🍜The Golden Demon🥟

129 7 1

(Y/N's POV)

I watched as Reaper Randy sank back into whatever the hell he came from. I looked at Akali with a raised eyebrow.

"You know him."

"Unfortunately, I do,"

"Hmm, he seems...friendly".

"Yeah, friendly..."

I turned around and walked to the bed and sat on it.

"Coming to bed...?"

Akali shrugged her shoulders as she walked over to me with her arms out, doing the grabby-hands.

"Feeling clingy...?"

Akali nodded her head as her arms wrapped around my upper torso. She stuffed her face into my boobies.


"Yes, they're comfortable..." One of Akali's hands, which I was not paying attention to, slithered its way onto my right breast and gave it a little honk, honk.

"And sexy which makes them the perfect pillows."

I laughed as I placed my hand on her head, playing with her fluffy ponytail.

And soon enough, the both of us ended up falling asleep together, drifting off to dreamland... That's what I thought.

I woke up back in the Spirit Realm.

(???): It seems you have woken back up (Y/N).

"Huh...?" I sat up and saw that I was lying in Ahri's tails.

"Oh hey, Ahri,"

"Hello, Sleepy-Head."

I rolled off of her tails and stood up. "I haven't been here in a minute."

Ahri got up right behind me. "Hmm, maybe because the author of this book got lazy."

Author-Chan: ("I didn't even do shit to you, Ahri")



I shake my head, confused. "So why am I here for Ahri?"

A smile etched its way on Ahri's face. "The art of seduction."



"I don't think you have a choice in this (Y/N)."


Ahri giggled like some schoolgirl. "Come along, I know the perfect target." She pulled me with her many tails

She pulled me through the thick underbrush till she was on an outlook of a clearing with tons of swords spearing the ground.

"This is a bad idea, Ahri, and you know it. Are you trying to get me in trouble with the spirits?"

Ahri's face had nothing but mischief on it

"Hmm... more like an act of reflection (Y/N) , We are helping. "

●~○~●~○[*Morning Time*]○~●~○~●

(Akali's POV)

I woke up first and stretched my body, hearing a few satisfying cracks. My head turns to the slumped-over pile of flesh damn near about to fall off the bed beside me.

"This girl..." I pinched the bridge of my nose before pulling her back up so she wouldn't break her face on the floor.

"Hey...Dumpling wake up for you'll be missing your two front teeth".

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18 ⏰

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