🍲The More The Merrier🥟

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(Y/N's POV)

The three of us were walking on a dirt road thought a plains area that Irelia suggested but we where at a standpoint.

"Irelia I swear to god I don't want to go though the woods it will take too long". Akali protests.

"Well I don't want to go through the mountain we will die".

"Please don't fight". I asked the two.

Akali looks at me then grabs my hand and starts walking towards the direction of the mountain.

"We'll meet you on at Fea'lor see ya". Akali starts drags me to the direction of the mountain.

"Wait Akali we can't just leav-". She puts her hand up making me stop talking.

"3 2 1"

"I cant believe that I'm doing this". Irelia had her hand over her face.

"I can't believe that work".

~●~●~●~●~●[TIME SKIP]~●~●~●~●~●

The three of us where a few miles away from the mountains.

"How are you two not cold".

(Y/N and Akali) "The Kinkou taught us".


As we trekked through the steep dirt route that leads to. A few yards away was the outline of a broke down looking hut on the horizon caught my eye.

"Dumpling come on your going to get left behind".

"Noodle you've be all around Ionia"?

This cause Akali to raise an eyebrow.

"Yes"? Her voice was questioning me.

"Ok have you noticed that". I pointed to worn out hut in the distance.

"No , no I haven't". Akali starts to wonder in the direction in the hut and I followed in suit"

"Akali , (Y/N) now is not the time to get sidetracked". Irelia nagged.

"I know , I know dont get your panties in a knot".

Irelia started leaning on a tree looking from afar. "Try not to get killed".

Akali was giggling under her mask. "We'll see".

I popped open the door of the hut and not even I could get a visual of the inside I hear

(???): "HASAGI"


Both of us started running out of the way out of a fabricated tornado.

I hid behind a wall of Sardonyx but Akali on the other hand.


I looked up for a brief second

I looked up for a brief second

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