🍲Spiritual Side🥟

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I have no regrets for that.

(???) Wakey Wakey

My eyes opened to see A fucking Nine Tailed Cat standing right above me.

(???) Well hello sleepy head.

I quickly scooted away from her.

(???): What's wrong

The nine tailed cat asked.

"Where am I and who are you

(???) I'm Ahri and you're in Ionia.

"Oh , thank you Miss Ahri for the information". I quietly sulked to myself.

The many white tails behind her began to circle around me

"Do you have a name".

"Oh sorry , my name is (Y/N)".

Ahri smiled "Cute name , for a person like you , it fits you.

"Now tell me , why did you jump off the cliff" ? Ahri asked.

"I was getting chased by a ninja with a big sickle and a knife".

Ahri's left ear cocked to the right.

"A ninja with sickle and a knife".

I nodded "Yea it was her and a woman with flying machetes".

Ahri was thinking about who these people that I was talking about.

"Oh , I know who you're talking about , your talking about Akali and Irelia , Akali is the ninja and Irelia is the girl with the floating machetes".

Ahri grabs my hand stands up and begin walking down a path.

"Where are you taking me"? I asked

"Don't worry , I just wanna show you something".

She led me into a cottage.

"This is my home".

I raised an eyebrow "Uh-huh you're not going to kill me are you".

Ahri's ears twitched "If I really wanted you dead would have left you unconscious body in the river"

"Well you're not wrong".

She opens the door and lets me in.

"So tell me , how did you end up here" Ahri asked.

"Well , my island got invaded by Noxians".

Ahri ears went down.

"So your home wasn't the only one".


Ahri faces me again.

"Noxians have been taking over land that they seem suitable for them". Ahri says.

"That's messed up".

Ahri nods " Very messed up , the people here have split beliefs on letting the nature here take care of them or doing something about it".

"So that's why everyone on the mainland was fighting them". My eyes looked downward.

"(Y/N) can you face me"

I looked at me up and down.

"Why does your soul looks like Black Diamond".

I jerked my head up in confusion.

"Now it's changing into a Gray Agate , can you make gemstones".

"No , not that know of" I answered

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