Spending the day together

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<5 days later>
(Third person P. O. V)
It has been 5 days and during those days, Neil and Ant had already been to police so Neil could give his statement about his abuse and let the police take photos of his injuries to take as evidence against his father. After visiting the police, Ant noticed how quiet Neil was and started about worry him and so did Anne Marie. It was then Ant came up with an idea on how to cheer up Neil.
<current day>
(Third person P. O. V)
It was a lovely morning, Ant and Neil were sat in the waiting room in the hospital waiting to see the doctor for Neil's follow up appointment.
[In the waiting room]
(Ant's P. O. V)
As Neil and I were waiting to see the doctor, I was looking on my phone whilst Neil was texting Haydn on his new phone Anne Marie got for him after he did his interview with the police. Just then the both of us heard a nurse saying.
"Mr Anthony McPartlin and Neil Overend."
"Right here nurse." I said back to her whilst raising my hand.
"If you both like to follow me, I'll take you both to cubicles." The nurse kindly asked.
After she said that, Neil and I got onto our feet and followed her to cubicles.
[In cubicles]
Once Neil and I were in a cubicle, I gently helped Neil to sit on the bed whilst waiting for the doctor. When the doctor did arrive, he kindly greeted.
"Good morning Mr McPartlin. Hello Neil, it's good to see you both again."
"Hello Doctor, we're both happy to see you too." I kindly greeted back.
The doctor then closed the curtains so we could have some privacy whilst he was doing his checks on Neil.
"Right then young man, let's have a look at you. Shall we." The doctor kindly asked Neil.
Neil nodded his head in response and gently laid back on the bed so the doctor could do his checks on him.
<few minutes later>
After doctor was done his checks on Neil, I kindly asked.
"So what's the verdict Doctor?"
"Well Mr McPartlin, I'm happy to say that young Neil is almost on the mend. His chest infection has cleared along with his eye which I don't see any further damage and the cuts and bruises which is good news and has put on some weight from the last time I saw him." The doctor kindly started explaining.
"That's down to Mr McPartlin's cooking that I've put on some weight." Neil happily pointed out.
The doctor and I laughed when Neil said that.
"Apart from that, I'm afraid Neil's ribs still need a few more weeks to heal along with the lashes on his back and the marks on his wrists." The doctor finished explaining.
When the doctor was finished, Neil pouted which made me laugh a bit. I gratefully said.
"Thanks Doctor, for giving us that information."
"You're welcome Mr McPartlin, I'll shall pass this information on to the police. I've also have these for you." The doctor then said.
The doctor then handed me some leaflets about counselling.
"I thought it might come in handy for Neil. Many children in cases like Neil's do tend to find counselling very helpful." The Doctor kindly informed me.
"Thanks Doctor, I'll definitely have a chat with him about it." I quietly said back to him.
"You're welcome. Hope to see you both soon." The doctor then said.
After we said our goodbyes to the doctor, Neil and I made our way out of the hospital.
<few seconds later>
[In the car]
(Third person P. O. V)
Once Ant and Neil were in the car, Neil kindly asked.
"Are we heading home now Mr McPartlin?"
Ant smiled at Neil and happily said.
"No Neil, we're not heading home. Me and you are actually going to go shopping and spend the day together."
"What? Seriously?" Neil surprisingly asked as his eyes lit up and had a big smile on his face.
"Yes kidda, we are. I know you haven't been quite yourself ever since you gave your statement to the police. So I thought that me and you spend the day together and get you some more brand new clothes and some new shoes as well. How does that sound?" Ant then said.
"Sounds great Mr McPartlin." Neil happily replied.
Ant happily smiled at Neil after he said that. He and Neil then did up their seatbelts then Ant started the car and drove out of the hospitals car park and headed into town.
<that afternoon>
(Third person P. O. V)
Ant and Neil had a lovely time spending the day together. Ant brought Neil a few new jeans, T-shirts, trainers, socks and jumpers. After they were done shopping, Ant and Neil stopped by a nearby park to have a walk. Whilst they were walking, Ant had some news to tell Neil regarding his adoption.
<current time>
[In a children's play area]
(Ant's P. O. V)
After Neil and I had our walk, we went into the children's play area and sat on the swings. As the two of us sat on the swings, Neil turned to me and gratefully said.
"Thanks for today Mr McPartlin and for everything that you and Miss Corbett have done for me during these past few weeks."
"You don't need to thank me Neil. It's been good spending today with you and having you stay with us." I reassuringly said to him.
It was then I noticed that Neil was thinking about something just by looking at his face, so I encouraged but concernedly asked.
"Neil, have you got some on your mind Kidda?"
Neil remained quiet for a few more minutes. It was then he looked at me, then quietly began asking.
"Mr McPartlin, I hope you don't mind me asking you this and you don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
"Neil, if you've got a question to ask me, I don't mind telling you. What is it you want to ask me?" I gently encouraged him.
"Was it hard for you when you came back from your break after what happened?" Neil then asked me whilst looking at me.
When I heard him ask that, I was surprised but I decided to be honest with him just like I was with Dec. So I cleared my throat and honestly but truthfully said.
"Yeah Neil, it was hard. I was genuinely worried about the reaction I'd get when I came back onto Britain's got talent. I thought the public had enough of me and I wasn't going to be welcomed back with open arms but I was wrong. Seen all those reactions from the public, winning that award, being back on Britain's got talent and more importantly being back with Dec. That made me happy than I ever felt before in my life and it washed away all those doubts and worries that I had. So yeah, I was worried Neil."
After I said that, I began to have tears in my eyes. Neil saw it and placed his hand on my shoulder which made me smile.
"Thanks kidda." I gently whispered to him.
After I calmed down a bit, it was then Neil honestly said.
"I was glad that you were back and so was Haydn. When we decided to do the Rhumble for our club's talent show, I wasn't really sure that we could do it because I thought we'd get teased or people weren't really going to like it but Haydn convinced me that we should do it. It was then we decided that we were going to do it to show our support to you and when we were practicing it, we had lots of fun and we couldn't stop laughing. When it came to doing it on the day of the show, both Haydn and I had lots of the parents and the other kids in club dancing along with us."
"Was you glad in the end that you and Haydn did the Rhumble for the show?" I kindly asked.
"Yeah I was. It was the most fun Haydn and I had together and we both did honestly feel like yours and Mr Donnelly's characters from Byker Grove." Neil replied whilst chuckling.
I chuckled as well when he said that. It was then I decided to tell him about his adoption. So I got up, knelt down in front of Neil, looked right into his eyes and slowly began saying.
"Neil, I've got some news for you kidda regarding mine and Anne Marie's adoption of you."
"What about it Mr McPartlin?" Neil asked me whilst starting to get worried.
"Hey there's no need to worry kidda because it's been approved. Anne Marie and I are officially your adoptive parents." I happily said to him.
After saying that to him, Neil looked at me with tears welling up in his eyes. He then quietly asked.
"Seriously? I'm officially your adoptive son?"
I placed my hand on his cheek, wiped away his tear with my thumb and happily said.
"Yes Neil, you are."
I then got back up onto my feet. Once I properly stood up, Neil got onto his feet and immediately threw his arms around me for a hug. Instead of returning the hug, I gently picked him up since he wasn't that heavy and hugged him close to my chest whilst minding his ribs.
"Thank you so much Mr McPartlin." Neil muffled in my shoulder.
"No need to thank me Kidda. Just feel happy that you've got a family again." I lovingly whispered in his ear.
After we done hugging, I gently put Neil back down again. The two of us then headed back to the car.
[In car park]
When we were in the car park, Neil turned to me and asked.
"Mr McPartlin, do Poppy and Daisy know as well?"
"No they don't. Anne Marie and I thought I tell you first then the three of us tell the girls together when we get back. How does that sound?" I then asked.
"Ok, I don't mind doing that." Neil honestly replied.
"Ok then, we'll do that." I happily said.
Once the two of us were by my car, we both got in and I drove us straight home.

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