing that, I was in tears and felt my heart breaking for Neil. I then gently gave his good hand a squeeze and supportively said.
"It's ok Neil, it was an accident. It weren't your fault that you got hit by that car, you just didn't see it. So never ever think that today events is your fault because it wasn't, ok?"
"Ok." Neil quietly agreed.
Just then, the doctor came in and kindly started saying.
"Hello again Mr Donnelly, hello Neil, how are you feeling now that you're awake."
"Horrible, my whole body hurts and so does my head." Neil painfully groaned.
"Not to worry darling, I'll send a nurse in with some pain medication for you." The doctor kindly said whilst checking Neil over.
"Is everything ok Doctor?" I wonderingly asked.
"Two police officers want Neil's statement about the accident. I told them if Neil doesn't feel up to it, he doesn't have to do it." The doctor politely explained.
I turned to Neil, who went quiet, and gently asked.
"Neil, do you feel up to giving the police your statement about the accident?"
Neil was thinking to himself for a few seconds. He then quietly asked.
"Can you stay with me?"
"Of course I will Neil, if that's ok Doctor?" I then asked.
"If that's what Neil wants, of course you can stay with him Mr Donnelly. I'll go and bring them in." The doctor happily replied.
Once the doctor left to get the police, Neil turned to me and quietly said.
"I'm scared Mr Donnelly."
"Don't worry Neil," I gently said, "I'm going to be right here with you. Ok?"
Neil nodded his head in response. I gave his hand gentle reassuring squeeze which made him smile a bit. When the police came in, Neil began telling them about the incident.

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