Early may (part 7)

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(Zola POV)

I kmow my mom is sick, but I really have no idea how sick she is. Dad said she has covid, but I don't really know that much about it. I'm only 11. Dad is a mess too. He's been constantly on his ohone, checking for something, which I'm assuming is updates on mom. I'm glad grandma came though. She's really nice and she bakes us cookies.

I walked up to dad in his office. "Hey zo!" He exclaimed. "Hi daddy." I replied as he lifted me into his lap. "What's up?" He asked. "What's really going on with mom?" I asked. Dad inhaled sharply and sighed. "Well Zo, your mommy has covid. You know that. And covid is dangerous." He replied.

"But why is it so dangerous?" I asked curiously. "It is a disease that attacks your immune system. And with the work your mommy and I do, we had to treat patients with it, so it was very easy for her to get it." He replied. "Ms Green said it's killed over 500,000 people?" I asked hesitantly. Dad smiled sadly. "It's true." He said.

"Why haven't you guys fixed it?" I asked. "Your mommy and I don't find the vaccines. Big scientists do that. We just help treat the symptoms." Dad replied. I nodded, absorbing all the information.

"Dad?" I asked again after a pause. "Yeah?" He replied. "Is mom....is mom gonna die?" I asked worriedly and timidly. "And don't lie please." I added. "I don't know Zo. Your mommy had to get a new heart." Dad said. My eyes went wide in fear. "Like a heart transplant?" I asked. "Yes, exactly zola." Dad replied.

"Is she okay?" I asked. "She's doing okay. She's not on the ventilator anymore. I saw her the other day." Dad replied. I breathed a sigh of relief. "Can I see her?" I asked. "Zo, you know the answer to that. It's not safe, for you or for mom." He replied. "I miss her." I said quietly. "I know you do. Maybe we can FaceTime her again later." Dad suggested.

I nodded. "Do bails and Ellie know?" I asked. "No, they don't really understand. Are they asking questions?" He asked. "Not really. Bailey just wants mom and so does Ellie." I replied. "Okay. If they ask tell me and I'll talk to them about it." He responded. "Okay." I said. "I love you love bug." Dad said. "I love you too daddy." I replied.

I went back into my room and sat down on my bed. I understand, somewhat at least, about the disease and what's happening to mom. I just wish I could see her and talk to her. I really miss her. She's the best mom anyone could ever ask for. I sighed and picked up the book that mom got me. It's called 'Who says women can't be doctors' and I started to read.

(Meredith POV)

At the hospital, I was alone. Again. Derek went home to be with the kids, and everyone else was busy.

I have never felt this alone in my life since Addison came to town. I hate feeling this way, knowing that I'm confined to a bed and can't do anything. I want to go home and cuddle my babies until they beg to leave.

I'm in pain all the time, but I guess that's the side effects of having a heart transplant and covid at the same time. My chest constantly aches, and I'm short of breath all the time. I have a nasal cannula on under my mask, due to my poor lung function.

And it's at this point in my life where I realize how grateful I am for everything I have in my life. I've taken way too many things for granted. Derek, my kids, my job, my friends, everything. Now that I can lose everything, I'm even more grateful for everything.

"Penny for your thoughts?" Bailey asked as she came in. I looked over and smiled. "Just thinking." I replied. "About?" She asked as she sat down. "Life." I replied. "Want to talk about it?" Bailey asked. "I just...now that I can...lose everything....I realized...how grateful I am." I replied, a little out of breath. "Grey, your going to be fine. You've survived worse than this." Bailey said.

"I have...3 beautiful kids...and a husband....and a perfect job....I don't want....to lose it all." I continued. "Meredith Elizabeth Grey! You will not lose anything. You are going to get better and get your sorry ass home and cuddle your babies and husband. You are not gonna die, you hear me?" Bailey scolded.

"Did you just...middle name me?" I asked in surprise. "I did." She said. "How do you....even know that?" I asked. "I'm doctor Bailey. I know every thing. Shouldn't you know this already?" Bailey asked. I chuckled. "Seriously Grey, you are going to be fine." She said seriously.

"Okay." I replied, not entirely believing her. "Grey, I know your all 'twisty and dark' or whatever Yang calls it, but you have to be optimistic sometimes." Bailey said. "Dark and twisty." I corrected lightly. "Whatever. My point is you have to have faith. And you have a lot to be alive for, got it?" SHe asked. I nodded. "Thank you." I said. "Your welcome Grey. I'll see you soon." She replied while walking out.

After she left, I was left alone, but now with a surprisingly more optimistic mindset. I was exhausted, I'll admit. I texted Derek Goodnight quickly and went to sleep.

Hey guys!! Hope you enjoyed the chapter and hope you guys are all doing well!!

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