Surprise for Neil

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<Next morning>
(Third person P. O. V)
It was a happy morning. Ant was preparing breakfast with help from Anne Marie whilst Neil and the girls were still in their rooms.
[In the kitchen]
(Third person P. O. V)
Whilst Ant was cooking the breakfast, Anne Marie was laying the table for her, Ant and the kids. After checking the time on her watch, Anne Marie then asked.
"Ant, shall I wake the kids or do you want to do it?"
"No, I'll do it. I want to be the first person to say good morning to my son." Ant happily replied.
Anne Marie laughed at Ant and took over cooking the breakfast whilst Ant headed up upstairs to fetch the kids. After waking and getting moaned by the girls, Ant headed to Neil's room.
[Inside Neil's room]
(Ant's P. O. V)
Soon as I entered Neil's room. Neil was asleep in bed and seen the way he slept on his side brought a smile on my face.
"Neil, time to wake up kidda." I gently said whilst gently rubbing Neil's shoulder.
Neil groaned at bit. Once he properly woke up and sat up, he rubbed the sleep from his eyes and yawned.
"Morning Mr McPartlin." Neil then said.
"Hello kidda, how are you feeling?" I gently asked whilst sitting on the side of the bed.
"Not too good, I had a bad dream." Neil honestly replied.
I frowned when I heard Neil saying that he was having bad dream. I then sat on the side of his bed and concernedly asked.
"Neil, when did these dreams start?"
"Last night." Neil honestly replied.
"Do you know what it was about?" I then asked.
"My Dad. I see him hurting you, you're bleeding and unconscious. He turns to me but I start running away from him. He catches me and takes me away from you. You're not moving and I can't see you breathing." Neil sadly explained.
When he was finished, he began crying. I pulled him for hug and gently rubbed his back whilst whispering.
"It's ok Neil, it's ok. I'm here, I'm here."
After he settled down, I then gently asked.
"Neil, do you feel up for breakfast or not?"
"I'm up for it. I am feeling quite hungry." Neil honestly replied whilst sniffling.
"Ok then, come on kidda." I then said whilst letting him go.
After I let Neil go, both him and I got up from the and headed downstairs to get some breakfast.
<few seconds later>
[In the kitchen]
(Third person P. O. V)
Whilst the kids were having their breakfast, Ant and Anne Marie were by the sink talking quietly amongst themselves about Neil's dream.
"Poor Neil," Anne Marie sadly said, "This is the last thing that he needs right now."
"I know darling," Ant sadly replied, "I'm actually thinking about getting counselling for him. But I'm worried that he might not want to."
"Give him some time Ant. Let him decide if he wants it or not." Anne Marie then said.
Ant nodded his head in agreement. Just then the pair of them heard Neil asking.
"Mr McPartlin, have you told Mr Donnelly about my adoption yet?"
Ant smiled at Neil and happily replied.
"No, not yet Neil. I was thinking that me and you could surprise him."
"Surprise him? How?" Neil wonderingly asked.
Before Ant could say anything, Anne Marie then said.
"You'll find out later Neil. Now I think it's time for you three to brush your teeth and get dressed. Poppy and Daisy, remember to get your stuff ready for your father's."
"Ok mum." Both Poppy and Daisy moaned.
"Can I wear my new clothes and trainers?" Neil eagerly asked.
Anne Marie and Ant laughed at Neil.
"Of course Neil, that's why I got you them for. Also, pack an overnight bag as we're spending a night with Dec." Ant kindly said.
"Are we?" Neil surprisingly asked.
"Yes we are kidda. Now go on and get dressed in some of those new clothes I bought you and don't forget to show me and Amzie afterwards." Ant happily replied.
Neil smiled at Ant and Anne Marie then left to get ready. Soon as he left, Anne Marie and Ant both had frowns on their faces.
"You going to tell Dec about the dream?" Anne Marie then asked.
Ant sighed but honestly said.
"Yeah, I am because knowing him, he's going to get it out of me even if I don't tell him."
Ant then sighed and leaned against the counter. Anne Marie put her arms over Ant and supportively said.
"He's going to get through this Ant. Hopefully when his father goes to court and gets found guilty for what he did. Neil can move on and start being a happy 14 year old again."
"I know darling. Let's just keep our fingers crossed when that day comes." Ant hopefully said.
After giving Anne Marie a kiss, Ant headed up to get washed and dressed himself whilst Anne Marie did the dishes.
<few minutes later>
[In the living room]
(Third person P. O. V)
Anne Marie was sat watching telly till suddenly Neil came in and started asking.
"What do you think Mrs Corbett?"
Anne Marie looked at Neil who was wearing red T-shirt, dark blue jacket and jeans with a new pair of black and white trainers.
"Aww, you look really nice Neil. Those clothes fit you perfectly." Anne Marie kindly complimented.
Neil smiled when he heard Anne Marie say that. Just then Ant came in himself, wearing a white long sleeve top and blue jeans. Once he saw Neil, he smiled and kindly complimented.
"You're looking very nice Neil. I'm glad those clothes fit you tidily."
"Thanks Mr McPartlin." Neil happily thanked.
Anne Marie then got up and both Ant and Neil a kiss each. She then asked.
"Neil, have you got your bag ready for tonight?"
Neil nodded his head in response. It was then Ant said.
"Well then kidda, it's time me and you got going then. We don't want to keep Dec waiting."
"Ok Mr McPartlin, see you tomorrow Miss Corbett." Neil then said whilst hugging Anne Marie.
"See you tomorrow Neil, have fun with Dec." Anne Marie said back to Neil.
After they were done hugging, Neil left to say goodbye to the girls. Ant turned to Anne Marie and gave her a kiss and hug, then said.
"Have fun with doing up Neil's room and spending time with Ali and Isla."
"I will. Don't forget to pick up Hurley on the way since it's your turn to have him. I know it will make Rocky very happy to see his best friend as well." Anne Marie kindly reminded.
"Don't worry I will." Ant reassured.
After Ant was done hugging Anne Marie, he then said goodbye to Poppy and Daisy. When both Ant and Neil grabbed their bags and headed to the car.
[In the car]
(Third person P. O. V)
Once Ant and Neil did up their seatbelts, Ant switched the car on. He then turned to Neil and asked.
"Ready Kidda?"
"Yeah." Neil happily replied.
Ant then drove out of the driveway then headed to Dec's house.

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