Meeting Christine and Anne

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<2 days later>
(Third person P. O. V)
It was a wet and miserable morning on the journey to Newcastle. Ant was driving in the careful way as he could through the the rain whilst Neil was playing on his phone. It was decided that Ant will stay up in Newcastle with Neil with Dec and Ali joining them in 2 days whilst Anne Marie and the girls go and stay with one of her relatives whilst the police are out looking for Neil's father.
[In the car]
(Ant's P. O. V)
While I was driving, I noticed how quiet Neil was. So I concernedly asked.
"You ok Neil?"
"Yeah, just nervous." Neil quietly replied.
"What are you nervous about kidda? Is it to do with meeting my mam and my sisters?" I then asked.
"Yeah." Neil replied in a quiet voice.
"Don't be nervous Neil, my mam and my two sisters are going to love you. They've been asking nonstop questions about you and also got you presents as well." I reassuringly but sneakily said.
It was Neil turned to look at me with a happy look on his face.
"Seriously? I've got more presents." He happily asked me.
"Yes kidda, you have." I chuckled at him.
I then place my hand on his head and gave his hair a bit of a ruffle. Once I placed my hand back on the steering wheel, I then said.
"If you want Neil, you can put some of mine and Dec's songs on."
"Really?" Neil eagerly asked.
"Yes." I replied whilst smiling.
Neil then connected his phone to the radio and started to set up the music on it. Once the music was starting to playing, the first song that played was.
"Here we go here we go here we go!
Here we go here we go here we go!
Here we go! Here we go!"
I ended laughing when I realised it was 'Our radio rocks'.
"Sorry Mr McPartlin, this is one of my favourite songs apart from 'Rhumble'." Neil giggled.
"It's fine kidda, I'm ok with it. At least it wasn't 'eternal love'." I humourlessly said.
Neil laughed when I said that and I enough joining too. The two of us then sing along to 'Our radio rocks' for the rest of the journey.
<few hours later>
[Outside Christine house]
(Third person P. O. V)
After parking the car, both Ant and Neil got out of the car. Once Ant got his and Neil's bags out of the boot of the car, he and Neil headed to house.
"Ready kidda?" Ant asked quickly to Neil.
"Yep." Neil replied back.
After Neil said that, both he and Ant went inside the house.
[In the hallway]
When the both of them were in the hallway, they both greeted by Christine who just came out of the kitchen.
"I was wondering when you were going to show up." Christine openly greeted.
"Sorry Mam, weather was horrible on the way up." Ant apologised whilst taking his coat off.
Just then another voice started saying.
"I hope you was driving carefully on the way up Anthony."
Ant and Neil turned around and saw Anne coming out the kitchen.
"Hello Annie, how nice to you." Ant surprisingly greeted.
"Annie has came over to meet Neil as well." Christine kindly informed.
"Oh I see," Ant understandingly replied, "Sorry Annie, it was just a surprise to see you that's all."
"Oh that's quite alright Anthony, I understand honestly." Anne reassuringly said.
"Now are you going to introduce us to my new adoptive grandson or not Anthony." Christine kindly demanded.
"Yes of course Mam. I was just getting round to it." Ant then said.
Ant then placed his arm around Neil who was standing next him all shy and nervous. It was then Ant said.
"Mam, Annie, this is Neil. Neil this is my Mam Christine and this is Dec's Mam Anne but we call her Annie."
"Hello." Neil greeted in a quiet voice.
"Awww, there's no need to be shy sweetheart. Come and give your new Nana a cuddle." Christine sweetly said as she opened her arms out.
Neil smiled a bit and gave Christine a hug which made her, Anne and Ant smile. After hugging Christine, Neil politely said.
"Nice to meet you Mrs Donnelly."
"Oh there's no need to call Mrs Donnelly sweetheart, just call me Annie." Annie kindly replied whilst ruffling Neil's hair.
"Ok then." Neil quickly replied.
"Where's Sarha and Emma Mam?" Ant curiously asked.
"Sorry darling, they couldn't make it. They send their apologies but they did drop off their presents for Neil." Christine honestly replied.
"Oh ok then, can't be helped." Ant understood.
"I think it's time we all had tea." Anne suggested.
"Oh yes please, I'm dying for one." Ant agreed.
"I'll go and make us some, come through to kitchen." Christine then said.
The four of them then went into the kitchen.
<few minutes later>
[In the kitchen]
After the teas were made, Christine then gave Neil his presents which he gratefully took and began to open. The presents were few jumpers, button shirts and a football which was from Anne.
"Thanks Mrs McPartlin and Annie, I love them." Neil gratefully said as he went over and gave both ladies a hug each.
"You're welcome darling." Christine happily said.
"You deserve it sweetheart." Anne then said.
"Neil, why don't you head upstairs try on some of your new clothes and come back down to show us, hey?" Ant suggestively said.
"Alright then." Neil happily agreed then left.
After Neil left, it was then Christine proudly said.
"I'm proud of you son for what you've done for that boy."
"Yes, well done Anthony. You've been a good parent to that lovely young man." Anne proudly said herself.
"Thanks you both, that means a lot." Ant gratefully said whilst getting a bit tearful.
Christine got up and hugged her son whilst Anne patted his hand.
"Thanks you both." Ant thanked whilst still hugging Christine.
After Christine was done hugging her son, she sat on the chair next to him. Anne then curiously asked.
"Have you heard anymore news from the police about Neil's father?"
"No not really, they've said that they're still on the look out for him but haven't said anything else." Ant then replied.
"Let's just hope they find him. He needs to punished for what's he's done to that poor boy." Christine hopefully said.
"I agree. He should be locked away and never be allowed to have children again." Anne agreed.
Ant giggled at what Anne just said. Just then Neil came in wearing one his new shirts and kindly asked.
"How do I look?"
"You look really smart Neil." Anne nicely complemented.
"And very grown up." Christine kindly added.
Ant smiled and happily said.
"You look smashing kidda."
"Aww thanks." Neil happily thanked.
Neil then left to take the shirt off. When he came back, Christine then asked.
"Neil, you ready for food darling?"
"Oh yes please, I'm starving." Neil honestly replied.
Christine and Anne laughed and smiled at Neil response whilst Ant just grinned.
"He definitely takes you and Declan Anthony when you two boys were his age." Annelaughed.
Ant didn't say anything but just shook his head. Christine then got up and started to make lunch for the four of them.
For remainder of that afternoon, the four of them spent time catching up with each other and telling Neil embarrassing stories of Ant and Dec when they were teenagers.
<Few hours later>
[That night]
(Third person P. O. V)
It was late in the evening. Ant was already in bed asleep from today's events. Neil was still awake in his room and Christine was about to head to bed herself but decided to check on Neil.
[In Neil's room]
(Neil's P. O. V)
As I laid here in bed, I couldn't get off to sleep. Suddenly I heard the door opening and heard someone saying.
"Neil, why are you still awake sweetheart?"
It was Mrs McPartlin that asked me that. Soon as she came in and sat on the side of the bed. I honestly said.
"Can't get off to sleep Mrs McPartlin."
Mrs McPartlin then smiled at me and sweetly said.
"You definitely remained me of Anthony. He used to suffer from sleeping problems when he was your age. Do you want to know what I used to do to help him to get off?"
"What?" I quickly replied.
Mrs McPartlin then got up and started to plump up the pillows. After she done that, I laid back on them and they felt a lot more comfortable. Mrs McPartlin then started to tuck the duvet around me and gave me a kiss on my forehead which brought a smile to my face.
"Feel a bit more comfortable now?" Mrs McPartlin sweetly asked.
"Yeah, thanks Mrs McPartlin." I gratefully but tiredly replied.
"You don't have to call me Mrs McPartlin Neil. Just call me Nana Christine since we're now family." Mrs McPartlin then said.
"Ok then, Nana Christine." I sleepily said whilst starting to fall asleep.
Nana Christine then gave me a kiss on the head and quietly left before gently whispering.
"Goodnight Neil."
"Goodnight Nana Christine." I whispered back.
After she quietly closed the door, I peacefully fell asleep with a smile on my face.

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