🍜Reaper Randy....!?🥟

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(Akali's POV)

I woke up in the field of Sapphire Roses. I looked down, and (Y/N) was gone

"Hmm...where the hell did she go." I begin to sit up and take a look around.

I did a big stretch. A few satisfying cracks ran down my back

"Mmm, that's better." I said while looking for (Y/N).

"Yo, Dumpling, where you at."

No response.

"Just gre-


"Hmm." I heard the splashing of water. I grabbed my satchel and tied it to the back of my waist, and followed the sound.

It took me a good 15 minutes to find a pond as clear as glass with her butt naked behind cleaning herself.

I smirked to myself

"This should be fun,"


(Y/N's POV)

I jumped in a nearby pond, wanting to get a bit clean. My clothes hung up on a low-hanging tree.

I was a good 10 minutes in my bath till I heard someone's hands on my waist.

"You got t minus five seconds to get your hands off of me and leave." My hands curled up into fists, ready to punch anyone in the face.

(???): Ya know you just set yourself up for an ambush like this Dumplin'.

I let out a sigh of relief."Oh, it's just you, Akali."

"In the flesh babe...so tell me why you are out here, no clothes in the middle of a pond, hmm, anyone can see you." I felt her hands go around my waist.

"It's better that you see me like this than any other person...besides, I smell like sex."

She chuckles. "True." I felt her head rest on my shoulder.

"So what now Akali"? I asked

"What now what"? She asked confused.

"What's the next mission?".

Akali begins to think "Well we're still too close to the Kinkou. We gotta get going to Vlonqo, or we'll be killed.

"I guess you're right. I saw Mayym's acolytes running about a few miles from her before I came over here".

Akali raised an eyebrow. "Is that so. We better get a move on them, come on Dumplin get yourself dried up". Akali slapped my ass before getting out of the pond.

"Hey, watch it, Akali". I rubbed my ass in pain

"Sorry I couldn't help myself Dumplin' I like a cute ass"

I rolled my eyes at her. "Uh-huh, I bet it was".

I dried myself off and put my kimono back on. I looked back over at Noodle and saw her put back on her top...I couldn't help but stare at her back.

There was a huge dragon tattoo on her back...I don't know but it sure puts some points on sexiness, not gonna li-

"Aye, Dumplin what cha looking at". I was caught

"W-well I was looking at that tree over the-"

"Don't lie I was looking right at you the whole time". Akali smirked and walked over to me

"I bet you'll look nice with a tattoo of your own, but that's gonna have to wait".

Akali snapped her shash full of weaponry and supplies on her waist and started walking. I wasn't too far behind her.

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