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(Y/N's POV)

Running above the many buildings of Fae'lor was somewhat peaceful. Other than all the Noxian soldiers and merchants corrupting this place. I wish I could stay here but I already have a home the Kinkou. Now that I'm thinking about it I wonder how Hisso, Omie, Zen, and Eisah.

Hmm, now that I think about them I wonder how those two are doing.

Faey and Mayym...Wait a minute why am I getting all sentimental about them. Fuck both of those bitches.

I groaned and sprang onto another roof.

Now back on topic. Trying to find the imprisoned people weren't as easy as Shen told me.

Especially if there are a lot of Noxians that will love to take me as their prisoner.

I keep heading south making sure that I keep an eye out for any suspicious activity even though nothing is really happening.

"My God, I'm I in the abandoned part of this place or what because this place is dead". I was getting tired and frustrated so I sat down with a thud and pondered on where. While I was deep in thought I didn't even notice someone walking behind me

(???): So you made it out of the glade in one piece, I'm impressed (Y/N). It's not normal for a human to get out of there alive.

" Ahri?, How did you even get here I thought the angry birds cut you up"?

"Oh, Xayah and Rakan don't know all of the secrets of Ionia like I do". She gloats.

"So you know the secrets of Ionia huh how about you tell me where the Noxian base at in this town".

She gently lifts up my chin and guides it south-western coastline to a harbor full of Noxian navel ships far to the horizon and thus started my investigation.


(Akali's POV):

The eastern side of Fea'lor was pretty busy with markets and taverns. The place was jam-packed with Ionians and Noxians alike shit even a handful of Vastayans were there.

Passing about over the bustling crowds on the many roofs of this town had its perks but on the ground, I could get a closer look at things and really observe what was going on.

And speaking about the perks I could see the sparkling of gems on (Y/N) war fans.

"Huh, where is she going"? I asked myself as I watched her go in a straight path.

I looked up ahead in the direction that she was going. And she was heading directly into a vast Noxian war ship that was heavily guarded from end to end.

That action alone pissed me off. I told her if anything happened come to me.

I pinched the bridge of my nose "That little... What am I going to do with you"?

I quietly followed behind her.


(Y/N's POV)

I was near the Noxian

Sticking to the shadow like their my best friend was easy. Getting into a Noxian war ship was hard. Every entrance had two guards there waiting and watching.

"I need a diversion....but what will it be"? I thought.

"Hmm......Money everyone loves money and anybody would go out of their way to get it".

And gemstones were worth a lot of money. So people are prone to get greedy.

I put my plan into motion and made a crystal shard and flung it in the guard's direction.

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