🍲Keeping You A Secret🥟

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                 [A Few Days Later]

(Y/N's POV)


My bones felt like there were going to break at any moment.

I struggled back on my feet and popped my fans back open.

At the ends sharp jagged edges of different gemstones started to grow.

"(Y/N) don't show any signs of weakness".

I take on a fighting stance at my opponent.

And thay opponent was Omie.

Now Omie was my homeboy this dude was funny as fuck but the only thing that I don't like about him. He like to make a bitch out of people when there down.

(Omie): Get cher' ass up fight me or you too much of a b-i-t-c-h.

"Language Omie". Mayym scolded.

If that was me it would be way different.

I wobbled trying to get on my feet again "Omie when I get up this floor imm-"

(Omie): I would like to see you try.

He did a low sweep to my legs and made me fall back on my butt.

(Omie): I am the king.

Mayym looks at him "Do you wanna test that ranking pupil". Her red eyes stare down at him

Omie shivered on the spot "No Master Mayym".

"That's what I thought , now again from the beginning I want to see perfection in you stances and your forms". She demanded.

"Are you kidding me".

Me and Omie got into a fighting stances.

(Omie): "Ready to get your "jazz" whooped.

He put more emphasis on the a-z-z part in jazz.

"We'll see who's jazz you will be whoopin' ".

"Language pupils or you'll both will be practicing in the middle of the night AGAIN".

"We weren't even cussing". I explained.

"It's not like you two were using words that sound similar to the word that you two want to say".

Me and Omie gave each other blank faces.

"Am I wrong"? She asked.

The two of us stayed quiet.

(???): Looks like (Y/N)'s Tessenjutsu is coming along very well.

All three of use looked at the double doors that exited out from the training hall.

"Greetings Shen , It has been a while  hasn't it".

(???): So you guys are just going to forget about me.

We looked down at looked at Kennen.

"Sorry we didn't see you there". Omie joked.

Kennen was holding up his shuriken trembling on rage.

"Keep at it Omie , I hope you can run faster that the speed of light".

"Calm yourself".

Kennen lets out a puff of air before glaring into Omie's soul.

"I'll be waiting for you at 3 o'clock". Kennen lets himself out of the training hall.

"Uh-oh somebody in trouble". I snickered.

"Shut up (Y/N)".

"Now , now you two". Shen calms us.

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