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(Y/N's POV)

"Can I leave now". I asked.

"I guess". Noodle-head said.

Then she leans down by my ear.

"But if I see you hurt this land I won't hesitate to stain my kunai with your blood DO. YOU. UNDERSTAND. ME".

I avoid eye contact with her , my body was shivering under her might.

"Good your scared , like you should be".

"Hey get off of her like that , you're being quite mean to her and you don't even know her personality" Machete trys to have my back

I hear Noodle-head groans before she stands up.

She glares at me one more time before walking away into the thickets with Machete behind her.

"I honestly thought she was going to kill me on the spot". I say to myself.

A chilling breeze flowed past me. I shivered from the sensation.

"I need to get a jacket or something before I get hypothermia or something else". I get up in my feet and started walking to nearest village.

"I hope that I don't get jumped by her again".


(Akali's POV)

"So Akali". Irelia said.

"What"? I looked back at her.

"When are you and her"?

"Really Irelia , you just had to bring that up" I sarcastically asked

"But I'm just saying , what if anyone sees you drooling over this girl".

I slight blush started to creep over my face "Who said I was even drooling over her"? I asked .

"You apparently don't leave her alone".

"And , so what I can do whatever I please". I crossed my arms.

"What do you even see within her that makes you so drawn to her"? Irelia asked

"And this is my que to leave". I interrupted. I jumped on top of a tree and proceeded to get away from Irelia.



I watch her at the bottom of the tree.

(???): I just hope she doesn't jump at me again.

A familiar voice.

I looked out at the horizon

There goes that little shit-head on a dirt road looking paranoid as ever.

I looked down at Irelia , who is now practicing her dances with her blades.

"Great she's distracted" I smirked under my mask.

I quietly slipped down from the tree while Irelia's back was turned. I silently followed behind her within the trees.


(Y/N's POV)

I could feel the air getting colder and colder every time it blew. I kept walking up the dirt road in hopes on find a place to find something to protect me from the cold air.

My feet led me to the same village that I had that encounter with Noodle-head.....where we smashed though that window. I rubbed the side of my back remembering the painful fall down.

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