🍲Great....Falling For The Enemy🥟

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(Y/N's POV)

As I laid flat on my back in my dome of Rose Quartz that circled around me.

My face was still red.

"What the fuck was wrong with that woman".

I flopped over onto my back and looked up a the pale pink dome of the quartz.

My eyes started to get droopy.

(???) (y/n) ,(Y/n) (Y/N)

My eyes snap open to see Ahri again she was hovering over me.

"Hi Ahri" I greeted her.

She gets off of me

I looked around to that I'm in the spirit realm again.

"Hi (Y/N)"

"How did I get here again" I asked.

I saw Ahri's ears flatten.

"Wwwweeeeelllll , every tine you go to sleep you'll be here".

"Oh , is that a bad thing".

"Yea and no"

"What do you mean by yes and no".


(???): Ahri where are you ?

A small girl and pale cloud with ears and grim smile.


The fanged cloud charged for me.

"What is up with everybody think that I wanna be chased".

I fled into the forest covered in cherry blossom tree and petals.

(???) GET OVER HERE !!!!

I keep running until I was cornered by a cliff.

(???) Gotta Cha.

The cloud of fangs went straight at me.

I held out my hand to shield myself but pain didn't come , weird.

I open my eyes.

I was in a crystal ball.

(???) What the....

The cloud of fangs and fur circles around me before trying to brake in by using its teeth but the diamond ball was too hard and the cloud chipped a tooth.

(???) Ouch , my fang fell out.

Ahri was over a hill just amazed and the little girl with the mask just watched.

(???): Come back Wolf

The cloud of fangs and fur when back to the masked girls with its ears pinned down and left.

The ball of diamond started to crack down and crumble into shards.

Ahri walks over to me being careful about where she steps.

"Who where they" ?

"Lamb and Wolf".

"More like Lambchop and Flying Sperm Cloud"

Ahri smacks my shoulder "Not nice (Y/N)".

"Whats not nice is that the freaking wolf attacked me".

"Well you do have a point there".

Ahri led me to a riverbank snd sat beside me.

I was quite the whole time.

"Is something on your mind (Y/N)"? Ahri asked leaning over me.

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