Surprising Winners

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<few hours later>
(Third person P. O. V)
After the show had finished, the acts were allowed to see their families and their youth leaders before the results. The boys left their dressing room and were making their way around backstage to find Ant and Dec.
As the boys made their way through backstage, the both of them heard someone shouting.
"Oh no." Both the boys dreadfully said.
The two of them turned around and saw Stephen Mulhern approaching them. Soon as he got up to them, Stephen then said.
"Well, well, I didn't think I'd be seeing you two boys again since you both left Saturday night takeaway or finding out that you little Ant, are Ant's adopted son."
Neil and Haydn had been expecting this. So the two of them folded their arms and it was then Haydn started saying.
"First things first Mr Mulhern, we're actually little PJ and Duncan and we can say the very same to you. We didn't think we'd be seeing you tonight, did we Neil?"
"No Haydn, we didn't. I guess Dad and Dec left that bit out." Neil cheekily replied.
The boys began giggling and snickering whereas Stephen was appalled.
"Unbelievable," Stephen shockingly said, "I can't believe those two didn't tell you I was going to be here."
The boys shrugged their shoulders whilst still giggling.
"Well never mind, what I want to know is little PJ. What's it like being Ant's adopted son?" Stephen politely asked.
"I love it. It's been great." Neil kindly replied.
Before Stephen could say anything else, three of them heard someone saying.
"What's going here Stephen?"
Stephen and the boys all saw Ant and Dec coming up to them. Soon as they joined Stephen and the boys, Ant then jokingly asked.
"What do you think you're doing Mulhern? You trying to pinch my son, hey?"
"Actually Ant, I was thinking of adoption. You know, having my own little Stephen Mulhern and wanted to know from little PJ here, what's it's like being your son?" Stephen teasingly said.
"Get off him, he's mine. I had him first since he was my mini me." Ant humorously threatened whilst putting his arms around Neil.
"And you can't have Little Duncan because he's mine." Dec jokingly pointed out as he put his arm over Haydn.
"I'm only joking. But seriously though, congratulations Ant. How come you waited till now to reveal the news of your adoption?" Stephen genuinely asked.
"We had a few issues like with reporting Neil's father to the police and getting him done for child abuse." Ant began explaining.
"Another problem we had was Neil's father attacked Ant, Neil witnessed it and end up getting ran over. But thankfully in the end, he got what he deserved." Dec then finished.
"Oh my god," Stephen shockingly said, "how seriously hurt were you Ant?"
"Quite serious. I had to have surgery and was on life support for a few days. Neil got seriously hurt as well and had to stay in hospital as well but after some rest, the two of us have a made complete recovery." Ant honestly explained whilst gently giving Neil a squeeze on his shoulder.
"Wow, that's shocking. But I can happily say both you and young Neil look really well and Neil, both you and little Dec look really good in those miniature PJ and Duncan outfits." Stephen kindly complimented.
Neil and Haydn both had mischievous smiles on their faces.
"Thanks Mr Mulhern." Neil politely said.
"Least these are way more better than the costumes you made us wear." Haydn cheekily said.
Stephen was speechless whereas Ant and Dec were laughing.
"Nice one Haydn." Neil chuckled.
"Unbelievable." Stephen embarrassingly said.
Stephen then left to speak to the next act after saying good luck to the boys. Once Stephen left, both Ant and Dec burst out laughing over what Haydn had just said.
"Oh Haydn, I can't believe you've just said that to Stephen." Dec laughed.
"Better believe it uncle Dec, Haydn been dying to say that to him." Neil truthfully said.
"What? Seriously?" Ant surprisingly asked.
"Yeah seriously," Haydn honestly answered, "I really hated those costumes and so did Neil."
Ant and Dec looked over Neil who just shrugged his shoulders and honestly said.
"Like Haydn said, we both hated them and seeing that look on Stephen's face. Totally worth it."
Haydn happily put his arm over Neil and smiled. It was then Dec said.
"Ant, I think we've rubbed off on these two more than we did on the previous little Ant and Dec."
"I know mate, I know." Ant agreed whilst shaking his head.
Neil and Haydn just shrugged their shoulders and smirked.
"Come on you two," Ant then said, "Let's take you both back to our dressing room so you can rest there before the results."
"What about our clothes and our phones in our dressing room?" Haydn worriedly asked.
"Don't worry Haydn, I'll get them." Dec reassured.
After Dec said that, he then headed to the boys dressing room whilst Ant took both the boys back to their dressing room.
<few hours later>
It was now time for the results. All the acts were waiting with their families and their youth leaders whilst waiting the judges were announcing the three winning acts.
[In the audience]
While waiting for the judges to announce the winners, Neil and Haydn were sat with their youth leader Jim in the front row whilst Haydn's parents, Anne Marie, Ali and the girls were further back in the audience, waiting patiently for the results.
Soon as all four judges and Ant and Dec came back onto the stage, Neil and Haydn both hold theirs breaths and gave each other's hand a gentle squeeze each. Their youth leader Jim turned to them and gently but quietly whispered.
"No matter what happens Boys, you both have made me proud tonight. Especially you Neil."
"Thanks Jim." The boys gratefully replied.
Soon as the winners of third and second place were revealed. It was time for Ant and Dec to announce the winners of the contest.
"It is now time to reveal the winners of this contest and for the cheque that will go towards their youth club." Dec started to announce.
"And those winners are.." Ant began saying.
After getting a nod from all of the judges, Ant and Dec both shouted.
Neil and Haydn were both surprised and shocked after hearing that from Ant and Dec. Soon as they gently got up, Jim proudly hugged the pair of them and said.
"Well done you two."
The boys smiled at him and both made their way onto the stage whilst still hearing the audience applauding them.
[On stage]
Once the pair of them were on stage, they slowly made their way towards the centre of the stage. When they were by the centre of the stage, both Neil and Haydn gave Ant and Dec a hug each whilst starting to cry.
"We're so proud of you both." Both Ant and Dec said.
Once the audience calmed down and the boys managed to stop crying, they both shook all four of the judges hands whilst hearing Amanda saying.
"You two boys did a amazing job on your performance and your story little Ant from losing your mother and being a victim of child abuse to now to being Ant's adopted son is one of the sweetest and emotional stories we've ever heard."
"Also you both have the most amazing friendship according to your youth leader and that's why we decided that you two deserved to be first place. Well done." Simon congratulated.
"Thank you so much." The boys gratefully replied whilst wiping their tears away.
Once the boys had their medals put on them, they and the other winners all stood proudly on the stage.
"Everyone please give another round of applause for our winners." Dec cheerfully said whilst Ant was trying to stop crying.
The whole audience including Haydn's parents, Anne Marie, Ali and the girls then a big round of applause and cheers for the boys. Once Ant managed to stop crying, he and Dec went over to the boys and gave them a big hug each.
"Well done boys." They proudly said.
"Thanks so much." The boys gratefully said.
The judges, Stephen and the audience all adored seeing Ant and Dec hugging both Neil and Haydn

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