🍲Ruthless , That's My Girl🥟

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"Shit". Im currently chasing Akali towards a burning village.

(???): Haha Ionia will fall under Noxus.

"Hurry up (Y/N) before we're too late". Akali rushed me.

As I was sprinting behind Akali there where a lot of Noxians corralling many Ionian in to these iron prison cells.

And not too far in front of a burning wooden house. A woman on her knees face down in the dirt with a red headed woman pressing face into the ground with her foot.

(???): Give me back my daughter.

(???): I think not , she's perfect for the Noxian Army.

The woman who was on the ground got kicked in the stomach.

I don't know what happened to me but I changed directions and made a beeline straight towards the red head.

(???): Heh any last words before you start choking on your own bloo-Ack

I roundhouse kicked her in the face , she went fly into a tree.

The red haired woman wiped some blood off of her face.

I got a good look at her. And this woman look like Jessica rabbit R-rated and if was a hitman for someone.

Know what that's what I'm gonna call her

(Hit-man Jessica Rabbit) = Katarina

The Hit-man Jessica Rabbit laughed as she wiped off the remained bits of blood off her face.

"For a cutie like you , you can really pack a punch....how about you come home with me and I'll show you a few more tricks~♡".

This caught me off guard for a second.

"I'm sorry but I don't fuck people that are destroying my home besides I belong to someone". I retaliated.

A sinister smirk curled on her face.

"Shame I have to do this I don't wanna hurt that pretty face of yours". She starts running straight towards me and pulls out two large daggers from a leathery belt.

"Shit". I blocked the assault with my war fans in a split second.

"Haha , you Ionians are nothing". She kicked my in the side of my face.

Crimson blood starts flowing out the nose.

"Karma isn't so sweet isn't sweetheart~". She taunted.

I let out a (surprisingly) calm sigh.

"I ain't your sweetheart ok Hit-man Jessica Rabbit so let's get that straight , and two , I only attacks because you're hurting my home , and a certain some on told me that if you hurt this land it will hurt you back....in a way you should be thankful".

The smirk that was on her face just grew.

"Looks like someone needs to be punished~". In a split second she pulls out at least 5 or 6 daggers and flings them straight at me.

I swat them away with the bladed part with my war fans. But while I was distracted , Hit-man Jessica Rabbit tackled me to the ground.

"Now that I get a closer look at you , you're hella sexy~". She teased

I lift my foot and kicked her in the gut.

"Y-you little shit you'll pay for that".

She took out of her larger daggers and tried to stab me in the neck , but thank the celestials that I caught the blade last second.

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