Early June (part 4)

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(Meredith POV)

My chest felt heavy. Which was normal when recovering from covid and a heart transplant. And from being intubated for a little while.

On the beach, not knowing if I would wake up or not was one of the most terrifying things I've ever had to do.

"Good morning sleepyhead." Derek said with a smile as I opened my eyes. "Morning." I replied quietly. "How are you feeling?" He asked softly.

"Okay. Tired." I said. "You want to tell the kids you're awake? They've been asking." Derek asked. "Yes please." I answered. I hadn't been able to see the kids, and I'm desperate.

"We can FaceTime." Derek suggested. I nodded and began scooting over to make room for him. I had tested negative for covid, so Derek was allowed without the PPE, just a mask like I was wearing.

"Careful." Derek warned, helping me move over. I felt like I had the immune system of a 90 year old. Derek eventually was able to squeeze in the bed and climbed In.

I rested my head on his chest, like I normally would at home. Derek called the kids and we waited for them to pick up. "Daddy!" I heard the kids squeal. Derek just had the camera on him for now.

"Hi guys. How's are you?" Derek asked. "Good. How's mama?" Zola asked. "Why don't you ask her?" He asked with a smile, moving the camera to me.

"Mama!" All three kids exclaimed happily. I watched as they smiled brightly. "Hey guys." I replied with a smile. "You're awake!" Zola yelled.

"I am. I missed you guys so much." I said. "We missed you too mama!" Ellis exclaimed. "They took the tube out?" Bailey asked. They were too young to have to see me like that.

"They did." I confirmed. "When can you come home?" Zola asked. I looked at Derek, who shrugged. "We don't know yet, guys. Mama still has to get better." Derek said.

"She's still sick? But she's awake." Ellis said in confusion. "I'm awake and I'm okay. I was sick for a while so my body has to recover. I'm okay though." I tried to explain.

"Can't you have your body recover at home?" Bailey asked. "In case your mom feels worse, we need her to stay here so we can help her. It's just for a precaution though." Derek said.

"Oh." They all replied. "I'll be home soon enough." I said. "Okay." Zola replied as my doctors came In. "We have to go guys. We'll talk to you later, okay?" Derek said.

"Love you." All three of them said. "We love you too." I replied.

(Derek POV)

We hung up the phone and everyone came in. Merediths vitals were stable, and she seemed to be doing much better.

"How are you feeling Meredith?" Bailey asked, taking her blood pressure. "Not too bad." She replied. I could tell she was tired.

"Is anything bothering you?" Teddy asked, checking Merediths incision on her chest. "My chest just feels a little heavy." She explained.

I immediately became concerned and looked at her. "Calm down Derek, it's normal. Her lungs have been through a lot. We'll get another scan, just to be sure though." Teddy said, listening to her heart.

"Were you talking to the kids?" Richard asked. We both nodded. "When can I leave?" Meredith asked. I sighed, knowing it must be hard for her not to be able to see the kids.

"Grey, you were just extubated yesterday. I'm saying at least a week and a half." Bailey replied. "I want to see my kids." She whined. "You haven't stood up in weeks. You haven't walked in weeks. Your body is still extremely week." Bailey said.

"But I wanna go home." Meredith said, her voice cracking. "I know Grey." Bailey said sympathetically. I put my arms around Meredith and she leaned into
Me. "I want to go home." She repeated, as I could feel her tears seep into my shirt.

Everyone left the room, leaving just me and Meredith. "Let it out, Mer. Let it all out. I'm here. You're okay." I murmered. Meredith gripped my shirt in a death grip and cried.

She calmed down after a while and I felt her body relax next to mine. I knew she fell asleep minutes later when soft snores erupted from her mouth. I let myself fall asleep as well.


(Still dereks POV)

A few hours later, I woke up, Meredith still fast asleep. I got up and quietly left the bed.

"Bailey." I said as I walked up to her. "Derek. What is it?" She asked. Bailey was clearly exhausted. "How is she doing? She's doing well? You're not sugarcoating anytning?" I asked anxiously.

"Not sugarcoating anybting. Look at her chart." Bailey said, handing me the big binder. I read through the whole thing throughly. "She's okay Derek. She doesn't have covid anymore. The only reason we're keeping her is because her body needs to recover still. Her immune system and her heart and lungs." Bailey explained.

"Okay." I breathed with a sigh of relief. Meredith was going to be okay. She's okay. "Go clean yourself up. I'll watch her." Bailey said. I nodded and quickly went off.

(Bailey POV)

I stepped into Merediths room right as she woke up. "Bailey." Meredith said sleepily. "Hey Grey. How you feeling?" I asked. "Good." She replied, taking a deep breath.

"Where's Derek?" Meredith asked. "I made him go clean up." I answered. She nodded.  "I'm back." Dereks voice said as he entered the room.

He walked Over to Meredith and pressed a kiss to her forehead. "Good job very." I said before waking out.

She made it through, thankfully. Again.

Hey guys'! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and hope your all doing well! This is a filler since I have to wait 2 weeks for a Meredith episode (since next weeks is japril) if you guys have any ideas for future chapters let me know.

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