Nightmare becoming a reality

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<2 days later>
(Third person P. O. V)
It had been 2 days since Ant and Neil stayed in Newcastle. During those days, Neil had already met Ant's two sisters, nephew and niece and got really well with them. Ant had shown Neil around Newcastle and some of the places where he and Dec used to hang out when they were teenagers. Ant, however, couldn't stop worrying about Neil's father and the search on finding him.
<current day>
(Third person P. O. V)
It was a lovely morning in Newcastle. In a local park, Ant and Neil were playing football and spending time with each other.
[In the park]
(Ant's P. O. V)
As Neil and I were playing football with each other, I was beginning to lose my breath on how quicker Neil was than me.
"You ok Mr McPartlin?" Neil concernedly asked.
"I'm fine kidda, just need to catch my breath." I panted.
After catching my breath, the two us carried on playing. Just then we both heard a little dog barking and running up to Neil. To both our surprise, the dog was Rocky.
"Hello Rocky." Neil greeted as he started to give him a fuss.
I went over to Neil and bent down to give Rocky a fuss as well.
"Hiya Rocky, where's your Daddy then?" I teasingly asked him.
Just then Neil and I heard someone shouting.
"Is that Mr Donnelly shouting?" Neil then asked.
"Yeah Neil, it is. I can recognise Dec's shouting from anywhere." I replied whilst chuckling.
Soon as I said that, Dec came up running up to us with Ali and Isla far behind him. When Dec finally joined me and Neil, he stopped to catch his breath.
"Alright mate?" I kindly greeted.
"I'm fine. Just give me second to catch my breath." Dec panted.
Once Dec managed to get his breath back, Ali and Isla then joined three of us.
"Hello Ant, hello Neil." Ali happily greeted to me and Neil.
"Alright Ali darling, hello Isla. How are you my little princess?" I cooed to Isla whilst giving her a kiss.
Isla giggled after I gave her a kiss. Neil then gave Dec a hug which Dec happily returned.
"Awww thanks Neil," Dec gratefully said, "How are you liking Newcastle?"
"I love it." Neil happily replied.
"Tell you what," I then began saying, "how about we all find somewhere to sit and have a catch up because I really need to sit down."
"Alright then." Both Dec and Ali agreed.
<2 minutes later>
(Third person P. O. V)
Ant, Ali and Dec were sat on a nearby bench talking whilst Neil was playing with Isla in the children's park.
"So how's your family taken to Neil then mate?" Dec politely asked.
"They love him. Mam has already gotten him calling her Nana Christine, Sarha and Emma just think he's sweet and so does your mam." Ant happily replied.
"Mam met him already, when did she meet him?" Dec surprisingly asked.
"She was over my Mam's house when Neil and I arrived. She was the one who got Neil the football." Ant then said.
It surprised both Dec and Ali finding out that Annie bought the football for Neil. Just then Ali politely asked.
"So Ant, has Neil been enjoying Newcastle so far?"
"He has. I've took him to some of the places Dec and I went to where we were his age and even took him up the mitre as well." Ant then answered.
"Oh my god, you took him up the mitre. What did he think of it?" Dec interestingly asked.
"He loved it," Ant replied whilst chuckling, "After we were done there, we went back to Mams where I feel asleep, Neil was FaceTiming Haydn and Mam was still over Sarha's."
"Sounds like you two have had a lovely time together." Ali kindly pointed out.
"Aye we did and more importantly, it helped me take my mind off about his father." Ant honestly said.
Before Dec could say anything, Neil approached them with Isla in his arms and started asking.
"Mr McPartlin, what are we having for lunch? I'm starving."
Ant rolled his eyes whereas Dec and Ali giggled.
"Ok Neil, we'll go and get some lunch. Where do you want to go?" Ant then asked.
"Can we go to greggs to get a pasty?" Neil cheekily asked.
"Alright then," Ant agreed, "We'll go and get a pasty from greggs."
"Mind if we join you?" Dec sneakily asked.
"I think Isla already made that decision for us mate." Ant kindly pointed out.
"He's right Dec. Look." Ali agreed.
The three of them then looked at Isla who was happily playing Neil's hair and giving him kisses which Neil was happy to receive.
"Come on then, let's go and get some food.", said Ant whilst getting up.
Once Dec and Ali got up themselves, the five of them including Rocky all headed back to their cars.
<few seconds later>
[In the car park]
When they were in the car park, Ant and Neil went to Ant's car whilst Dec, Ali and Isla went to Dec's car. Once Ant and Neil were by his car, Neil put his football in the boot. Suddenly out of nowhere, Neil heard a scuffle and when he went to see where it came from, he couldn't believe his eyes.
There he saw his father beating up Ant who was on the ground, bleeding and semi conscious and hearing his father shouting.
"This is all your fault. You taking my son away."
Neil was so scared that he was starting to see his nightmare coming true. He felt his whole body beginning to shake and he become frozen from where he was standing.
"MR DONNELLY! MRS DONNELLY! COME QUICK!" Neil screamed out the top of his lungs.
Sadly, Neil's father heard him and turned round to face him. Neil began panicking and without a second thought, he began running away from his father.
"You come back boy. You're going to pay for what you've done." Neil's father snarled as he began to chase after him.
Dec and Ali had heard Neil screaming and went to see what was going on. When they got to Ant's car and saw Ant lying unconscious on the ground, they were speechless.
"OH MY GOD, ANT!" Dec shouted as he knelt down next to Ant.
He then began feeling for Ant's pulse which he was relieved to feel but worried as it was scarily slow.
"Ali, call an ambulance. Ant's pulse is really slow." Dec quickly said.
Ali did what Dec said and got her phone out to ring the ambulance. Suddenly the both of them heard a very loud.
The both of them couldn't believe their eyes. There they saw Neil lying on the ground after being hit by a car and two men holding down his father.
"Oh my god, Dec I think that's Neil father in those men's clutches." Ali gasped.
Just then a police officer, who was on patrol, approached them and quickly asked.
"Excuse me, do you two know that boy?"
"Yes we do, he's my co host adopted son. That man in those men's clutches is his abusive father." Dec explained.
Ali then explained everything to the police officer. Once the police officer understood what Ali had just told him, he then said.
"Ok now I've got a good knowledge about that man. I'm going to call for back up and two ambulances."
The police officer then got onto his radio and began reporting the incident. After reporting the incident, the police officer began cautioning off the scene.
Dec, however, stayed next to Ant whilst Ali went to check on Neil. Dec began to have tears coming down his face and tearfully whispered.
"Stay with me Ant. Please, stay with me."

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