🍲Deep in Hot Water🥟

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(This is semi-inappropriate so this is a warning just to let you know)

(Author-chan out ~ ✌)


(Y/N's POV)

"So Akali , you try to get your hot girl summer on huh".

"It's not even like that (Y/N) and you know it". Akali protested.

"Then why did you drag me here anyway Akali" ?

"Just something for the two of us , getting away from all the chaos ya know just me and you"?

I smiled "Aww , how sweet of you Akali".

Under her mask I could barely see a red tint on her cheeks. "Y-yea don't sweat it Dumpling".

I hugged her waistline. "Thank you"

She smiled.

"Ok Dumpling your welcome". She ruffles the top of my head.

"Hey quit it". I detached myself from her.

This only caused Akali to giggle "Lil Cutie". She playfully pinches my cheek as if I was a child.

"Keep it up and you be soaked in the next five seconds".

Akali snorts. I would like to see you try Dumpin'. She dared.

"Try ? Oh I will". With that being said I grabbed Akali by the crop top and threw her into the hot springs.

(Bet she wont try me again)

But there is one tiny problem after I threw her. She didn't resurface and it was making me worried.

"Akali I know that your playing around to stop it".


"Akali stop playing around".

Still no reply.

"Akali...... you know what fuck it". I striped myself of my kimono and jumped into the warm water.

As I was underneath the warm waters of the I saw Akali's limp body drifting in the water. I hoisted her body over my back and shoulders. I flopped her body on the side of a tree.

"Akali you better be alive if not I'll haunt your ass in the spirit realm".
I placed my head over her heart.

There was a heart beat.


(Akali POV)

I couldn't help but to snicker while (Y/N) was laying her head.

"Motherfucker wake up I know you're not dead" !!! (Y/N) demanded.

I stay silent.

"Wake u-".

"BOO BITC-....". My face crash landed into something soft and squishy. My hand went out to touch what it was.

(Akali's thoughts)

(OPPAI !!!)

My face was so red that my nose started to bleeding through my mask.

(Y/N) realized what's happening and her face went red as well. (Y/N) jumps backwards off of me and hides behind a rock.

"Sorry I didn't try to sorry".

I pay no mind to her , I just was to get my composure back after the incident.

🍲Noodle and Dumpling🥟Where stories live. Discover now