🍜Within A Dragon's Embrace🥟

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(It's about that time that you've all been waiting for, yep it's lemon time so any minors get out or people who don't like sensitive stuff like this because this contains SAUCY, SAUCY 18+ ACTIVITIES)

(Author-Chan out ~✌️)


(Akali's POV)

"Let me be your woman, Akali~."


I'm looking up at (Y/N) while she sits on my waist, straddling me.

(I can't even comprehend what I just heard. Since when has (Y/N) ever said something so bold like that)

"Akali, you're starting to scare me." (Y/N) pokes me on the head.


"What's wrong with you? Did your brain short-circuit or something? "

"Yes, because this is the first time that my lady has ever thrown themselves at me."

(Y/N) laughed.

"Dumpling, are you sure you wanna take another step in our relationship? Don't get me wrong, I'll do what you want but only at your convenience. "

(Y/N) rubs her arm rather bashfully and looks away from me with the cutest little blush. She's really thinking about it. "W-Well I been thinking about it, but I don't know how'd you feel about it."

The heat from my already red cheeks skyrocketed.

(What the fuck have I got myself into)

While I was questioning myself I began to get a slight headache.

(???): My, My, look at you.

I recognized that sultry voice from anywhere else.

(Evelynn now is not the time. ")

The demon just snickered.

("There's time for everything darling".)

I quirked my eyebrow.

(The hell do you mean by there's time for everything" ?)

Evelynn signed in exhaustion.

("Are you aware that you're denser than a brick wall Assassin? , Welp looks like I have to do it myself. ")

I started getting nervous.

(Y/N) noticed.

"Akali, did I say something wrong?"

I break out of my inner thoughts to look at her.

"It's nothing, Dumpling, don't you worry about a thing". I said even though I was thinking every which way Evelynn was going to screw me over.

Just pass (Y/N) a few meters away. I saw Evelynn with the most shit-eating grin on her face.

"If the fox can have some fun, then why can't I?" When Evelynn spoke, it caught (Y/N)'s attention

"Huh, who's ther- "? When (Y/N) turned to face Evelynn, she got smacked dead in the face with something pinkish.

"Thank me later." She disappears into the night.

My attention went back to (Y/N), who was laying flat on her face at this point.

"(Y/N), you alright?" I asked.


No response, just great.

Poked her on the head.

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