We'll support you with Neil

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<2 hours later>
(Third person P. O. V)
Anne Marie and Ali had gone out to get some shopping since Dec and Ali decided to stay for tea. Ant and Dec decided to stay home with Neil, Isla and the dogs.
[In the kitchen]
(Third person P. O. V)
The boys were in the kitchen. Ant was making lunch whilst Dec sat at the table with a cup of tea and playing with Isla who was in her high chair.
"Do you think Neil going to come down and join us?" Dec asked Ant.
Ant sighed and worriedly replied.
"Don't know to be honest with you Dec. He might feel scared to."
Dec sighed. He then left Isla playing with a doll and went to stand next to Ant.
"Tell me again about his injuries? What kind of injuries did he sustained?" Dec then asked.
"Bruised ribs, cuts and bruises on his arms and legs, rope cuts on his wrists, belt lashes on his back, black eye and a chest infection." Ant sadly explained.
Dec shook his head after listening to Ant. It was then Ant had finished making lunch and then asked.
"Dec, do you mind putting the food on the table whilst I'll go and fetch Neil?"
"Sure no problem." Dec kindly replied.
Soon as Dec said that, Ant headed out of the kitchen and went upstairs to see Neil.
[Outside Neil's room]
(Ant's P. O. V)
Once I was outside Neil's room. I gave a gentle knock on the door and quietly asked.
"Neil, it's only me son. Can I come in?"
I waited for a few seconds till I heard Neil saying.
After hearing that, I gently opened the door and went in the room.
[Inside the room]
(Ant's P. O. V)
When I was came in to the room, I saw Neil lying his side, curled up in a ball and had a tear stained face.
"Awww Neil. You've been crying again." I sadly said.
Soon as I sat on the side of the bed, Neil gently got up and sat next to me with his head leaning on me shoulder.
"Is Mr Donnelly upset?" Neil sadly whispered.
I put my arm around him and gently said.
"He is but not with you sonny. He was just shocked about what happened to you and so was Mrs Donnelly." I reassuringly replied whilst kissing the top of his head.
Neil then gave me a sideways hug and I returned it. Whilst I was hugging him, I then gently asked.
"Neil, are you going to come down and have lunch with me, Dec and Isla? Dec really wants to see you and you'll get to play with Isla."
Neil was quiet for a few minutes. After thinking to himself, Neil quietly replied.
"Ok. I am feeling a bit hungry."
I chuckled at that response. Neil and I then got up from the bed, left the room and headed to the kitchen.
[In the kitchen]
(Third person P. O. V)
Once Ant and Neil came into the kitchen, Dec gave a kind smile to Neil and sweetly greeted.
"Hello Neil, it's nice to see you again."
Neil gave a small smile which made Ant happy.
"Come on, let's all have our lunch. Is it?" Ant cheerfully said.
It was then the three of them all sat at the table with Isla and ate their lunch.
<few minutes later>
After everyone had finished their lunches, Dec was surprised to how Neil cleared his plate. It was Ant suggested.
"Neil, why don't you take Isla through to the living room and play with her whilst Dec and I do the dishes?"
"Ok Mr McPartlin." Neil replied.
Once Neil got onto his feet, he gently picked up Isla and went into the living room. After Neil and Isla left, Ant turned to Dec and concernedly asked.
"You alright mate?"
"Not really," Dec honestly replied, "I'm just shocked to see how skinny Neil is for a 14 year old."
"Don't worry, I was like that yesterday when I found him and when I saw him sleeping at the hospital." Ant honestly said.
Ant then got up and started to put all the dirty dishes in the dishwasher. Whilst Ant was doing that, Dec put kettle on to make him and Ant a cup of tea each. After making the tea, the two of them then headed into the living room.
[In the living room]
(Third person P. O. V)
Once Ant and Dec were sat down, they looked over to Neil and Isla who were playing with some of Isla's toys. Dec frowned when he saw all of the cuts and bruises on Neil's arms and getting a proper view of Neil's eye.
"Ant did the doctor say how long it's going to take for Neil's eye to get better?" Dec whispered to Ant.
"Few days he said." Ant whispered back.
Dec didn't like hearing that. Just then the pair of them heard laughing, they turned their heads to see Neil tickling Isla which made them happy.
"Isla sure knows how to put a smile on someone's face." Ant happily said.
"Of course, she takes after me. I always know when to put a smile on your face." Dec proudly said.
Ant smiled at that and put his arm over Dec. Neil saw it and then cheekily said.
"Look Isla, your Daddy and Mr McPartlin are having one of their bromance moments."
Isla giggled and clapped her hands after Neil said that. Ant and Dec, on the other hand, were embarrassed but started laughing as well.
"You've definitely still have your cheekiness in you Neil." Dec chuckled.
Neil smiled at that and was given a hug by Isla which he happily returned. Seen the two of them hug melted Ant and Dec's hearts. For the remainder of that afternoon, the four of them then watched telly.
<few hours later>
[early evening]
(Third person P. O. V)
It was early evening, Ant and Dec were sat in the living room watching telly whilst Neil and Isla were having a nap on the other sofa.
<current time>
[In the living room]
Whilst the boys were watching telly, Ali and Anne Marie came in with their hands full of shopping bags. They were about to say something but Ant and Dec shushed them.
"You're going to wake the kids up." They whispered.
The two women looked over to the other sofa and saw Neil laying on the sofa sleeping with Isla sleeping on his side with Neil's arms protectively around her.
"Awww, how cute." They whispered.
"Let's head to into the kitchen." Dec gently said.
The four of then then very quietly headed out of the living room and into the kitchen.
[In the kitchen]
When they were in the kitchen, Ant put the kettle on, Anne Marie put the shopping away whilst Dec and Ali sat at the table.
"So what did you two get from shopping?" Dec kindly asked.
"We got stuff in for tea and some clothes for Neil." Anne Marie quickly replied.
"What clothes did you get for him?" Ant then asked.
"Just some long sleeve shirts, underwear and bottoms." Ali kindly replied.
"Just till he's completely recovered from his injuries." Anne Marie reassured.
Both the boys understood. Once the kettle was boiled, Ant made the tea for the four of them. After making the tea and putting the shopping away, Ant and Anne Marie went to join Dec and Ali at the table.
After they sat down at the table, it was then Dec and Ali both looked at each other and nodded their heads which confused Ant and Anne Marie.
"Is something wrong?" Anne Marie worriedly asked.
"Guys, we've thought about it and Dec and I decided that." Ali began saying.
"We're going to support you both with your adoption of Neil." Dec finished.
Ant and Anne Marie were shocked when they heard that.
"Seriously?" Anne Marie gasped.
"You both are really going to support us?" Ant surprisingly asked.
"Yes we are." Both Dec and Anne Marie replied.
It was then the four of them got up and hugged each other. Whilst hugging Dec, Ant gratefully said.
"Thanks mate."
"No problem Ant." Dec happily replied.
"I'll sort everything out with the adoption people and social services. You both just focus on Neil and everything else." Ali supportively said.
"Don't worry, we will." Both Ant and Anne Marie promisingly said.
The four of them carried on hugging each other in a big group hug.

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