Early may (part 4)

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(Meredith POV)

I blinked a few times before focusing on the face tired face of my husband in front of me. Teddy gently pulled off the covid mask and the oxygen mask.  I opened my mouth to say something, but my throat was so dry it came out as more of a raspy cry. I coughed, and my chest flared in pain. I inhaled sharply and tried to control my breathing.

Tears welled in my eyes and I looked at Derek. "It's okay. You're okay." He said softly as he held a cup of water to me. I barely had the strength to open my mouth, let alone grab the cup. Sensing this, Derek held the straw to my lips and I gladly accepted the cool liquid.

"What...happened?" I asked as I looked around groggily. "What's the last thing you remember?" Derek asked. "Covid." I whispered. My chest was burning, the pain radiating up and down. Derek nodded. "Did you...heart transplant?" I asked. I could hear some of what people were saying.

"Yes. You had a heart transplant. Covid got to your heart and the strain was too much. We placed you in a medically induced coma at first to help your body heal from covid, but then it got to your heart and we had to take you out." Bailey explained quietly as she placed a hand over Merediths. Meredith squeezed lightly. "Kids?" I choked out, wheezing a little. Teddy noticed my struggle and placed the oxygen mask over my mouth and nose.

"The kids are all good, with Amelia and link at the house. My mother is there too." Derek replied. I nodded and shifted my body, causing the pain to increase. "Grey, we're gonna give you some morphine. You're obviously in a lot of pain." Bailey pointed out. I nodded, too tired and too in pain to argue. She pushed it into my IV and the relief was almost instant. "Love you." I murmered to Derek before closing my eyes.

(Derek POV)

"Her vitals are good, right?" I asked as we stepped outside of the room. "Her vitals are okay for now. A big concern will be keeping her BP under control. If it gets too high it could be fatal." Teddy replied. I nodded. "When she wakes up again, it's important that she stays calm. If she's not calm we're going to have to sedate her. And all of you, we can't forget that she's also a covid patient, not just a cardio patient. I know cardio seems to overrule the covid, but we can't underestimate the virus, got it?" Teddy asked. Everyone agreed.

"I'm gonna help with a few patients." I said. I felt really guilty about not working. I know my wife is very sick, but I still feel guilty. "No, you're not. You are going to sit with your wife and wait for her to wake up again." Bailey said sternly. "But-." I started. "No shepherd. You shouldn't feel guilty about not working. Your wife is very sick, and she needs you right now." She said. I nodded. "Now we have patients to attend to. Go sit down with her." Bailey said. I nodded and walked into Merediths room.

I did a few charts and some covid research before Meredith woke up. She stirred and opened her eyes after a minute. "Hi." I said. "Hi." She whispered before grimacing as she took a deep breath in. "Chest hurts?" I asked with a sad smile. She nodded. "Want to facetime the kids? Maybe it'll make you feel better?" I suggested. She nodded. I pulled the oxygen mask on and she smiled.

I pulled out my iPad from my work bag and dialed Amelias number. She picked up almost immediately. "How's Mer?" She asked. I smiled and turned the camera to Meredith. "Mer! You're okay!" Amelia exclaimed. Meredith smiled to the best of her abilities and gave a weak thumbs up.

"Want to see the kids?" Amelia asked. Meredith nodded and Amelia picked up her iPad and brought it to what looked like the living room. "You guys wanna say hi to mommy?" She asked. An erupting of cheers came and they all came into view. "Hi mommy!" All 3 kids yelled. "Hi!" Meredith exclaimed. "We miss you mama!" Ellis said. "I miss...you guys too." Meredith said as she took a sharp intake of air.

"Hi Meredith!" My mother said from behind the camera. "Hi...Mrs Shepherd." Meredith said. I knew my mom would yell at her for that. "Carolyn." She corrected immediately. Meredith laughed weakly and groaned. "I think we're gonna go. I'll be home in a few days. Bye guys, love you!" I said into the ipad. "Love you." Meredith said. "Love you mama! Love you daddy!" The kids said. "Bye Derek. Bye Mer, feel better!" Amelia said before hanging up.

I put the iPad away and moved the chair closer to Meredith. "I missed you." I said. "I could...hear you." Meredith replied. I smiled. "I know. Your heart rate kept jumping up when you heard the kids or me." I said. She nodded. "I'm gonna...survive this...right?" She asked, showing a vulnerability I hadn't seen in years. I swallowed thickly. "You're gonna be just fine, Mer. You've survived the worst already. You just gotta push through." I said.

"You're strong. You're gonna be just fine." I added softly. She nodded. I cupped her cheek softly and she leaned into my touch. I wiped a stray tear away and kissed her through my shield mask. "I love you." I whispered. "I love...you too." Meredith replied back.

"Get some sleep. I'll be here when you wake up." I assured her. She nodded and let herself succumb to sleep. I sat on the couch nearby and I also let myself get some sleep, knowing that she was still far away from being out of the woods and healthy.

Hey guys! Lots of merder fluff in this chapter. 39 days left until season 17 comes back!! Hope everyone's doing well.

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