🍲Who's You🥟

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"Who's You"

"I could say the same thing about chu"

I was currently talking to a ninja that had me on pinned onto a tree that also apparently dosen't like my ass.


(HOLD ON WAIT WAIT A SECOND.........I bet you guys are wondering how I the fuck I got in this mess)

(Some would say drugs , alcohol or just straight up plain stupidity)

(So sit back , relax , and get chu some snacky snacks and i'll explain that how I end up in hell sack)


I currently walking around my village

Yes I live here so don't get started with me

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Yes I live here so don't get started with me.

Our home was on a isolated island in a cave from the outside world free from danger or threats of any kind.

But it was way to quiet here for my liking . I've heard to tales that people that lived in the depths ran up to the surface only to see wars or assassination happening left and right others said that it was bright , colorful and full of life.

I wanted to see this for myself but every time I tried to run out into the unknown I always got caught by the guards who watch the entrance.

But all things changed when a invasion happened. Ships appeared out of the horizon and boarded our island.

We could hear their footsteps from down below. We tried tried to hide but explosives blew our cover.

Everything was taken away from me.

My home

My friends

Everything was gone.

They forced us on to this ship . Noxians , that's what they where called. But this gave me the first opportunity to see what's on the surface.

And mostly it was just seawater and other shit like birds and fishies.

But when we made it to land we where somewhere brand new filled with life.

(???) We have another piece of land to take over lad.

Me and a whole bunch of people where just sitting there on a ship.

These people were confused , scared and wanting to go home.

I wanted to go home to.

And that's exactly what i'm gonna do.

I looked around for anything that will pop me out of these god forsaken shackles but no luck

(???): Psst hey kid

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