A surprise reveal

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<three months later>
It had been 3 months since the incident. Since then, Ant and Dec had managed to move on and put the whole thing behind them including everyone else but decided not to revel about the adoption till they found the right time.
As for Neil started having counselling sessions to help him with his PTSD and also started going back to his and Haydn's youth club to be with Haydn and the rest of his friends. But the one thing that made him happy was that he now had a loving new family and can finally move on from the loss of his mother and for no longing seen his abusive father anymore.
<current day>
(Third person P. O. V)
Today was a special day. There was a talent competition going on set up by Simon Cowell and the rest of Britain's got talent judges and was being hosted by Ant and Dec. The show was for youth club kids showing off their talents for the judges and which ever act comes first place will receive a cheque that will go towards their club. Little did the judges know, Neil and Haydn was taking part in the show and Ant and Dec decided to surprise the judges by finally revealing Neil as Ant's adopted son.
(Third person P. O. V)
Whilst the show was happing and the other kids were waiting their turns, Neil and Haydn had their own dressing room and were getting dressed into their PJ and Duncan outfits.
[Dressing room]
The boys had just got their tops on when Neil kindly but humorously complimented.
"Looking good there little Duncan."
Haydn pulled a funny face at Neil then said.
"Thanks, looking good yourself little PJ except for one thing."
Haydn reached over to the table, picked up Neil's hat and kindly placed on Neil's head.
"There," Haydn then said, "now you're perfect."
"Thanks Haydn." Neil gratefully replied.
Just then, there was a knock on door and one of the stage managers came in and quickly said.
"Little PJ and Duncan from youth groove. You're up in 30 minutes boys."
"Ok thanks." The boys replied.
Once the stage manager left, the boys then looked at each other.
"You ready for this?", asked Haydn.
"Yeah I'm ready," Neil strongly replied, "let's does this."
Haydn smiled at Neil. The two boys then made their way to the stage.
<few seconds later>
[out on stage]
Once the previous act had finished and made their way off the stage, Ant and Dec began announcing the next act which was Neil and Haydn.
"Now this next act is a singing and dancing double act from the youth club called Youth Groove," Dec began announcing, "According to their leader Jim, these two are very close friends and always spend time with each other. First time they did this act was at their youth club's talent show and it completely made the audience happy."
It was then Ant said.
"And they hope you will like it too Judges. So without further or do. Ladies and gentlemen, judges please get ready to rhumble with little PJ and Duncan."
After Ant announced that, the song came and everyone including the judges heard.
"(Lets get ready to rumble!)"
Neil and Haydn then both came out and began singing.
"Lets get ready, ready
Lets get ready, ready
Lets get ready, ready
Lets get ready to rumble!
Watch us wreck the mike!
Watch us wreck the mike!
Watch us wreck the mike!
Lets get ready, ready
Lets get ready, ready
Lets get, lets get,
Lets get ready, ready
Lets get ready, ready
Lets get ready, ready
Lets get ready to rumble!
Straight up proovin'
We can getcha groovin'
This tracks boomin'
It ain't no hype!
Watch us wreck the mike!
Watch us wreck the mike!
Watch us wreck the mike!
Lets get ready to rumble!
(Lets get ready to rumble!)
Get ready! Get steady! And rumble!
Everybody rumble!
Lets get ready to rumble!
(Lets get ready to rumble!)
Get ready! Get steady! And rumble!
Everybody rumble!
(Lets get ready to rumble!)
Sit back, rap attack, don't take no flack,
Rhyme in time to the rhythm of the track,
I'm Ant (I'm Declan), a duo, a twosome,
So many lyrics, we're frightened to use 'em!
So many lyrics we keep 'em in stores,
We've even got 'em coming out of our pores!
Your father, your mother, your sister, your brother,
Everyone's got to be an AKA lover!
Give us the motivation we can cause a sensation!
Give us the aspiration we can cause a sensation!
Give us the girls top speed!
Give us the girls stampede!
Stylin', smilin', everybody buck willin'!
Lets get ready to rumble!
(Lets get ready to rumble!)
Get ready! Get steady! And rumble!
Everybody rumble!
Lets get ready, ready
Lets get ready, ready
Lets get, lets get,
Lets get ready, ready
Lets get ready, ready
Lets get ready, ready
Lets get ready to rumble!
Watch us wreck the mike!
Watch us wreck the mike!
Watch us wreck the mike!
After the boys finished singing, the audience including the judges and their leader all got up on their feet and applauded them with claps and whistles.
Soon as Ant and Dec joined them, they both hugged the boys and whilst hugging Neil, Ant sneakily but lovingly whispered.
"Well done son."
"Thanks Dad." Neil quickly whispered back.
Once the audience calmed down and Ant and Dec stopped hugging the boys, Dec was about to ask the judges a question but Simon interrupted him by saying.
"Hold on Dec. Before you and Ant say anything, I've just got to ask. Was you two boys little Ant and Dec?"
Neil and Haydn couldn't keep it in anymore and both honestly replied.
"Yes we were."
"I thought so." Simon surprisingly said.
Amanda, Alesha and David were shocked to realise that Neil and Haydn were little Ant and Dec. It was then Dec finally asked.
"So judges, now that you all know who Neil and Haydn are. What did you think of their act?"
"I absolutely loved it. You two got the timing right and you put your heart and soul into that performance. Well done." Alesha impressively answered.
It was then David said.
"Alesha's right, you two boys have done a superb job on doing that performance and the best thing about you two is, you both did a better job at it than Ant and Dec."
The audience and the rest of the judges all laughed at what David just said including Neil and Haydn. Ant and Dec, however, just shook their heads.
"Thanks for that David," Ant then said, "Amanda, what did you think?"
"I loved it. You both did really well on the performance and I really love the replica PJ and Duncan outfits you both are wearing but I must ask, what made you both decide on doing the Rhumble?"
"First time we did it for our club's talent show, we did it to show our support for Mr McPartlin and Mr Donnelly when Mr McPartlin took his break from the television." Neil began explaining.
"But now we have a different reason on doing it again for this show." Haydn then said.
"And what reason is that my darling?" Amanda kindly asked.
The two boys then put their arms around each other and it was then Haydn supportively said.
"The reason we're doing it again is to show Neil's strength from being a victim of child abuse from his father and losing his mum in a car accident."
That shocked the judges. It was then Simon asked.
"Are you serious?"
Neil looked over to Ant and Dec who both gave him supporting looks. So after taking a few seconds to himself, Neil strongly said.
"Yes Mr Cowell, we are. My father started to abuse me not long after my mother's death and I'd lost all hope of ever being loved again but I was wrong. After I ran away from my father, I was found by a couple who happily took me in and made me feel loved again."
"And did that couple ended up adopting you if you don't mind me asking?" Simon politely asked.
Before Neil could reply, Ant then revealingly said.
"Yes they did and I can happily say Simon, it was Anne Marie and I who adopted him."
The judges and the audience were all speechless after hearing what Ant just said. Just then the audience all cheered and applauded including the judges who stood up on their feet again.
"Congratulations Ant and you too Neil." Alesha happily congratulated.
Once the audience had settled back down including the judges, it was almost time for the next act so after giving both Neil and Haydn another hug. Dec quickly said.
"It's almost time for a next act but before we announce them. Everyone please give another round of applause for little PJ and Duncan."
Once the audience gave another round of applause, both Neil and Haydn left the stage and headed back to their dressing room but not before Neil gave another hug to Ant who quickly whispered.
"See you after the show."
"Ok." Neil quickly whispered back.
After they were done hugging, Neil went to join Haydn whilst Ant went back to join Dec so they can carry on with the rest of the show.

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