🍲The Awkwardness🥟

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(Akali's POV):

I looked down at the girl that's underneath me.

It was that awkward silence when you're in a room with a complete stranger

And she looked at all cute an- I need to stop thinking like this

Umm....Can you get off of me" She asked.

I try to shift myself off of her but that only make matters worse because not only that we are a raging river but we are in a crystal ball of that matter.

My hand was on the side on the diamond ball trying to hoist myself up.

A sudden bump against a rock sent me falling back down on something soft and squishy.


I look down again.


I had a handful of breast meat.


I removed myself off of her.

We crash on the side of another rock and there was a small crack on top of it.

She looks up "For the love of..."

It slowly starts to crack down the sides. Water starts spurting in.

"I am not going to die to day". I stand up and started to stab the top of the ball with my kunai.

It shatters.

I climbed out.

"Are you sure that you wanna jump out".

I looked back down at the girl.


All she does is point forward. I look up ahead and there was a huge waterfall a few yards away from us.





I looked at the riverbank to Machete running with her blades behind her.

She trows them forward and the blades behind her stab into the crystal ball and

"Thank the st

The some of the blades jabbed the side of the ball jerking up against one other.

I looked up to see that I'm aginst Noodle-head's neck.

"Who's the pervert now" She looks down at me all smug.

"You are Noodles-For-Brains".

She glares at me "How".

"What worse touching someone's neck or touching someone's titties".

She paused to a second.

"You may have a point".

"May have a point my butt". I crossed my arms huffed.

I hear Noodle-Head growl lowly at my smartass mouth.

"Keep talking smartass I might cut you head off".

"Tch- like that's ever gonna happen".

Noddle-Head grabs out her sickle ready to kill me.

"Then let me make it happen" . She lunges at me.

I some how ducked in the small space that we where in.

She ended up crash landed into the wall of the crystal ball and broke it dragging me with her.

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