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(Y/N's POV)

I walked with Shen and Kennen into this dojo.

"What is this place" I asked.

"This is the Kinkou you can stay here".

The three of use walk past a arena where two wenon where fighting one with an bow and arrow and the other with throwing knives.

(???): Work on the angling of your arms to get a more precise shot at your target.

The when the woman with the throwing knives looked at me. She had similar cold red eyes just like Akali's.

I shivered on the spot and I caught up with Shen and Kennen.

"Where did ya go". Kennen asked

"Uhh.....I believe I had a stroke".

The two of them just eyed at me in  awkwardness.

"You are a strange girl (Y/N)".

"And I'm just going to take that as a complement". I spoke in a monotone voice.

"I like her she's chill". Kennen chirped.

"And I'm also going to take that as a compliment".

Shen stops walking and turns to a door.

"You will be staying here".

In the room there were a pair of large fans in the walls.

"I will leave you be for the evening" With that Shen and Kennen walked away.

After a few minutes of eyeing all of the stuff in the room footsteps started to crowd around the door.

(???): Is she a new student.

(???): She looks kinda cute.

(???): Well I think she looks like a jackass.

(???): Faey don't be mean you haven't even met her.

I looked at the door baffled.

"What the fuck" I whispered.

(???): I guess you're right she is pretty cute for a girl like her...wonder if she's single.

(???): Hey I saw her first.

(???): The lies you tell.

I walked over at the door and opened it.

Nobody was there.

"I know that i'm not on drugs". I turned back around.

My eyes widened.

These people where in my room right behind me.

(???): Who on Runeterra are you.

The one with an bow an' arrow and a missing leg glared at me.

"(Y/N) , who the fuck are you". I asked.

"I'm Faey and that Hisso , Omie , Zen (Not from Lucky Gal) and Eisah". She introduced.

"Now with all the introduces out of the way , tell me why the hell are you here". Faey's voice gotten threatening.

There was a awkward moment as all of then just looked at me like blankly.

"Do you really wanna know why"? I asked wanting to make sure.

Feay rolled her eyes "That's whet we are here dumbass".

I got a little offended

"You are starting off on the wrong foot I have done nothing wrong to you".

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