You're not on your own Neil

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<few minutes later>
(Third person P. O. V)
After Neil gave his statement to the police, the police then left but reassured him and Dec that Neil's father wasn't going to get away again. Soon as they left, the doctor wanted to talk to Dec outside but that made Neil panic a bit. Dec reassured him saying that he'll be back as soon as possible which calmed Neil down a bit.
<current time>
[Outside Neil's room]
(Dec's P. O. V)
Once the doctor and I were outside, I worriedly but curiously asked.
"Is everything alright Doctor?"
"I wish it was Mr Donnelly," The doctor began saying, "It seems to me, that Neil is starting to show early signs of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder."
"What?," I shockingly replied, "PTSD? How?"
"Most likely from what he's been through. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder is often caused by child abuse and listening to Neil's side of the accident and how he didn't see or hear the car coming towards him. I'm positive that he does have early signs of it. Do you know if he's been having bad dreams at all?" The doctor then inquired.
"He had one a week back from what Ant had told me but I'm not sure about any others." I kindly replied.
"Has Mr McPartlin considered about getting Neil to counselling?' The doctor then asked.
"He and his partner did after Neil's hospital appointment but they wanted to ask Neil first. Do you think counselling will help him get over the dreams and his PTSD?" I honestly replied.
"Yes Mr Donnelly, I do think it can help but only if Neil wants to have it. I really don't want to upset him more than he already this." The Doctor concernedly said.
I sighed deeply when I heard the doctor say that. I knew she was right about Neil getting more upset. It was then I decided that I should do it since I knew Neil would trust me and I think it was what Ant would've wanted.
"Don't worry Doctor, I'll talk to him about it since he knows me and might feel less upset." I reassuringly said.
"Ok then Mr Donnelly, I leave the you two be for now. I'll come back to check on him later." The doctor happily said.
After I thanked the doctor, she left to see her other whilst I went back to see Neil.
[Back in the room]
Soon as I came back in, I heard Neil saying.
"You're back."
I smiled at him after he said that. Once I sat down on the side of the bed, I held Neil's good hand and gently said.
"Of course I'm back Neil. I wasn't going to leave you because if I did, I don't think Ant would forgive me."
"You're right, he wouldn't. Probably would've given you one of his famous frowns." Neil cheekily said.
I smiled when I heard Neil say that and so did Neil. Hearing him say that made me smile for the first time ever since the accident.
"What was you and the doctor talking about when you was outside?" Neil then asked.
I knew this coming. I really didn't want to tell Neil this but I know I had to. So in the gentlest way that I could, I slowly started saying.
"Neil, I don't want to upset you but I really need to tell you this. The doctor reckons that you're starting to show early signs of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder."
Soon as I said, Neil turned his head and began to cry.
"Awww Neil, don't cry. I know PTSD isn't a good thing to have but I can assure you that you're not on your own." I gently said whilst rubbing his hand.
"Why does it feel like I am though?" Neil sobbed.
"Because you're not Neil and you can get help for it." I supportively said.
Neil scrunched his eyes shut as more tears began sliding his face. It was then I remembered his bear that Christine packed with some of his things, so I then went into the bag and brought the bear out.
"Hey Neil," I slowly said, "I've brought your bear in for you."
Neil smiled a bit after seeing the bear. Once I gave it to him, he quietly but gratefully said.
"Thanks Mr Donnelly."
"You're welcome, I knew it would cheer you up." I happily replied.
"My mum got it for me when I was baby. It's the only thing I've got that was from her." Neil sadly explained.
My heart broke when Neil was finished. Seeing on how much he misses his mother remains me of me when I lost my Dad. I gently pulled him into a hug which he gratefully returned.
"It's ok Neil, I know what it's like on losing a parent." I supportively whispered in his ear.
"Was it hard for you when you lost your Dad?" Neil quietly mumbled.
I pulled away from Neil for a few seconds so I could look at his face. Soon as I saw Neil's face, I saw that his eyes were red and swollen and his cheeks were red as well.
"Yeah Neil, it was hard for me when I lost my Dad", I slowly but honestly said, "My dad and I were really close and it hurt when he died. I missed him sooo much, still do but, I had plenty support from my Mam, my siblings and more importantly Ant. Till this day, I always think about him and sometimes do get a little bit emotional but I know he's still watching over me and the rest of my family and I think that's what your mum is doing with you as well."
"Really?" Neil whispered.
"Of course Neil. Even though she isn't here with you anymore, your mum will always watch over you because you're her boy. She'll never stop looking over you even though you've got a new family. So never ever think that she isn't looking over you Neil because I know that she is and she'll never stop doing it. Ok?" I reassuringly replied.
Neil sniffed a bit but gave me a small smile and quietly whispered.
"Good boy." I whispered back whilst getting a bit tearful myself.
Neil and I hugged again. As we were hugging, Neil started to sob a bit so I began rubbing his back and gently whispered.
"It's ok Neil, it's ok. I've got you, I've got you."
The two of us carried on hugging each other for the remainder of that afternoon.
<later that evening>
It was now late in the evening, Neil and I were both laying on the bed with each other and having a catch up.
"Mr Donnelly, can I ask you something?" Neil politely asked.
"Of course Neil." I happily said.
"What was it like when you did your individual interview when you and Mr McPartlin did the DNA journey?" Neil kindly asked.
I smiled when I heard Neil saying that. I pulled him closer to me and honestly replied.
"It was hard doing the interview on my own but I managed it in the end. When I did the first interview on part one of the documentary, I was really worried about what I was going to say and how I was going get through it on my own, but I managed it in the end and I felt a lot better afterwards. Why did you want to know about that for Neil?"
"Just wanted to know because I thought you looked really upset doing that interview and so did Mr McPartlin." Neil honestly replied back to me.
"Oh right, I understand." I understandingly said.
Just then a nurse came in and gently said.
"Mr Donnelly, it's time for Neil to settle off to sleep."
"Ok then nurse." I gently said.
After the nurse left, I got off the bed and went to put the top of the bed down.
"You're staying with me tonight?" Neil surprisingly asked.
"Of course, I am Neil," I gently replied, "Now let's get you settled."
Once I got Neil settled, I went to turn the light off. Just then, I heard Neil asking.
"Where are you sleeping Mr Donnelly?"
"I was going sleep on the chair or do you want me to sleep with you?" I gently asked.
"Sleep with me because I can tell that you're still worried about Mr McPartlin as am I." Neil gently pointed out.
I chuckled when he said that, so I then said.
"Ok then."
After taking my shoes off, I got back on the side of the bed and put my arms over Neil again. Neil happily put his arms around me and the two of us silently and peacefully went to sleep.

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